
What Comes After the End of This

A young girl struggling with her mental health and tough family finds herself falling for her teacher but fate would have it some other way and soon she finds herself getting engaged to the "player". Follow Yrene on her steamy romance journey to find out more

Augusta_Fourth · Teen
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22 Chs

Chapter 17

Yrene's PoV

"Better hold tight Nini-panini. That is if you don't want to fly to the other side of the road, obviously."

Once again I roll my eyes at this boy's cocky behaviour, I mean what the hell man, Nini- panini seriously?!

Nevertheless I hold on tight to his broad, muscled abdomen, because the worst kind of death to me is dying in the middle of a road. What I also do is smack him upside the head for calling me a panini, his nickname for me that I so openly despise, since childhood.

"Ouch! What the fuck was that for?"

"Because-" he cuts me off,

"Because I called you a sandwich, right?" Good. So now he was answering his own questions, He wiggles his eyebrows and flicks my nose.

And to think I had a girlhood crush on this man... He revs the engine and zooms off, after some time when I reopen my eyes after the initial shock, I notice, as we start to pass many trees at once, that this is not the route to my house,

"Listen up Dawfield, where the fuck are you taking me?"

"Wait and watch. Patience little one."

He turns his helmet clad head towards me a little and I hold on to him tighter than ever in fear of falling off.

I let out a defeated scream when he refuses to answer my question with a proper statement and only says stuff like, 'somewhere', 'wait and watch', and, 'you'll see in a giffy.'

I huff in annoyance and tighten my iron grip on his waist further as he increases the speed an action at which he smirks at me, despite the helmet.

"Can't get enough of me Yrene Jones?" I can literally hear the smirk in his voice.

"You wish Dawfield."

His speed begins to slow down before he halts the vehicle and takes of his helmet and I follow suit.

There in a secluded area, away from our posh city town, stood a wooden cabin and on it in bright blue neon lights glowed a sign reading, "Bluejay's".

I couldn't see much of it from where I stood but from the exterior and what little I could see of the interior, it seemed like a diner.

I instantly paled at the sight. Shit. Being brought here meant I was going to have to eat. I could not eat. Not after the numerous insults I had got from my mother and Rebecca. My thoughts begin to go rampant, making my head spin and my leg bounce involuntarily.

I already felt nauseous just by looking at the sign I couldn't wonder what ebing inside and ordering would entail.

Jason takes my helmet from my hand and brings me back to reality with the snapping of his fingers in front of my face.

"It's beautiful, no?"

I only nod because I am not sure I will be able to find my voice if I try to say anything, my anxiety increasing by the passing second and I am more than thankful for Jason's idiotic comment as it kind of brings me back to reality,

"Yeah? But not more than you darling."

I scowled at him and punch his shoulder at this and tell him to do what I tell everyone to do when they get on my last nerve,

"Shut the fuck up, will you?"

He gives me a devilish smirk and no doubt it would have charmed any other girl's panties off in an instant but this was me and I knew he was just playing with me. He was a typical bad boy and comments like these were his go-to to get into any girls pants, hence I was not going to be impressed by it.

A few short moments later he leads me inside. It is a classic old-school diner, complete with red sofas attached back to back atop wooden flooring, a wooden counter and classic dim lighting. The waitresses were dressed rather scandalously with their plaid tops tied at the bottom with the first three buttons popped open to reveal too much cleavage and tight too short shorts.

The one serving our table, Amy, couldn't keep her eyes off of Jason and flirted with him continually, ignoring me, even though he paid no attention to her advances she had left her number on the napkin she handed him. Ah, another girl who would get her heart broken by the player in front of me.

Despite my attempts to refuse ordering, Jason orders us, both, burgers and milkshakes, vanilla for me and chocolate for him.

To be honest, I was shocked that he still remembered my milkshake preference even though we had grown much distant these past years and had reunited only at our respective siblings' wedding.

As we sit there talking about everything because as was with my friends and Bear it was never difficult to hold a conversation with Jason either. We talk about the past and our childhood together, about the time when I had broken my cycle and Jason had let me take his and gotten mine fixed up in the meantime, how when I fell in the park one time when I was ten and he was about fourteen he had picked me up, cleaned my wound and applied band-aid and told me to be quiet or otherwise he would get beaten up by Raymond for having let that happen in the first place.

We talk about how he had beat up my childhood bully with my brother when he tried to pick on me by calling me fat only because he was Rebecca's admirer. I smile fondly at the memory.

Now that I think about it, we had been pretty close, much more than I have admitted, which was possibly the reason why I had developed a crush on him in the first place; he would always care for me when he could but then Nick came in and in him I found another protector and confidante and didn't think twice about my slight but sure feelings for Jason.

Jason had then gone off to university too which meant I saw less and less of him every passing month and year.

We reminisce in the past good times for some more time before our food arrives and once I see the burger placed in front of me I can't help myself and dig in, I hadn't eaten anything other than three apples these last three days and whatever else I had pushed down my throat I had had to force it to come out the same passage later.

The food was ,in simpler words, fucking delicious, I almost moan in delight but hold it in because I know Jason would tease me about it to no end later. Once I had almost eaten half of the burger and drunk most of the milkshake, the reality of the situation and the calories I had consumed washed over me like a bucket of ice-cold water.

The panic I had initially felt when I had seen the diner resurfaces with twice as much force and travels through my veins; my mind was a constant buzz of my Mother and Rebecca's taunts.

Flustered and shaking with anxiety, I excuse myself from Jason and go to the ladies' room to let it all out.