
Chapter Three

-Time Skip Months later-

I sat on the couch with Denki as we watched Frozen 2, we were both laughing at Kristoff's sad depressed state, it was very amusing to watch. The taxi driver from a while ago, Bekuro Okahemou, sat with us crying. "This is so sad! It's not funny! He lost his love life in the woods!" he sniffed. Denki caught his breath then leaned over to kiss me. It was gentle and light. "I'll be back babe." I nod. Denki and I were dating. Yes. Mina, Uraraka, Jiro, Momo, and Tsyu were all ecstatic when they learned of this. Mina asked for several photos of us kissing and doing poses. Denki and I complied.

I turned back to Kuro-Kun who was looking at me weirdly. "What?" He lowered and raised his eyebrows real fast. "Someone has some news. Spill the tea brother." I sigh. "You, Mina, and Aoyama are like long-lost siblings or something I swear. Yes. I'm dating Denki. Why? Because we're both lonely young souls who both understand how broke the other one is because we've both been through the same shit. We both agreed to." Kuro-Kun laughed. He stood up and walked to the door. "Well, I have to go now little bro, call me when you want to hang out next. Aye?" I nod again.

"Hey, babe! I got you a chocolate donut and some Katsudon!" He looked at me gleefully. I smile as comes and sits down. I take my food and cuddle with him on the couch listening to him chat about how pretty Elsa is. A little after three, Denki brings up a new subject: The Fair. "Hey Izu. Are we still going to the Fair?" I looked at him from the sink where I was washing some dishes. "Of course! I wouldn't miss it for the world!" I exclaimed. "All Might's gonna be there!" I made myself look offended while Denki burst out laughing. A smile tugged at my lips. "We'll just have to avoid Bakuhoe and Kiri-Kun." I smile as Denki slides down, wheezing.

"Oh! Forgot to mention to you darlin but I'm having my squad over today." I look back down at this dish who refuses to be clean. "Okay! I can't wait! It's been a while since we've seen Todoroki and Iida." I smile again. I didn't realize it but Denki had moved behind me. He kissed my neck lightly. "Need help?" I nod self-conscious. Denki wrapped his arms around me and took the dish out of hand, washing it with clean easily. "How do... what?" I glare at the dish cursing it. Denki dried his hands and spun me around, kissing me passionately. He nibbles on my lip gently and I let him.

Then he pulled away. "Why do you enjoy teasing me Denks?" He shrugs, "It's fun~ We should get ready for the fair tonight~" He said pulling me away up to our room. "What are we gonna be?" Denki thinks for a moment. "How about cats?" I laugh again but nod. He searches our closet and found a set of yellow cat ears and tail, then he found our green set. "Alrighty! Let's put them on!" I put on my green set, and Denki puts on his yellow set. The cool thing about our ears and tails is that Hatsume programmed them to move according to our moods. If we were sad then the ears will flatten and the tails will droop. If we were happy then the ears would be up and relaxed and our tails would be lifted or wagging. Like right now.

"We look so cuuuute!" Denki sang. I laugh, then we hear a loud bang from downstairs. "Midoriya! Kaminari!" Todoroki called up. I rushed downstairs flinging myself into Todoroki's arms. "Todoroki-Kun!" My tail swings happily. He hugged me tightly bad. "I missed your cute broccoli-ness." Todoroki started tickling me and I begged him to stop. "Todo- hahaha- stop it! Hahaha." I squirmed out of his grip and panted.

Iida was less 'rules only now. He wasn't wearing anything formal, in fact, he was the most not normal out of all of us, wearing sweatpants, and his jacket tied around his waist. He wore hand gloves and had bags under his eyes. "Wow, Iida. You changed..." He chuckled sounding hopeless. "The girls got a hold of me." (Oh damn. Yeah he's done for.) "Mina thought it was time for a style change. Her next target Midoriya is you." I scream in terror. "No! I'm not ready to be changed!" The others crack up.

Denki rushes over "Don't worry babe! If you're going down soon, I'm going down too! We won't go down without a fight" Denki and I both sobbed from fear of Mina's hands while the others laughed. "I'm mean she got hold me as well and it wasn't that bad!" Todoroki said. I looked at him with a dead serious look. "You were made to be pretty Todoroki. I wasn't." I said, of course, it was a fake seriousness. Then me and Denki started laughing too. "Oh! Sero and Shinso are here too. Mina wanted Sero to get some photos of you and Denki being cute." We stopped laughing as Shinso and Sero walked in. Denki jumped up and hugged Shinso, while I stood up and smiled sweetly. Shinso pecked him on the face, making Denki blush.

"Shinso-" I cut Denki off. "It's fine! Don't worry yourself! Remember the way we got together in the first place?" Denki nods and smiles again.


"Izu.." I turned and looked at Denki who was cooking Katsudon for dinner. "Both Kirishima and Bakugou are happy together right?" I nod as he looks back at me. "While we're both hurt and broken-hearted... Maybe we could help each other be happy... Like, uh, date. To get our minds off them? I obviously don't want to force you to or hurt you, but I thought if they're happy together, then why can't me and you be happy together. We don't need them. We both understand what the other one went through so..?" Denki trailed off. Then started again, "And if we fall in love with someone else we can always stop our relationship. If fall in love with each other then I guess we won't have to worry about that." I smiled.

"Hm. That sounds like a good idea Denki!" I give him my sweetest smile. "I'm willing to try!" He smiled back. "Awesome!" I walked over and gave him a hug. "Hmmm. Your Katsudon smells good. Sweet, but good." He chuckled a bit. "Better than Bakugou's?" "Maybe. We'll have to see!" I walked back over to the couch and put on Finding Nemo.

-End of Flashback-

Shinso looked confused and raised an eyebrow, questioning what I meant. "Don't worry about Shinso. He's all yours!" The side of his mouth curved into a smile. "Thanks, Izu!" Denki turned to Shinso and kissed him full on. Everyone stared in awe as Shinso deepened it. "Already! Keep the make-out sessions to yourself you two!" I clapped my hands. Shinso looked away embarrassed and Todoroki came over and held me tight whispering in my ear. "You're okay with this?" I nod, responding. "Me and Denki wanted to try to make each other happy, and we got together to do that. To keep our minds off Kiri-Kun and Bakuhoe." Todoroki made a noise between "hm" and "huh" to let me know he heard.

"Wait, so what's gonna happen with the Fair? I guess you and Shinso could go and Todoroki-Kun and I could go.." I said tryna figure out what we we're gonna do. Then Denki came up with a great idea. "We could go on a double date! I still want to go with you Izu, but I wanna go with Shinso too!" I gasped. "That's a great idea! You are so smart Denki! We could all be cats too!" Todoroki and Shinso chuckled while Sero and Iida laughed. I ran up to the room Denki and I shared, I dug into the closet and found a white ear and a red one along with a matching tail. Then I got our purple set. Then I ran back down. "Shinso! Todoroki-Kun! Look what we have!" I held the items like prizes above my head.

"Why do you guys have so many of these?!" Sero exclaimed. I sent a sharp look of a cat boy at him "Don't judge! Me and Denki have a thing for cats!" Todoroki took the set for him and put it on, adjusting to the programmed ears and tail. "Hatsume?" I nod. My ears and tail were a lot more fluffy, like a kitten's, while Todoroki's was a short-haired one, Denki was a med-length-haired one. Shinso, a long-haired one. "Oh wait a minute! Denki we forgot the contacts!" I gasped and ran upstairs with him, into the bathroom, and grabbed Todoroki and I's contacts, while Denki grabbed his and Shinso. We put ours on then took their's down and watched them put them on. "Now we are ready!"

Heyyyy there, I'm not gonna be always constant on wrighting these but I'll try to get at least 2-3 new chapters out every week, starting next friday! I hope your enjoying this, if your not let me know in the comments what I could do to make it better!

s_0rrycreators' thoughts