
Ch.1-The human world

Tzuyu POV:

"Tzuyu, Take care of them, and come back safely. It doesn't matter if you find IT." My father said.

"Yes father. I will." I smiled.

My father sighed and opened his arms, come here my boy." I hugged him. I would miss him so much...

"Although you're the youngest of the four, you're the most mature one. I'll always be proud of you my son. I love you." 

"Hahaha, it's quite strange when I hear cheesy words from you. But I love you too." I teased him.

"Tzuyu! We'll be late!!!" Dahyun called from outside.

"Guess I'll be going. Don't worry, I'll take care of them." I grinned and left my father's office.

"Tzu, I'm so excited!!!" Dahyun said while jumping up and down.

"calm down bro, I can't believe you're actually older than me." I said, acting pissed.

"Hey! I'm just one year older!"Dahyun resorted and recieved a questioning look from My beloved sister Mina and and my best friend Chaeyoung.

"okay okay, maybe one year and a half..." Dahyun muttered.

"I thought It was 2?" Chaeyoung raised his brows.

"Oh! I thought I was 3!" mina added and they gave each other a high five.

"It's only a year and 11 months!" Dahyun snorted.

"Well it's counted as 2." Chaeyoung snapped.

"Guys...you're all older than me and why are you arguing about stupid topics." I said and received 3 death glares.




"Fine I wouldn't care less if father and your parents didn't tell me to look after you guys anyways." I snapped.

"Yeah, I still don't get why they put you in charge, even my dad tells me to listen to you! A brat whose younger than me!" Chaeyoung complained.

"Well isn't it obvious? It's cuz I'm more mature, smart, handsome, cool-" I started.

"SHUT UP AND LET'S GOOOOOOO" Mina noona shouted and pulled my hand to the take-off station.

well, actually we vampires live in another space which is linked to the human society.There is a portal between the two worlds. 

Oh, I just realized I haven't fully explained the situation yet.  In the vampire world, there are four families in charge. The Chous, the Kims, the Sons and The Yoos. Me and Mina noona are Chou's, Dahyun's a Kim, and Chae's a Son. The Yoos? Well the son of the Yoos went missing about 7 years ago, when I was 10. the five of us were the very best of friends from then. Mr yoo said his son, Jeongyeon was lost while they're on a mission in the human world. our father's have used their power but they didn't find anything. One reason why I agreed to go to the human world, is to find my 'brother', and I have a feeling we'll meet him soon.

Back to the story, Vampires and human, aren't natural enemies. The hate started from my dad's generation. we live together in peace from the very start, but from my dad's years, something happened and I actually don't know what, made some humans turn to us. The human hunters  kept attacking our world these days. Our fathers didn't want to risk us so they sent the 5 of us, the future leaders of the Vamps to the human world to temporarily escape from the war that will be happening, find the legendary weapon of our ancestors, and of Course finding my best friend Jeongyeon.

We would never agree to leave our world to face the war and escape, but my father, the King, said there's a legendary weapon in the human world, which is left by my ancestor, the great Vampire-devil. According to the legend, the weapon will go to its owner's body itself when the right vamp arrives at the place. It will fuse with the vampire, but the process is a great trial for the Vamp itself. it is said to be a lot of pain during the fusion, and it's all up to the vamp itself whether it can endure the pain or not. If not, the vamp will die and the weapon will go back to it's place. If the fusion is a success, the vampire will get great powers, and it is said to be able to destroy the whole world, in the form of the "vampire-devil" itself.

now, we're at the portal now. it requires vampires of a specific level of power to cross the portal, since there are human hunters out there, and we won't want any of us dying there. Of course, the four of us passed and we landed at our house. our fathers are also rich in the human world, so a few houses doesn't matter much to them. We go to school, live in a house, eat, and drink like regular human. Except the fact we have to drink blood at least once in a week. 

We hid our fangs and our eyes, which have different colors. Mine are brown, Mina noona's are red, Dahyun's are blue and chaeyoung's are green. The color of our eyes change when we use our powers, you'll know soon. I'll have to wear lens as well since we don't know when we have to use our powers. 

"let's go shopping!!!!" mina noona squealed once we unpacked out things. 

"Nope, we have to report to school in an hour. Its 30 minutes drive from here.father said there's 3 cars in the garage. Let's go." I ordered. They groaned and complained but eventually got onto the car.

We turned on the music and we chose a white Mercedes. It's a bit ugly but Its the only one with oil in it so... (OMG I'VE NEVER HEARD SOMEONE CALLING A MERCEDES UGLY!!!!!!)

We parked in front of the school and many pairs of eyes turned to us... Maybe our car:) I opened the car like a good little brother and the humans screamed when mina unnie took my hand. Gosh they were loud.They must've misunderstood something that I don't want to know. I don't mind since there'll be less problems. 

"annyeonghasaeyo, I'm Park Jihyo, the student council president. I guess you're the four new students?" The girl named park jihyo said. She's cute and pretty, but not my type:) I'd like to be friends with her.

"yeah, we are. I'm Chou tzuyu, Mina, Dahyun and Chaeyoung." I said, introducing The gang to her.

"nice to meet you, let's get to the office to get your papers." She smiled and led us to the office.


boring chapterrr. just an explanation of the situation of their world here:)

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