
What am I? You’ll Never Know.

Author's note: So, after quite a long hiatus, I figured out the direction I want to take my story. A few small details have been changed, with the most important one being below. SPOILER ALERT: Just skip if you haven't read yet and don't want spoilers. The MC losing his memory is no longer part of the novel. I decided that, given what I wanted to do in the future, it's wouldn't be a good idea for something like that to happen. Author’s note: I once had a bad dream. I went to my dad and told him I had a bad dream, and that I was scared. He told me: “Imagine something so strong that it can beat all of your bad dreams so that you don’t need to be scared anymore.” That’s where the mc comes from. ………. “Good vs. Bad? Black vs. White? Hero vs. Villain? Holy vs. Evil? Protagonist vs. Antagonist? That’s all beneath me. I am the one who aids those who fight the world. I am the one that provides revolutionaries with their power. I am the one who empowers those who defy reality and imagination. I am the one who overpowered the god of power. I am the one who outsmarted the god of knowledge. I am the one who created more than the god of creation. I am the one who killed the god of death. I am the one who scared the god of fear. I am the one more evil than evil itself, more good than benevolence. I am the one more false than a lie and more true than a truth. I Am The King.” “You think you have the ability to betray me because you created the one true god? Good. Amazing. Finally, I can relieve a little more of my boredom. Then, most powerful one, come at me.” And that was the day…that The King, who created the one true god, returned. And then… “You…WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU!?” was defeated “What am I? You’ll never know.” by ??? . . . What am I? That’s a good question. Unfortunately, even if i told you, you wouldn’t be able to understand. Normally that implies that there’s someone, something, or even nothing out there that would be able to understand, but that cannot be described as the case. Confusing to listen to, right? Well, it’s because even though there are an infinite amount of things that the human brain can comprehend and express, it can neither comprehend nor express me. In fact, even The King, whom you can also say is unable to be comprehended or described, could not grasp me. However, I gave myself a name. That is... (Book Cover is MC)

just_a_writer · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 5: The Alternate World [Part 2]

I walked out of the crack into a giant grass plain. I quickly patched the crack in the barrier with my energy. I decide to take a walk and see what I found.

After about 5 minutes of walking, I saw 2 large groups of people facing each other, as if they were getting ready to fight each other. However, one of the groups was significantly larger than the other.

"We, the Kingdom of Shirai, will never concede to you!"

"The Kingdom of Dayn will have to take extreme measures if you don't listen. This is your last chance; please comply."

"We refuse! Do you really believe you can win against us, the 3rd largest Kingdom without incurring heavy loss? Even if you are the 2nd, you cannot do it!"

Interesting; war is about to begin. I want to intrude.

"What's going on here?"

I walked toward the 2 people in the front of each army talking.

The leader of the Dayn army spoke.

"Who are you?"

"Just a wanderer."

(POV switch: 3rd person)

"Who are you?"

"Just a wanderer."

Alexander, the leader of the Dayn army, had worked very hard to get to his position. Being a native of this world, he was often condemned by the otherworlders. However, through hard work and perseverance, he made his way into his position as the general of the army of the Kingdom of Dayn.

In his long days, he had met many people and seen straight through them. You see, he was born with the skill [Analyze]. This let him effectively choose which opponents he could fight to get stronger, and those he had to avoid. Right now, after using [Analyze] on the boy that came from nowhere, he was shocked to the core.

[Status Window of [????]]

?????????????????01100101 01100001 01110011 01110100 01100101 01110010 00100000 01100101 01100111 01100111???????????????????? ???? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Error: ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????\

Instead of seeing a status, he saw a bunch of question marks and numbers. He even had the opportunity to meet the queen of Altun, one of the strongest people in the world, and still, [Analyze] hadn't done this.

He was extremely scared of this person, but he couldn't let it show.

"Honorable sir, I don't know who you are, but please refrain from interfering. This is an interaction between the Dayn and Shirai Kingdoms."

"I will decide that for myself after hearing your situation."

Kirihara was not the least bit surprised. He already knew that Alexander had the [Analyze] skill; [Supercomputer] informed him.

"Well, sir-"

At that moment, another person in the Dayn army spoke up.

"Who do you think you are to question the actions of the great Dayn Kingdom? Go away or else we will make you!"

"Great Dayn? Like the dog? Wow, you're from the amazing dog kingdom? Oh no! Anyway, what were you saying?"


"Richard, stop! He is not someone we can afford to offend! Honorable sir, please forgive Richard. I shall make sure to discipline him well when we get back."

Alexander was extremely nervous. His friend Richard had just insulted the powerful man. Who knows if he would spare anyone here?

"Don't worry about it. Everyone slips up sometimes. It's the second time that counts."

"Thank you, sir. Hear that Richard!? Don't let it happen again!"

"You don't have to be so uptight with me. I'll only attack you if you attack me."

"Ok, sir."

Alexander found some peace in that statement. However, he still could not let his guard down.

"Sir, we, the first legion of the Dayn kingdom, came here to the kingdom of Shirai because the Shirai have claimed the land which we believe we have claimed first. We requested that they return the land, however, they refused. So, we were thinking that we would resort to force to retrieve it from the Shirai."

"I can tell you are trying to be as unbiased as possible with me. Thank you for that. So, tell me, did your Dayn kingdom claim the land before the Shirai? If so, then by how long?"

"Yes, by one year."

The Shirai general was enraged upon hearing this.


"Shirai general, calm down. I will hear your side too."

"Hmph. Please listen to his words with caution, sir. He is a cunning man!"

The Shirai general was a smart man. He knew that since Alexander was so afraid of the unknown boy, he must be extremely powerful.

"Thank you for the advice. Dayn general, you said that you claimed it earlier by one year?"

"Yes sir."

"Assuming this is true, did the Dayn kingdom leave any clear demarcation to help their claim to the area?"

"No sir. We did not leave anything except a flag to prove our claim."

"Hmm. Your turn, Shirai general. Did you notice this flag while taking the area?"

"No sir."

"Do you believe that you are 100% in the right in this situation?"

"To be honest, no sir. However, I believe that we are more right than the Dayn."

"Thank you for your opinions. Is this area the area in question?"

"Yes sir."

'[Supercomputer], analyze this area and show me the past.'

[Activating [V. Analysis] and [IV. Information Regulation].]

With Kirihara's overpowered Analysis and Information regulation combo, he can surpass time and see into the past and even the future.

"I've concluded. The 2 kingdoms should split the territory along the middle river. This is an even division. Do you agree? It is okay if you do not; I am only an outsider."

"The Dayn Kingdom accepts this proposal."

"We, the Shirai, alao accept."

"Nice. I guess my business here is done."

"Wait, sir, my name is Dalha, and I am the first Shirai general. May I know yours?"

"Sir, my name is Alexander. I also wish to know."

"Okay. My name is Kirihara Ayato. As of right now, I am simply a wanderer."

"Thank you, sir."

"One more thing. I'm trying to get to the Altun kingdom. May I know how to get there?"

"It's simply to the north. May I ask what your business there is? I've met the queen and have many personal connections there."

In his training arc, Alexander made connections with many people. If he could get in the good graces of this person, he would have scored big time.

"Sure. I have some business with the queen."


"The queen told me that if I ever want to find her, I should go to the Altun kingdom."

"To think you would know the queen of the number one empire… I guess I can help. Just go north until you find a large forest. Past that forest is the Altun kingdom. Oh, by the way, here's some money. It should help on your travels."

(POV change to first person; Kirihara)

"Thank you for cooperating. You too, general Dalha. I'll be off then."

'Supercomputer, just teleport me somewhere in the capital where no one will see me.'

[Understood. Teleporting… teleport completed.]

I found myself in a dark alley after teleporting. From what I saw before teleporting, this looks like your typical fantasy city.



I detected a presence rapidly approaching me.

'Wait. I don't know why I wore these clothes, but aren't they too edgy!? A black shirt and black pants are way too edgy! Supercomputer, give me a white long-sleeved shirt and black sweatpants!'

The most unassuming combo I know. It's said geniuses wore this because of its simplicity.

[Change completed.]

Yet another benefit of Supercomputer! Instant changing!

The presence from before finally arrived around the corner. It was a girl his age seemingly running away from something.


She bumped directly into me and fell.

(POV change: 3rd person)


The girl hit someone and fell. She had no idea what was going on.

"What's the hurry?"

Kirihara, still standing, of course, asked the girl a question. Though, he already knew the answer.

"Please help me! A middle-aged man is chasing me across town!"


"Please help me!"


"Why not!?"

"You stole that book in your hands, right? I'm assuming it's a magic skill. I don't know why you stole it, but you should pay for things before leaving with them."


The middle-aged shopkeeper turned the corner.



"I know you want the skill to try to get stronger for the Academy of Magical Arts, but that doesn't mean you can just take a high-ranking skill from me! I understand your family situation, but I can't help like this! I have my own family as well as yours to support. You know that."

"Excuse me, is this what you're looking for?"

Kirihara picked up the book on the floor.

"Yes, thank you."

"If you don't mind me asking, are you her father, sir?"

"Polite and respectful, huh, don't see that often! I like that. No, she's the daughter of my friend. Sadly, he passed away. Since then, I've been taking care of her."

"Hey, I know that since auntie died a few years after taking us in, you've been looking at mom!"


"But don't worry uncle! I'm sure mom like you too! I'm rooting for you!"

The girl gave a thumbs up.

"What is this child saying…"

"Excuse me, sir, you run a weapons shop right? Do you mind if I take a look?"

"A weapons shop eh? How'd you get there?"

"First, you're selling magic skills that can increase combat prowess. Second, your arms are very thick and muscular, and your hands are rough. This leads me to believe that you are good at smithing. Third, since you run a shop where you are selling combat skills, I assume that you make and sell different weapons."

"Polite, respectful, and smart! You should take a hint, Loa!"


"Of course, you can take a look. I need another patron."

The man led Kirihara to his shop.

"Here we are."

"Oh? Sir, did you make all these?"

"Aside from the skill books, every last one!"

(POV switch to Kirihara)

Amazing. All of these weapons are really good quality. However, I noticed a minor inconsistency in the magic weapons section.

"Sir, when making magic weapons, it's best to hammer harder but slower while injecting mana, In addition, the material should be uniform throughout the object."

"What do you mean?"

"It would be best to show you."

"Hmm… alright. Come with me."

"Here are all the materials. Use whatever you wish and show me what you mean."

"Do you mind if I use these 2?"

"Adamantium and… Magic Iron? Isn't it better to just use the Adamantium?"

"You'll see. Just make sure you pay for it if you want to keep it."

"Don't worry sir. I'm not a certain person."

"Hey, I'm right here you know!"

"Be quiet Loa. Let him work."


"Again with the 'Hmph'! Whenever something happens you go 'Hmph!' 'Hmph!' 'Hmph!'. Just stop already!"



Meanwhile, I was done making my weapon of choice.


"A metal spear. Nice. Wait… what is that aura? Is that an aura of pure sharpness!? You did that with Magic Iron!?"

"Although Magic Iron is indeed lower quality in terms of durability and sharpness, its mana conductivity is second to none. However adamantium can't conduct mana, making it unusable for creating magic weapons. What I did was that I first melted both metals, Then, I added the magic iron to the Adamantium in small bits. At the same time, I was cycling mana through the mixture to influence the Adamantium to have the same conductivity as Magic Iron. After all the magic iron was mixed, I cycled mana for a few minutes, and then I reheated it. Adamantium and Magic Iron naturally separate after being heated, so I just extracted the remaining magic iron. Then, I dumped the improved adamantium on the table and put my hand on it while cycling mana and imagined its properties. At the same time, I hammered it into shape. Then, this."

"Wow. That was long.

"Anyway, this is a really good quality spear! This is probably the first magic weapon ever made of Adamantium! Will you be keeping it?"

"Of course. How much do you want?"

"I have no idea of its value. You decide."

"Alright. Then, here."

I held out 2 gold coins.

"This…! I can't take this! It's too much!"

"Whether you take it or not, I'm leaving it."

"But… This here is enough to buy my entire shop! Kid, tell me your name."

"Kirihara Ayato."

"I'll remember that."

"Okay then. If you don't mind, I'll be leaving now."

"See ya kiddo."

I left the shop and wandered around.

'Supercomputer, guide me to the principal.'

[Activating [VIII. Augmentation].]

Just like every other time, a line appeared on the ground guiding me to the principal.

'As I thought, she's in the castle.'

I walked up to the castle door. There was a guard on the right of the door.

"Excuse me, may I enter? I wish to meet the queen."

"Please state your reason for entering. The queen isn't someone you can meet just because you feel like it."

"I have personal business with the queen."

"If that is your only reason, please leave."


"If you do not leave, I will have to resort to force."


"What do you mean 'No'!? Just leave!"

"Jump off a cliff."

"You leave me with no choice."


"That voice… the queen!?"

Wow. The principal had a communication device like this.

"He's not someone you can fight."

"But queen! He's even carrying a weapon!"

"It's fine. Let him in."

"…if that is your wish."