
{The Child}

"Hey, Tig! Could you get me a pair of bottlenose pliers and some board nails?"

"Yea no problem Mos!"

Tig struggled to get up, his rotund frame shaking as he got up from one knee. He eyed his knees wearily, "Man, I'm getting too old for this job." he said as he dusted himself off, "Welp, time to go!"

Walking about the garage, there were plenty of tools and all varieties of every kind of knickknack that you could ever think of. Mos just wanted Tig to get off his a** and do something, instead of sitting there like a bimbo.

Tig leisurely walked out of the garage, hell-bent on enjoying the walk and taking his time.

"You better pick up the pace, or I'll cut your pay!" Growled Mos as he watched Tig.

"Alright, ok..." Tig groaned, picking up his pace by more than a large margin. The outside wasn't particularly beautiful or scenic, in fact, all you could see was smog, but Tig was just plain lazy. Reaching the shop, Tig stopped a moment to admire how run down the place was.

Vines grew all over, the bricks were chipped, it needed a new paint job, It was the epidemy of laziness. Then again, the city was evacuated due to the smog alerts, and most of the people in here were either too old to move, druggies, or slaves.

"Ahh! Get away!" cried a voice, "I don't wanna die!" Just as Tig was about to go into the shop, he stopped short. The voice was childish, like a toddler's voice. This peaked his interest. Squinting in the direction, the voice came from, Tig strained his senses to the max.

Atop a building, a toddler called out in fear, in her hands, a baby. "Help!" Looking at the druggies in front of her, she couldn't help but cry out. The men advanced, vicious looks in their eyes. One step, two steps. Soon they were a few feet apart. She looked over the edge of the building.

Tig's heart raced, hearing that voice, the desperation, it made him upset. He ran as fast as his legs could carry him in the distance of the voice. He looked up at the building, a shape seemed to jump off the edge, plummeting towards him. In the kids' eyes, terror and resolve.

Tig hesitated, arms outstretched. He failed to catch the toddler, whom instead tossed the baby into Tig's arms, seeming to say, 'take care of him.' Tig caught the baby, unsure of what to do 'a baby shouldn't be here.' he thought, but he was a slave. If he ran, he'd be hunted.

Thinking to this point, he was going to leave the baby on the steps of the building, but he remembered the last seconds of the girls' life. Not wanting to desecrate her grave, he ran. Left with no choice, he was to raise the baby.

"What should I name him?" He wondered, but the name came to him. "Leo." It said, "The boy's name is Leo."

The city behind him, Tig kept running, he would be his whole life, so he decided to save the kid with his dod, which could change someone's life. No one but him would ever know of this. Miraculously, Tig lived, and with Leo in his arms, he headed for new life.

Alright, it's the start of something new!

The release schedule will be 1 chapter a day, or 1k total words. In other words, a total of 1k words per day.

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