
Day one

Today im sad , you want to know why ?

Let me say it in three words STUPIDITY, TRUSTING, LOVING , this three words can make me sad hurt and regretted . Why can't i be happy for just one hour not a day , i give a lot and get nothing people treat me like something want it and take it away in the next day .

My problem is that i always choose the wrong person and i believe everything they said to me . Stupid yes maybe but i have a heart that never make someone sad or hurt .

Maybe this is my destiny to get hurt from people i love , i don't know how they can say i love you to someone and don't mean it .

Feeling bad cause i never take or being with someone that i love why , why this is happening to me im losing control im losing myself over here .

Trusting the wrong person is one of the hurtful thing .