
What? A Group Chat?

Blake a guy who has been betrayed by the person who he thought, his future yet she was nothing more than a selfish bitch. After being betrayed he caught a second stage cancer, and when he thought all hope was gone all of sudden he was invited to be the administrator of a multiversal Group Chat! Where he could interact with fictional characters! Group Chat Members (Currently) : Counter Guardian EMIYA (FGO) Jaune Arc (RWBY) Satan/Lucifer (Helltaker) Echidna (Re:Zero) Disclaimer: I do not own anything aside from my OC's

Charlottes · Anime & Comics
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82 Chs

Regrets Of The Past


-Location City Of Vale Secret Camp-

"Taylor, Echidna so this is where they put you huh…" I was honestly wondering where they went after team RWBY 'kidnapped' them.

The kidnapping part only happened because they allowed team RWBY to drag them, knowing that they don't have hostile intentions.

"Indeed, though this place is…not suitable for living.." Echidna admitted with a pitying look.

"Yeah, I've got my insects wandering around, and…this place is even worse than

Brockton Bay…" Even Taylor admitted that this place is shitter than her city.

For her to admit that, means the living conditions of the people here are bad, really bad.

Even before going inside the tent, I've seen people starve outside, seeing them looking so pitiful invoked a certain emotion in my heart.

I feel so sorry for them, now only if we got here sooner we could hav- no, it's pointless to think about it further, right now we must eliminate the cause as soon as possible.

Team RWBY finally finished informing Glynda about what happened before we got here,

Now, she got her attention toward our group. "Team RWBY explained things to me about what happened a while ago, however, there are things I don't understand, do you mind filling them for me? Also, about him."

She pointed at Jaune, damn Jaune you're really unlucky in this mission, it's like Archer's luck was following him.

I sigh and then stare at Team RWBY and Glynda, "Before I start explaining, is there no one listening aside from us?"

"I don't think, there are…" Glynda hesitated, she wasn't really sure about that.

"Alright, Echidna will you please?" I looked at her.

She nodded at me, and as she understood my intention, suddenly she cast a magic spell, it's only application was to stop our voices from leaking outside.

No matter how much we scream inside the barrier that Echidna made, no one would hear them outside.

"Good, now that it's done..?" I paused as I saw their shock and disbelief.

"What is it?"

"M-magic…that was magic right?"

"Yeah, it's magic…" If Emiya was here, he would deny what Glynda just said, you know magus stuff, magic means true miracle, and what Echidna did was nothing more than a magecraft in the eyes of Emiya.

"H-how the only people that know magic are…!"

"Ozpin, Salem, and Maidens right?" Even Jaune was looking at me in confusion, of course, he didn't know about this, never told him, and didn't feel like I needed to.

"What! How did you know about tha-" Before she could finish her sentence, I stopped her.

"Shush, listen, it's going to be a part of the explanation that I'm about to do, so don't say anything and listen to me carefully because I'm not going to repeat this again, okay?" They nodded after hearing my words.

Then I started explaining where we came from, and what our mission was while concealing who we work for, not that we know who we're working with either, then after telling them our purpose, I told them how I know about Ozpin, Salem, and Maidens.

I told them that I've watched a version of their reality, that's how I've known about them, technically I wasn't lying I did indeed watch an alternative version of them.

But I didn't tell them it was a TV show, I hid this for a very good reason because them knowing would doubt their lives, wondering if they were even real or just fictional.

It's also one of the reasons why I never outright told my group chat members that they came from a fictional world.

After explaining everything that they needed to know, team RWBY and Glynda were still processing the unbelievable information that they acquired.

It's up to them whether they believe it or not, but judging from their expression they truly believed what I said.

So, I think it's okay to assume that I won't be labeled as a madman.

After a few minutes of silence, Weiss was the one who broke the ice. "So you guys are from different realities…and this Jaune is from an alternative version of our reality..?"

She stared at Jaune for a minute before shifting back to me.

"Yes, and yes, also don't forget the part where we 'hunt' that evil Jaune that is destroying your world that's our purpose here."

"....I see…" Then Weiss once again stared back at Jaune.

Now, this is interesting. Why is she so focused on Jaune?

Then suddenly Ruby asked Jaune a question. "So Alternative Jaune or Good Jaune whatever you prefer, so are you still studying at beacon?"

Then everyone's attention was now on Jaune, he smiled wryly at the way Ruby calls him. "Just call me Jaune, and yes i-no, your counterparts and I are studying at beacon academy."

Yang, Ruby, Blake, and Weiss had an expression of nostalgia, beacon days were the best days of their lives, where everything was so simple, nothing complicated, everything was perfect until that 'fated' day.

And till this day, Weiss was filled with regret, and guilt that if it wasn't for her, this…everything that was currently happening in Remnant might not happen at all.

If only she was the one….

Weiss shook her head, there's no point thinking about the past, it already happened, and nothing could change it unless, of course, she had the ability to time travel.

Right, she could only look at the present and move forward to the future, hoping for the better.

"Beacon Academy…those days were much simpler…" Ruby has a smile on her face as she mentioned Beacon fondly.

"Every day was a blast back in the day, while right now…" Yang's expression darkened.

"Yes…comparing our lives now and before, it's simply paradise…" Blake couldn't help but chuckle darkly.

"Indeed, that's why Jaune enjoys your life as much as possible in Beacon Academy, or you'll regret it as we did." Weiss smiled bitterly.

I was silent during their conversation, as I did not have the right to interrupt, I just let them have their moment, their lives must've been truly hard for the past few years.

Jaune on the other hand was trying to process what he just heard from the alternative versions of his friends, who are more mature in life.

"I.. understand, but in exchange let's have some fun." Jaune stared at the girls without feeling ashamed.

Hearing that I couldn't help but blink, I know Jaune, he isn't someone who would outright tell the girls to have sex with him without blinking or feeling ashamed.

It's just a misunderstanding in phrasing.

"Jaune…are you implying what I'm thinking right now?" Ruby said in surprise.

"Sis, I think it's just a misunderstandin-" But before she could finish her sentence, Jaune spoke.

"It's not a misunderstanding, I'm implying what I'm implying, there's no other meaning."

I couldn't help but scream internally, here I thought he was more mature, he's back being an idiot again!

Look at him! He's digging a hole by himself!

"Was Jaune always this bold? Or is this just an alternative thing?" Blake couldn't help but open her mouth in surprise.

"I don't think so? Jaune, are seriously asking the 4 of us to have 'some fun' with you?" Weiss asked him with a low voice.

"Yes, is it too much of a request? I mean it's just a one-time thing anyway." Jaune blinked in confusion, wondering why they were making a big deal out of it.

I wanted to say something, but I felt like something was stuck in my throat and I couldn't say anything.

Lucky for him, Taylor interfered. "You do know that you're asking them to have sex with you at the same time right?"

Jaune stared at Taylor with widened eyes and exclaimed. "What?! W-what do you mean I'm asking them to have sex with me?! I just want to have fun with them because they looked depressed and unhappy!"

Ruby sighs in relief realizing that it was just a misunderstanding.

"See! I knew it was a misunderstanding!"

"He's more innocent than I expected…"

Weiss couldn't help but sigh at the misunderstanding. "If it's just having fun with you and not the other way of having fun, sure."

Jaune's eyes widened as he heard his alternative friends' words. "You guys really thought I'm trying to have sex with all of you?!

"Of course."

Jaune was speechless, however, he promised next time that he'll be careful with phrasing.

"Well, now that the misunderstanding is fixed, may I have your full attention please?" I decided to finally interrupt.

Now everyone was looking at me, and I nodded and continued. "Good, now tell me how bad is the supply of food here?"

Hearing that from me, team RWBY cringed at my question, then Weiss answered with a dark expression. "Bad, like really bad…most of us could only eat one meal every 2 days."

Taylor and Jaune were shocked by that information.

While I was expecting this response, I noticed how malnourished they became. "I see, then what about the water?"

Weiss pondered for a while before answering. "A month, I estimated 1 month before our water tank gets empty."

Damn, this sucks, imagine if we arrive a month later, we'll probably see a bunch of corpses.

"Alright, I'm not going to lie, your situation was a lot worse than I thought…but now that we are here, don't worry I have a solution and everyone from this camp would never starve again, and that's a promise." It's an oath that I promise to fulfill.

They are really in a dire situation. When I mentioned 90% of the population was gone, I didn't just mean people but also animals. That's why food became harder to find.

Not to mention, the Grimm didn't lessen at all.

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Also, support me on Pa.treon I've started putting advanced chapters here.

There are currently 10 Chapters in total.
