
What? A Group Chat?

Blake a guy who has been betrayed by the person who he thought, his future yet she was nothing more than a selfish bitch. After being betrayed he caught a second stage cancer, and when he thought all hope was gone all of sudden he was invited to be the administrator of a multiversal Group Chat! Where he could interact with fictional characters! Group Chat Members (Currently) : Counter Guardian EMIYA (FGO) Jaune Arc (RWBY) Satan/Lucifer (Helltaker) Echidna (Re:Zero) Disclaimer: I do not own anything aside from my OC's

Charlottes · Anime & Comics
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82 Chs

Game Company 1


-Location Echidna's Mansion-

"So, what's the reason for your visit to Minerva?" Echidna asked her friend, well one of her very, very few friends in fact.

"What is that question?! Can't a girl visit her friend?!" Minerva heatedly replied.

"I supposed you can, but regardless I want an answer." Echidna glanced at Minerva's pouting form.

"Well? I got bored, that's why!"

"I see, that's enough for an answer, I suppose." Echidna sighed at her friend's antics, she was already familiar with Minerva's personality, it grew over her.

Minerva quirks her brows and stares at Echidna for a moment before saying. "Dona did something happen..? You look…more…how do I say this…bright?"

Echidna let out a huff and replied. "Why can't you just say 'happy'?"

Minerva's eyes widened and eagerly asked. "So?! What happened? Tell me!"

A smile formed on her lips and said. "Well, let's say I found a man."

Minerva looked confused for a moment, before her eyes widened to an inhumane degree, her eyes almost popping out from her skull.


Echidna closed her eyes, waiting for her friend to process the information she gained.

"D-dona are you serious?! Y-your of all people found a 'man'?!" Minerva pointed at her with a trembling hand.

That question irked Echidna a little. "What? Is it that surprising for me to get a man? You act like the impossible happened."

Minerva slammed her hands to the table and exclaimed. "Because it is! Have you forgotten what you said a month ago?!"

Echidna tilted her head, confused. "What?"

"You..you actually forgot…" Minerva stared at her friend in disbelief.

"What did I say anyway?" Echidna asked curiously.

Minerva stared at Echidna for a moment before saying, "Well, you said something like this."

Minerva suddenly started acting like Echidna, her posture, her facial expressions, and her voice, which she failed to copy perfectly.

"Romance? Is that even possible for someone like me? While I don't lack suitors, most of them were after my beauty or knowledge, and some of them just wanted me as a trophy that they won, though I admit some caught my interest but it stopped progressing there because the more I knew of them, the more predictable they become, that's why I don't think Romance is for me." Minerva stopped, then started at Echidna and said. 

"That is what you said about a month ago, and now you're telling me you got a 'man'?!" 

Echidna had an 'Oh I said that?' expression on her face, honestly she couldn't remember, nor she cared.

"Well, it just happened I never thought our relationship would escalate to the point we started dating." 

"Dona! Do you know how shocking this news is to me and the other witches?! You, who was unlikely going to have a lover anytime soon, had one!" 

"So, meaning you're just jealous that I got one before you?" Echidna took a sip of her tea before looking at Minerva who was beet red.

"W-what me?! Jealous?! Y-you must be delusional Dona!"

"Minerva, at least try to sound convincing because with that tone you're not."

Minerva couldn't look at Echidna's face, her face was now on the table.

"C-can you blame me? I'm also a maiden in heart! I want to experience what 'love' is!" Minerva admitted with a blush.

"What about loving the elves?"

Minerva slammed the poor table once more and exclaimed. "You know damn well that's different!"

"Well, can't say I tried." Echidna shrugged.

Minerva's shoulder sags in depression, she can't believe Echidna got a man before she does, she knows that it wasn't a competition but damn it!

With their reputation as witches, it was hard to find 'real' love, not to mention most of them were interested in pursuing romance, due to past trauma, or well age.

Yet, to think the most unlikely Witch to enter a relationship, managed to get a man before any of them could!

Ah, life is truly unpredictable.

"So, anyway! Who is this perfect man that managed to successfully woo you?" Minerva asked curiously.

"Minerva, my man isn't 'perfect' I'm quite aware of his flaws, but it didn't really matter to me, let's say our relationship started with a spark of interest from me, then we became closer, there's no princess and knight that happened to us, we just interacted normally, he didn't save from anyone, and he's weaker than me, but what makes me love him is how earnest he was….and for other traits that he hasn't noticed it himself." Echidna smiled fondly as memories of him, relapsed inside her mind.

Minerva couldn't help but look at her fellow witch in surprise, she never saw Echidna look so genuinely happy, she thought. 'Whoever that man is, change Dona even if it's a little.'

"Well, if you're that happy I think I'll let off for now, but! What's his name?"

Echidna replied. "Blake."

"Blake? What an odd name." Different culture, obviously.

"Anyway, how did you two mee-" Minerva paused as she noticed Makugo, she blinked and said. "Who are you?"

"Uhm…I'm Echidna-sama's guest?" Makugo wasn't sure at this point.

"Guest?" Minerva stared at her from head to toe and bluntly spoke. "Then why are you wearing a maid outfit?"

"W-well...I don't know myself."

Minerva stared at Echidna with a questioning look. 

Echidna answered. "There's no other outfit in the house, besides it's perfect for her."

Minerva stared at Makugo for a few minutes before saying. "I can see what you mean."

Unfortunately, Makugo can't see what they mean, but she swallows her thoughts.

"So, back to the previous topic, how did you two meet?"

"Well, we met in a…" Echidna explained how she met Blake, however in a heavily edited version.

After an hour of explaining, Echidna suddenly said, "Oh, by the way, I'm no longer a maiden."


"What?! Y-you're not pure anymore?!" Minerva exclaimed in shock.

Echidna replied with an annoyed tone. "You speak as if what I did was an unforgivable sin."

"N-no, of course not! No! How did it happen?!" Minerva slammed her fist into the poor table, unfortunately, it reached its limits and broke.

R.I.P to the table, we will always remember you.

Echidna stared at the broken table and shifted back to Minerva. "It costs a fortune, you know?"

"Screw that! Answer me!" She looked like she was about to struggle for Echidna's answer.

"Well, how did it happen? Obviously, we had sex-"

"No! That's not what I meant!" Minerva started stamping her feet on the floor in embarrassment and frustration.

"Oh? Be more specific then." 

"Y-you…you're doing this on purpose aren't you?" Minerva's eyes started twitching.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Echidna said innocently.

"Dona, I hate this part of you. I really do." Minerva said in embarrassment and annoyance.

"Mhm, so what is it?" 

Minerva gritted her teeth and a full minute later, her face looked like a ripe tomato.

"What I-i mean, i-is how did it lead t-to…Grrrhh! Don't laugh, don't you dare to laugh!" Minerva snapped as she noticed Echidna chuckling.

"You're so innocent, honestly it's fun teasing you," Echidna said with a slight laugh.

"I knew you were messing with me! Dona! Hate you! Hate you so much!" Minerva cried and covered her face out of embarrassment.

After a few minutes, Echidna decided to explain what happened.

"It happened after both of you got drunk?"


"I don't believe you, there's no way you'd get drunk," Minerva said with a huff.

"It's up to you if you believe it or but I've already said my part, now it's time for you to tell me what you've been doing for the past month." 

"Alright, but telling others about this." 

"Sure, feel free I'm not hiding the fact that I'm in a relationship now," Echidna said with a bit of smugness in her tone.

Minerva grumbled in jealousy. "Anyway, this is what happened in my 'adventure' last month."

Minerva started her tale while Echidna was listening, however, they forgot that Makugo was there standing silently, blending into the shadows, lost of what the two witches are talking about.

She's the third wheel in the group.


-Location Blake's Room-

For no reason, I suddenly had the idea to start a game, a battle fantasy like Genshi Impact that was popular nowadays.

I mean why not? I had the resources and time to make one, and just like that I went to the shop and bought a machine that could make me a game that has better quality than the existing games.

It's time to dominate the gaming world, with cheats.

I have no more than 400 GP left in my GC wallet.

Looking through the GC Shop list, I've finally found what I've been looking for.

[ Game Company ] -One-time use only-

[ This item can create games with any existing genre, with high-quality graphics, however, this item can only be used once after this item has been used it would vanish out of existence. ]

[ Price: 50 GP ]

Without hesitation, I bought it, with a smile on my face.

"Time to make a game."

Information: Did you know? 1 GP is equivalent to 10,000$? 

That's a lot of money if you ask me, but anyone would be an idiot to exchange GP with money when there are a lot of things in the shop that is more valuable than money.

It's simply not worth it.

Additional information 1: There is in fact a permanent Game Company but it's more expensive than the one-time use and he couldn't afford it.

Additional information 2: You can't exchange real money for GP or anything for that matter, that's why GP is valuable.

Additional information 3: Like Game Company, there is also an Anime Company, Manga Company, Manhwa Movie Company, and Hentai Company.

Additional information 4: The one-time use Game Company can't make a game like Yggdrasil from Overlord or SAO for that matter, but there is an item that could make them but it's pretty expensive.

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Also, support me on Pa.treon I've started putting advanced chapters here.

There are currently 8 Chapters in total.
