
Father Who?


"Brats! I've got nothing else to teach you anymore, from now on you'll figure it out on your own, now if you ever miss me you can always come back." Akane said with a wink.

So I assume she's flirting, but now all those teenage hormones are completely gone, only to be replaced by a shudder. True she's a hell of beauty but she's far too crazy for my taste, so no thank you.

But then Jaune's reaction was different, he was affected by this female devil in disguise flirt, he blushed.

Blushed?! Dude come on! After all, you've been through, do you have the gall to think of her that way?! Are you perhaps a masochist or something?

"Ha…ha..no thank you, the next time I'll come back is probably going to be my lady day in this world." I smiled wryly, there's no way I'm coming back easily. I don't want to go back to hell after escaping Nah ah, there's no way.

Instead of being offended by my reply, she just laughed it out, then she replied, "That's your loss then, but I have fun training you two monsters even though it's only 2 months from all of the people I've taught you two are the best amongst them, now it's time for you guys to go."

I looked at her with a smile, then I bowed slightly at her and said, "Thank you for teaching me everything. Sensei."

Akane's eyes widened, before mumbling, "It's the first time he called me that.."

True I never really called her master or sensei, to me it just doesn't feel right for a reason, and that was before I started training under her, now I know the reason and it's because she looks younger than me, so It's kind of embarrassing for me to say it out loud.

"Anyway, I'll message you guys days before the Final Selection. I don't have to worry about you guys dying because I'm fairly confident of your abilities to handle at least lower moon demons, and if the one you did die which means you're unlucky." Akane said casually like dying is nothing new to her.

Not that I could blame her for that matter, demon slayers tend to die before retirement.

After that, both Jaune and I went back home running at 30kph without breaking a sweat or making any sound as we moved.

As we disappeared from Akane's sight, she couldn't help but touch her chin and mumble, "I feel like I forgot something…ah..!"

"Katana! She didn't give any! Did she purposely didn't give us or did she forget?!" I just realized that she didn't give us any katana, and it's also partly my fault for forgetting about it.

Without any katana, what would they use in the Final Selection a stick? No, never mind if she purposely forgot about it I'll just ask either Archer or Lucifer to get Jaune and me a katana.

I stared at Jaune, it seems that he also forgot about it too, whatever I'll think about it after getting back to the restaurant.

We started running early in the morning, and we arrived at noon. Honestly, I could have been faster but for the sake of enjoying the scenery, it was worth it.

I looked at the restaurant, even though I've only been staying here for no more than 2 weeks. It's kind of like a second home to me. I missed it a bit.

"Hey, Jaune…wh-" I suddenly flinched as I saw him crying, yes crying!

"W-what the- dude, you okay?" I asked with concern.

"Yeah, I'm just happy to be here…no more near death training every day! I can finally live in peace without that thing!" Jaune exclaimed with a big smile on his face.


I suddenly realized it. He wasn't a masochist. He was holding back his feelings the whole time. He is as terrified as me when it comes to the woman. Brother, I thought you were different but I guess we are the same!

I started to pat his back, "Let it out dude.. because from now on no devil is going to command us anymore!"

"Hmm..? Blake and Jaune, what are you doing outside? Get inside already!" Lucifer demanded, she wasn't a bit surprised by our arrival, in fact, she expected it.

Ah…about what I said previously I take it back, there is still a devil that commands us.

Inside the restaurant, I saw a few people that I did not expect at all!

Shinobu? Kanae? Is that little girl Kanao? Tamayo?! Wait, why is she here?!

I stared at them in surprise, while I did expect the cast of the demon slayer series would have come here sooner or later. I didn't expect them to be here this soon...

Kanae noticed my presence, and her eyes widened a little, as she remembered who I was. She really has good memories, doesn't she? Or am I just that important to her since I gave them important information? Could be both though.

I cleared my throat and said, "Umm, hi?"

Kanae put her left hand in her mouth and said, "Blake, I didn't expect to finish your training this quick…? Or perhaps you quit?"

Oh…no wonder she's surprised, it does make sense, average demon slayers train at least a year before their teachers allow them to leave, unless that student is a drop out it makes sense that they leave a month or two.

"No, Kanae-san, I didn't quit. Our teacher allowed us to leave because she said that she has nothing to teach us anymore and we'll figure out everything on our own." I stated.

Then Kanae nodded and smiled at him. "I see, but what do you mean by 'us' exactly?"

"Oh, forgive me, I've brought a friend to train with me."

"So that friend of yours is fine being a demon slayer even if it means dying?" Kanae said seriously.

"Yes he is, he wanted to be a hero after all." After saying that to Kanae I swear I heard someone coughing. Archer I mean who else would have hated the word 'hero' so much.

"That's admirable hope he's ready to be one," Kanae said gently.

He's not for sure, but he'll eventually be.

Then she continued, "Anyway the two of you must've been prodigies to finish your training within two months, as far as I can tell only a handful of people could achieve that feat."

"Thank you." I accepted her compliment.

"You're welcome." Kanae nods at me with her gentle smile.

Now it's time for me to ask what she is doing here with her family, there should be another reason other than eating right? 

"So Kanae-san, not to sound rude but aside from eating here, is there another reason why you're here? Or you can just forget I asked." I said as gently and politely as I could.

Waiting for her reaction. Kanae just smiled and replied, "I take no offense in that, and yes we do have a reason why we are here, first I'd like you to introduce Kanao, my adopted daughter."

Wait what?! Adopted daughter?! I thought she was an adopted sister?!

"Shocking right? As young as me adopting a daughter?" Kanae said without changing the smile on her face.

Yes, shocking! But not because you're too young to have a daughter but Kanao was supposed to be your adopted sister!

"Anyway, I met her about a month ago with Archer, both of us helped her and the rest of the history isn't too important, the reason why we are here is for her to meet her adopted father sinc-"

I cut her sentence and quickly asked. "Wait, whose father are we talking about?"

"Archer, he's the adopted father of Kanao and I'm the mother," Kanae said without even the slightest hesitation in her voice.

While me on the other hand after hearing her words, I shouted internally, 'WTFFFF ARCHER BRO YOU WORK FASTER THAN THE LIGHT ITSELF!'

I was gone for like just 2 months, and now he managed to snag a woman like it was buying a grocery in the market!

All of sudden Shinobu slammed the table enough to gather the attention of everyone and she exclaimed, "That man didn't have my approval yet! He can't marry my sister yet!"

Kanae blushed. BLUSHED?! As she replied to her sister, "Shinobu-chan, I'm not going to marry him…yet."

After that, I didn't listen to their conversation anymore, as I went to find Archer and went I put both of my hands on his shoulder and said, "You're the man, you have my blessings."

Archer looked at me confused, "Excuse me?"


Anyway, please do support me in Pat. reon.

Pat. reon.com/charottes143