
What?! I am the Reincarnation of the Magi King?!

Currently injured. As soon as i can use my arms again i shall resume writing. *Update: have two slipped discs with one pressing on my nerve root as well as arthritis. Will require surgery. Surgery March 12th* It’s Dax’s first year at the prestigious Excelsior Academy and he is excited to attend. As is the tradition of the school every student that attends are granted nanites that will give them access to a vast network of strength and strange abilities that they could only dream of before. However, the gifting of these nanites to Dax does not go well, and he is placed in the lowest class. His happy day was ruined, not to mention his future. The bottom class of the academy is expelled at the end of the year. Will Dax be able to get enough points for his class to stay secure? Or will he find a way to exit a doomed class? Do his constant nightmares have anything to do with his current problems? Well of course they do you read the title. Shouldn’t be hard to piece two and two together at this point. So go read. This is a tale of an overpowered magic user reborn into a realm of science and technology. Although it is the same fantasy world, he once lived… Just far into the future. Please vote with your powerstones! This work is entered into the fantasy carnival and needs your support!

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Am I the Magi King?! Part 5

"It's fine mom." Dax said, still looking upon his mother in amazement. "I honestly didn't expect to find any answers from a doctor anyway."

Helen hugged Dax tightly. "I just wish I could help you." She said, sadness dripping from every word. "I just don't know how."

"Magi King has nice momma!" Drakie said. "Drakie wishes he knew his momma…"

"Mom, there's something I need to tell you." Dax said.

She stopped the hug and put her hands on his shoulders while maintaining eye contact. "What is it?" She asked.

"I think… I think I might be the Magi King." Dax explained. His mother's face was full of questions. "You see the other day when I was with Fey, I was knocked unconscious, and she was about to die by a massive bull monster. She said I used superpowers to defeat it. Which I cannot remember!

Then there are my constant nightmares or really just vivid memories like dreams, where I was always the Magi King in battles. Then there is this dragon! And the shadow lord! And I just think I might actually be the Magi King!"

They were both covered in water from the fire suppression system by this point. "It would explain some things." Helen said. "How about we go home and get dry?"

"That's all?" Dax asked. "You aren't going to call me crazy?"

"No." Helen replied. "Wouldn't even be the weirdest thing I have seen in this family." She started walking back to the car.

"Wait!" Dax said, as he chased after her. "What do you mean it isn't the weirdest thing?!"

"Your great grandfather was a unique man." Helen said. "But with what you just told me, maybe he wasn't as crazy as we all thought. He used to tell us that his family were the keepers of the Magi King. That their blood line spanned all the way back to ancient times. And how the family used to be the protectors of the world, before the defense force and science took over.

And well I guess before they lost their magic some five hundred years ago."

"Why wouldn't you tell me all this sooner?" Dax asked.

"Didn't want you to be influenced." Helen said. "Had you known about your ancestors and came to your conclusion it might just be a false belief. But you came to that conclusion, despite logic telling you otherwise and with no prior knowledge of your connection. So, I believe you."

They arrived at the car and Dax opened the back door for Drakie, after he was inside Dax closed the door and got into the passenger's seat.

"Why did you open the back door?" Helen asked as she got into the driver's seat.

"Remember when I said there was a dragon…" Dax said.

"I recall that being one of your reasons, yes." Helen said. "Is it in the back seat?"

"It is." Dax said.

"So, what is a dragon?" Helen asked.

"Some kind of magical flying lizard from what I can tell." Dax said. "They are apparently invisible to anyone who does not have a connection with the mana. Or something like that at least."

"So, I can't see it because I am not magical?" Helen asked.

"Correct." Dax said.

"And he has been with you for how long?" Helen asked.

"All day." Dax replied.

"You didn't tell me because…?" Helen asked.

"I didn't want you to think I was crazy." Dax said.

"I mean it would have been pretty simple to prove it was there." Helen said. "You could have had him move an object or something. See watch. Dragon move the seat belt around back there."

Drakie turned around and picked up the seat belt and waved it around.

"See, all I see is a floating seat belt." Helen said. "Would have been proof enough for me, because the alternative is ghosts. I prefer magical flying lizards to ghosts."

"Thanks mom." Dax said.

"For what dear?" Helen asked.

"For being so cool about this." Dax said. "I was so worried that you would think I was crazy and try to lock me up into an insane asylum or something."

"It hurts that you think I would do that." Helen replied. "But I will just blame the ignorance of youth."

"I am sorry." Dax said.

"I just want you to trust me." Helen said. "I am your mother; I will always have your back no matter what you are going through. I am always going to be your biggest supporter and I will always be on your side."

"Should we tell dad?" Dax asked.

"No." Helen said quickly. "Your father… would brag about something like this… which would make the government aware of you, and cause problems for us."

"I see." Dax said.

"Don't worry." Helen said. "Now that I know what is going on I have a plan."

"I was wondering why we were not headed home." Dax said.

"We are just making a quick stop first." Helen said.

They continued on the road until they reached a gated community with large mansions.

Dax could see Fey in one of the yards.

"So that's where she lives." Dax said.

"Oh, I see your little friend." Helen said. "Oh… she's her daughter…"

"You know her mom?" Dax asked.

"We were in the same class together." Helen said. "I think you should find a new friend."

"That bad huh?" Dax asked.

"Let's just say if she was on fire…" Helen said.

"I get it." Dax said. "But Fey isn't anything like her mother, at least, I think. I haven't really met her. But she hates her mom with a passion."

"I guess you are right." Helen said. "Fey seemed nice."

"So why are we in this neighborhood?" Dax asked.

"To visit an old friend." Helen said.

Thanks for reading! Please continue to support me with powerstones, comments, and collections!

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