
What's Your Wish?

A girl with strict parents is always prohibited to doing things that others do very freely like going to parties, gathering with friends, hangouts, pastimes, specially having a boyfriend. But what happens when she has a crush? Natasha is a 16 year old girl who just got to know what crush is. Go with Natasha to know what her point of view of a crush is and accompany her in acquiring her crush or maybe something more?

LimeKookie · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Chapter 10

Natasha : "Tell me what actually is this party about. And tell me in details, please"

Kiki : "This party is mainly to welcome the new 9th graders and introduce them to the school, let them know about the school history and rules"

Anna : "The rest of us participate to show them how fabulous our school is how fun they would have here"

Karina : "The party is mainly a talent show for the 10th, 11th and 12th graders. The party has singing segment, dancing segment, poem recital segment, play segment, instrument playing show and a fashion show"

Emi : "If you don't want to take part in any of these then you can just help us get prepared for our show"

Natasha : "What are you guys going to tale part in?"

Kiki : "I want to take part in the singing segment"

Isis : "I'm going for the dance segment"

Iris : "I prefer the poem recital"

Anna : "Me and Karina are going for the play"

Emi : "I will be a model for the fashion show"

Kiki : "Do you want to do something?"

Natasha thought about it. She liked singing and dancing. If she was really beautiful then she could be a model for the fashion show. She took singing lessons for 8 years. So, maybe she could sing? Emi was a perfect fit to be a model. With her height of maybe 5 feet 6 inches and perfect skin and figure she wouldn't have any problem being a model. Moreover, she was confident about it. But Natasha wasn't confident. Natasha is shy. What if she panics and makes a mistake while singing? What if she trips and fall on the stage during the catwalk? What if she looks ugly with makeup and dress for the models? She was over thinking all of it.

Iris : "You don't have to force yourself. If you want, only then you need to participate. No one is going to force you to do something. It's okay"

Anna : "Yes, it's okay if you don't want to do anything"

Isis : "No need to force yourself Natasha. But if you want to do something. Then have the confidence that you can do it. This isn't a huge thing. No one is going to scold you if something goes wrong"

Emi : "Last year, senior Lim tripped while modelling. But he got up while laughing at himself. Even if the others were laughing at him, he didn't feel ashamed at all. He also laughed along while senior Jeon helped him get up and they walked again to finish the show"

Karina : "Yeah, and I think last year senior Han forgot her dance routine. Because she was doing the same steps over and over. No one said anything"

Kiki : "No need to worry too much. We have this week to decide if you want to do something or not. The party isn't happening until next month"

Natasha mulled through their words carefully.

Kiki : "Oh, you haven't seen the school heartthrob and his friends yet, did you Natasha?"

Anna : "It's only her first day. How would have she seen them. And she wouldn't even know if she did because all of them are good looking"

Natasha : "School heartthrob? What is that?"

Isis : "The most popular and good looking boy in school is called the school heartthrob. Our heartthrob and all of his friends are good looking"

Emi : "Yeah, they are good looking. And smart too"

Natasha : "But who are they?"

Kiki perked up hear head and looked around the cafeteria. Then she looked somewhere and her eyes lit up. She pointed in the farthest corner in the cafeteria and everyone looked that way.

Kiki : "Look that way Natasha. You see those 8 boys sitting together? They are the heartthrob group of our school. I'll show you the yearbook and introduce them"

Natasha : "Okay"

Karina : "But don't fall for any of their looks. Looks can be deceiving. They might be good looking, but not all of them are polite"

Iris : "Don't scare the poor girl, Karina. It's only her first day here and we are overflowing her with information. Let her settle in first"

Emi : "Yeah, let Natasha adjust a little and we can give her more information about anything and everything later"

Iris actually saved Natasha at that moment. Natasha looked at the corner table again. This time one of the boys was looking her way and she made direct eye contact with him. She hurriedly looked somewhere else and thought 'well, that was awkward.'

since I change the writing pattern a little, I'll thell you how it would look. If the writing is like a dialogue with ("_") then it is face to face convo. if there is no ("_") then it would be over phone or text. I will mention if they are texing or on a call. please bear the confusion with me a little T.T

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