
What's Wrong with Only Having a Shield? My Summoner Hates Me

Follow the adventure of an ex-university student, Rin, as he gets reincarnated as a "Spirit" with a shield being his only weapon in another world. Although he is overjoyed at the chance to live out a childhood fantasy, there's one major problem... His "Summoner", Isabel, sees no reason to keep a "Spirit" who's only good for defense in her party! Rin has to find a way to survive in battles and dungeons as an unwanted and heavily under-leveled character!

Michael_Sakutani · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
28 Chs

Chapter 1.2

"Awake young one" a feminine voice boomed.

I was shocked to find out that I was able to open my eyes as blinding lights filled my vision.

Once my eyes adjusted to the sudden burst of white light, I realized I was facing a giant beautiful woman and a slightly taller handsome man. Both of them wore white togas and sat across me in gigantic, glistening golden thrones.

I wasn't one for religion, I did believe there was something out there, just unsure of what it could be. However, with just one look at them and a slight understanding of my situation, it was pretty clear that they were gods.

For some reason, I decided to look down and realized I was floating on air…

My body wasn't ready for the sudden fright as I shouted and rag-dolled onto the floor.

Huh? What's this?

While on the floor, I realized that my body was in perfect condition with no blood, broken bones, or even a single scratch. I steadily got on all fours and looked up to see the pair of gods staring at me with pursed lips… I swear they were almost laughing. I shakily got up and pointed at them.

"I am currently standing on air, your thrones are on air, I-" I started.

My brain was suddenly started to overflow with the memories of Lisa and the crash.

"Lisa! Is she okay?" I asked the two obviously divine beings in front of me.

The handsome god stares at me for a while. He then snapped his fingers and the area around us warped into a white room. The floor below me solidified into white marble and I felt much more stable. I started breathing normally and tried my best to relax.

"You're awfully calm about this." The god boomed.

He couldn't be further from the truth. I was panicking on the inside, I still had to come to terms with the fact that they are gods, and I just died. Also, I was standing on air just a while ago, what the hell was up with that?

Wait, is there a hell?

"Ahem, if I may," The goddess clears her throat, "You died protecting someone you loved, and to us gods, we see that as fit for the status of a hero."

Status of a hero huh?

Although I was being praised by the goddess, I still felt very unsure of the entire situation. I still felt like I was missing an answer.

"Uhm, well, I really only have one question:" I take a deep breath, "What happened?"

The goddess looks at me with concern.

Finally, she opened her mouth to talk, but the god suddenly raised a hand to wave her off. The god stood up from his golden throne and walked over to me with ground-shaking footsteps.

One more step from him, and I go splat!

"The truck's brake wires were cut in an attempt to murder the driver, however, all they did was murder an innocent teen who was just running late," the god explained with a solemn tone, "You died of an unfair death, and for that, we've decided to give you an opportunity."

Oh, shoot.

Even though I had just died, excitement slowly crawled over my entire body. I've read enough light novels and heard my roommate scream "Starburst Stream!!" enough times to figure out where this conversation was going. My childhood otaku dream was about to come true!

Except, unlike most Isekai protagonists, I was actually enjoying my life on Earth, the gods sure are cruel.

Well, they're right in front of me.

"Wait, am I getting reincarnated because of my status of a hero or because of the unfair death?" I ask out of pure curiosity.

To my surprise, the goddess angrily gets up from her throne and delivers a smack to the back of the head of the god.

"I told you that reincarnations only happen for those with the status of heroes!" The goddess puffs her cheeks.

"That's old-school, wouldn't it be better to let them get reincarnated after an unfair death?" The god argues back, grabbing at the puffed cheeks of the goddess.

The goddess grabs and pulls on the ears of the god, "You dimwit, we're supposed to follow the proper order with these things!"

Yikes, have I accidentally started a fight between gods?

The goddess sighs and finally releases the god, "Apologies, human. Despite being gods, we're only around 25 years old."

So, they're amateurs?

"Uhm, it's fine really, I'm just glad I get another chance at life," I say, attempting to calm down the tense atmosphere.

"You seem to already understand, you used to be an otaku after all," the god strokes his beard with his eyes closed, "You see, in this other world of ours, there are battles among people who call themselves "Summoners". Each Summoner has one to five Spirits that they summon and control to battle other Summoners and their Spirits with.

This scenario sounded very familiar to me. Almost too familiar.

Then it hit me, this other world was almost like the game of Fate Confusing Order!

The god points at me and my vision is suddenly narrowed by a heavy object covering my head. I felt something heavy covering my body and quickly noticed that something was adding some extra weight to my right arm.

Was I in armor?

I would have checked, but with the pure size and weight of the armor, I couldn't even move a muscle.

From my limited vision, I saw the goddess stand up.

"O, young one, you have been chosen by the legendary "Shield of Two Opposites", a weapon suitable for a hero who died protecting a loved one." She theatrically swings her arms wide apart, "Now, you'll go on an adventure of your own! As a parting gift, you may be granted one wish!" The goddess said.

"Uhm, well you see…"

"What is it, o, young one?"

"I can't move or even see much with this armor."

"…Oh, I see."

I couldn't see the goddess's face, but I pray to her that she wasn't giggling at me.

In an instant, light begins to surround me. I felt a large weight jump right off my body, and most importantly, off my head. I opened my eyes to find that I was left with a cool-looking black chest plate, however, the greatest difference I noticed was a large white medieval shield on my arm.

The shield was in the circular shape of a Parma shield. I clearly remembered the name of the shield because of my favorite history teacher who enjoyed dressing up in fake medieval armor when I was in the 7th grade. I noticed that engraved in the center of my shield was a single type of purple jewel that I couldn't quite distinguish what type of jewel it was.

I looked up to the goddess with gratitude.

"Thanks, I can see and move much, much better now."

"It suits you kid" The god nods in approval with his thumbs up.

I analyze myself, and to be honest, I'm not sure if the red sweater and jeans matched the dark chest plate and white shield. Surely if a god said it looked good, that means it should, right?

Dragging me out of my fashion thoughts, a red summoning circle suddenly appears directly below me. My body started to feel lighter and lighter as parts of it began to disappear into the red light. I looked around me and the room started to spin.

"Oh, that was rather quick. Usually, it takes a couple of days, but it would seem that you're about to be summoned." The goddess says with a slightly surprised expression, "I wish you the very best on your journeys with your new Summoner."

I nodded and closed my eyes as my body slowly drifted away into the other world. I wasn't really ready to leave Earth and my university life, but right now, I knew what I had to do. I was given a chance at life with powers and a shield, protecting my new Summoner is my duty.

Goodbye Lisa, goodbye part-time job, goodbye budget gaming pc, and goodbye to my university life!

* * *

I opened my eyes and found myself face to face with a girl who had a look of disgust on her face. Not the first time I've come to face a girl that looked at me with disgust.

Grade 6 was a cursed grade for me, and no, I will not elaborate on it.