
What's Wrong With Miss Bratty?

Yvienna Keith Mendoza is a brat girl. She has a bad attitude. She is a brave person in the eyes of everyone, she can fight for herself but she has a fragile heart. Her ex-boyfriend cheats on her, she suffered so much and she doesn't want to fall in love again. She's scared to love again but what if there's a man that will make her fall in love again. Will she accept it? Will, she let herself fall in love again?

Coffeeismyfave · Urban
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25 Chs

Unknown Number

"Where's my gift?!" I gritted my teeth. I'm now sitting on our couch beside my cousin. I'm busy arguing with him! I want to punch his face! He doesn't want to give his gift to me! Argh! "Okay fine, open it before it dies," he said. From an angry face, my face turns to happy. I jump because of the excitement that is filling my body but I suddenly stop when I realized what he said. I look at him with glaring eyes. He smirked at me before he pointed the gift on the center table. I looked at the box and I shook my head when I realized that I'm arguing with him a while ago just to give his gift to me but the gift is just there, I look at him again with perplexed eyes. Did he say that I must open the box before it dies?

"D-don't tell me it's a frog?! Your present to me is just a frog?!" He suddenly laughs. "Just open it!" he chuckled. I open the box slowly and I closed my eyes when I finally open the box. I slowly open my eyes and my mouth curved into a smile. I carried the black Persian cat and I hug it gently. "Omg! Thank you, brother!" I brushed the hair of the cat using my hand. "Do you like it?" he asked. "Of course! Is this a girl?" I asked. "Yeah, what is her name?" I pat the cat and I smile when she licked my thumb. I looked at her eyes and I'm amazed at her green eyes.

"Medusa, her name is Medusa," I smiled. "Pfft! Hahaha! What the heck!" he laughed. I glared at him. What's funny? I love watching Medusa and she is amazing! "Don't laugh or else I will cut your tongue," he hurriedly zips his mouth. "Wow! Medusa is a good name," he said while patting the head of my cat. I yawned and I started to go to my room while carrying my cat. I love my cousin even if he always teasing me. I lie on my bed and I make my cat lie on my side. "Are you sleepy?" I asked her. "Meow," she answered which makes me happy. I was about to close my eyes when my phone beep. I get my phone and my eyes widened when I received a message from an unknown number.

Unknown Number:

Save my number.

I frowned while reading the message. Who texted me?!


Who are you?

Unknown Number:

I'm you baby;)


I don't have a child.

Unknown Number:

You're funny baby:)

I got irritated. Is this a stalker?! I don't want to reply any more so I just put my phone at my side. I was about to close my eyes when my phone rang. I immediately get up and I chuckled when my cat jump. I hurriedly get my phone and I answer the call even if it's from an unknown number.

[Hi, baby.]

I froze when I heard his voice. My hands are trembling and I don't know why my blood started to boil. He's getting into my nerves! What the heck Kyle!

[Stop calling me and I'm not your baby!]

[Okay, honey,] I heard his chuckle.

[Stop irritating me, please! I want to sleep!]

I bet that if this is not a call, he can see my throat because of my frustration.

[Do you love sleep?] he asked.

[Yes and so?]

[Oh, hi I'm Sleep!]

I chuckled and I stop when I realize what I'm doing. Why am I chuckling? It's not funny at all!

[You're so corny, I will hang up the call.]

I sighed and I rolled my eyes while I'm saving his number. But wait, why I'm saving his number? I was about to delete his number when I saw my cat. I put my phone on my side table before I hugged my cat. "Let's sleep," I said before I lie on the bed.

I felt sticky. I don't know what thing is sticking to me. It feels disgusting. I slowly opened my eyes and I gasped when my cat is licking my face. I hurriedly get up and I run to my bathroom. Argh! My face! Why did that cat lick my precious face?! Why?! It feels disgusting! Even if I'm her owner, it doesn't mean that she will lick my precious face! Argh! Lick everything but not my precious pretty perfect face! Argh! That cat! I wiped my face before I go back to my bed. I sighed before I hug my cat. "Don't do it again huh or else I will eat you!" I warned but she replies to me only with her meow. What do I expect? She's a cat and she will never talk like a human. Oh! Yvienna, you're so dumb!

I look at my phone before I get it. It's already 6 in the morning. I saw missed calls and messages from Kyle. I don't have much time to read his messages. I get up while carrying my cat. I throw my phone on the bed before I went downstairs. "Wow! My Yvienna woke up early!" my cousin said in sarcasm. "Don't destroy my day Dashylle!" I glared at him. "Wow! Yesterday you called me brother but now you're calling me by my name? What a grateful cousin!" he acts like he's shocked. Due to my frustration, I'm ready to throw at him my cat but my dear precious cat meow at me. "Yah! Don't throw her! She has life!" my cousin said worriedly. " But I believe that cat has 9 lives!"

"Why are you two arguing early in the morning?!" my mother said. "Nothing mom, I'm just hungry," I walked to the table, and I started to sit on the chair. I let Medusa walks around. I rolled my eyes when my cousin sits parallel to me. I kicked his feet and his eyes widened. "Do you want to go out?" He asked as nothing happens. "No thanks," I answered. "I'm not talking to you," he rolled his eyes. I look at my back but no one's around. "You crazy bitch!" I started to eat my food. I'm in the middle of eating my food when my mother talks to us. " Can you two buy the groceries? Our maids are busy doing household chores and today is Sunday so I'm pretty sure that you two are not busy,"

"No problem, we will buy the groceries," he answered. "No! I'm busy!" my mother glared at me. "For what?" she asked. "For, sleeping! I will sleep later, I need beauty rest!"

"No! You will help your cousin buying our groceries, and no buts!" she said before she left. "No!" I glared at my cousin. He's getting into my nerves. "Eat faster!" he commanded. I smirked before I eat slowly. "Yah! Faster idiot!" He shouted. I hurriedly eat my food before I run towards him to pull his hair. "Ouch! Stop it!"

"Don't call me an idiot!" I shouted. "Okay! Okay! Aw! Remove your hands!" he pleaded. I smirked before I removed my hand. "I will just take a bath okay?" I said before I go up to take a bath and fix myself. He always teasing me but it makes me happy because I can feel that I have a brother. I'm an only child so that I'm lonely when he's not here. He always visiting us since I'm young. He's like my older brother. I started to take a bath, I brushed my teeth and after that, I comb my head. I heard my phone beep but I didn't consume time to look at it.