
What's wrong with having a harem while hunting aliens

A man who died from a lightning strike finds himself in the world of Gantz. --- There are characters from other anime/manga, but they won't affect the plot much.

ImmortalCockroach · Anime & Comics
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45 Chs

Don't try to mimic John wick

Inside a warehouse, six men dressed in black were scouring the area in search of Lee and the woman. Their footsteps echoed as they methodically checked every corner.

Lee stealthily approached one of the men in black before knocking him unconscious. Just as he was about to move on to his next target, another man suddenly spun around and caught sight of him.


The thugs were caught off guard by Lee's sudden appearance and hesitated for a moment before raising their guns.

"Shit!" Lee cursed as he quickly pulled the unconscious man in front of him to use as a shield against the hail of bullets fired by the remaining 5 men. This shit doesn't happen in movies damn! He thought.

Using the disarmed thug as a shield, Lee darted toward the next attacker. He struck the mob's wrist in one swift motion, causing him to drop his weapon. Lee then delivered a powerful kick to the mob's chest, sending him flying backward into a stack of crates.

"Shoot him! End it!"

"I can't get a bead on him, he's moving too fast!"

"What the hell, he's like a devil!"

"But he is handsome and got a nice ass"




The other guys, now realizing what was going on, started to panic and aim their guns in all directions. In the end, the unlucky meat shield turned into a meat sieve.

Lee's eyes locked on the thugs as they frantically tried to take him down. At this distance, Lee could use his power to kill them without fighting. However, since he got involved in this, Lee wanted to use this opportunity to hone his fighting skills instead.

He reached for a short thug and disarmed him with a kick to the wrist and delivered a powerful punch to his gut sending him flying. Too bad his other hand was occupied so he couldn't slap the mobs flying. He has to make do with kicks for now.

As another thug tried to take aim, Lee was lightning fast, closing the gap in a heartbeat. He grabbed the man's arm, twisted it behind his back, and disarmed him with a quick movement. With a powerful kick to the back, the thug joined his comrade on the ground.

The other two men were momentarily stunned, but they soon recovered and opened fire. Lee dodged and weaved between the bullets, his movements almost graceful as he closed in on his targets.

In the end, it was over in a matter of seconds. The two thugs lay on the ground.

As the last thug fell to the ground, Lee let out a breath. This fight was thrilling. He may get used to this he thought.

Just as he was about to gather the dropped weapons, a sudden feeling of danger washed over him. He barely had time to react before a sharp and swift object pierced through his chest, leaving him stunned and gasping for air.

As Lee crumpled to the ground, a figure emerged from the shadows. Standing at a formidable three meters tall, this creature was donned in a black suit, with tentacle-like hands and two horns extending from his forehead.

"Well, well, well. Looks like I finally caught you," the creature sneered as he approached Lee's fallen form.

Lee groaned in pain, trying to push himself up. "Who are you?" he asked, gritting his teeth against the pain in his chest.

"Me?" The creature chuckled. "I'm just the cleanup crew. You humans always seem to make such a mess." He reached down, one of his tentacles wrapping around Lee's throat and lifting him into the air. "But don't worry, I'll take care of you now."

Lee gasped for air as the creature tightened his grip. With a sudden burst of strength, he raised his arm and from his hand, a sharp bone extended, piercing through the alien's head.

"Agh! GRAA! Grrr!" The creature let go of Lee and fell to the ground, shaking and his tentacle-like limbs twitching.

"You got me first not gonna lie" Lee stumbled to his feet, panting. Thankfully, he had already changed his heart position before he left the first warehouse. Otherwise, he would have been a goner by now.

Was it luck, or was it fate? Plot armor maybe?

With a few deep breaths, Lee focused his energy and used his body manipulation power to close the wound. He then made his way toward the towering alien. Lee remembered that Tokyo was not only populated by vampires, but also by Onii aliens. They have more than 50 members.

With a city of 40 million residents, the odds of Lee running into one of these aliens were slim. But somehow, he had managed to cross paths with one of them. Lee couldn't help but shake his head in disbelief at his misfortune.

He was steaming mad. Nearly losing his life due to some rotten luck was unacceptable. And to top it off, he realized that his arrogance had led him to become careless. Just because he was strong, he forgot about all the other threats lurking in the city. He needed to snap out of it and stay alert.

"Argh! Who are you?" the alien growled, its voice sounding like gravel grinding together.

"You should have gone for the head," Lee said as he approached the alien, and he found that even though there was a hole in its head, it was still alive. He used the sharp bone extended from his hand to chop off the creature's tentacle-like limbs.

As he felt the pain radiating from his limbs, the alien continued to scream, "Damnit! Argh! You will regret missing us, they will revenge me!"

"Your resilience is impressive," Lee sneered, a dark, unsettling laugh escaping him for a moment before he regained his composure. "But I'm going to enjoy ending your life very, very much." He shook his head, wondering why he was talking like a character from a movie.

After torturing the alien for a few minutes, Lee put an end to its pitiful life and approached the unconscious thugs lying on the ground. Initially, he had intended to add them to his collection of guinea pigs and preserve their worthless lives. However, he was now filled with anger and needed an outlet for it.

After cleaning up his blood and removing all traces of his presence, Lee disposed of the remaining gang members and returned to the warehouse where he had left the woman. However, she was no longer there, and it appeared that she had left while he was gone.


"Well, that's the last time I'm going to play the hero," Lee thought to himself as he made his way back home. He wasn't in the mood to do anything.

Today's events gave had given him a wake-up call. The aliens in this city need to be exterminated before he can truly relax. He made up his mind that as soon as he was strong enough he would eradicate them. Otherwise ,what would happen if they targeted someone close to him in the future?

It was late at night. Lee made his way across the city's rooftop buildings until he reached one of his apartments, where he quickly took a bath and changed his blood-stained clothes, and then returned home.


As Lee entered the house, he was met by Alice and Leonora who were waiting for him. Alice asked him why he was so late, and he replied that he had some important business to attend to. He then strode towards his room.

Leonora remained quiet throughout the entire conversation. She felt ashamed and embarrassed because of what happened this morning.

She had hoped to speak with Lee earlier, but the events of the morning had left her feeling uncertain. The thought of confronting him now made her nervous and self-conscious. She worried about what he might think of her and if he would still consider her his relative. She felt that she betrayed him and her sister's trust.

Frankly, Lee didn't pay attention to her and didn't notice her expressions. Right now he was still angry and in a terrible mood.

Lee entered his room and immediately went to bed.

A few minutes later, the door of his room creaked open, and Alice tiptoed in before snuggling under the covers beside him.

"Onii-chan, are you awake?" Alice whispered, using the nickname Lee had mentioned he liked.

"What are you doing here? It's too late, go to sleep." Lee turned to look at her. Did she develop some weird habit of sneaking into his bed?

"I couldn't sleep without you by my side," Alice said, snuggling closer to Lee. "I just wanted to make sure you're okay. You seemed upset earlier."

"Did you fight with your girlfriend?" Alice joked.

"Yeah I had a fight with her," Lee nodded at whatever she said, not in the mood for talk.

"You actually have a girlfriend!" Alice's expression turned from surprise to disbelief as she got up from the bed and grabbed Lee's collar. The thought of him being with someone else made her heart feel like it was being stabbed with a knife.

"Why are you so surprised?" Lee asked, trying to shake off her grip.

"I didn't know you had a girlfriend! You never talk about her," Alice pouted. "Is she someone special?"

"Let's talk tomorrow. I'm sleepy." Lee said as he turned onto his side and closed his eyes. He was in a foul mood and he didn't want to risk lashing out at Alice due to his frustrations.

Alice was curious and wanted to know more, but Lee had already drifted to dreamland. In the end, she eventually gave in and let out a soft snort before cuddling up next to him. Tonight was a sleepless night for her.