
What's wrong with having a harem while hunting aliens

A man who died from a lightning strike finds himself in the world of Gantz. --- There are characters from other anime/manga, but they won't affect the plot much.

ImmortalCockroach · Anime & Comics
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44 Chs

Cliché again?

Lee walked on the street in a great mood. Today he slept with two mature women and went on a date with 1 girl. He was really living a blissful life.

Lee looked at his watch and saw that it was already 20:35.

He decided to call his cousin and aunt to inform them that he wouldn't be returning home for the night. If he returned tonight he wouldn't have enough time to do his experiments with his guinea pigs.

As Lee strolled through the bustling streets of Tokyo, the city was just starting to come alive with the excitement of the night. He took his time, walking leisurely among the crowds. He stopped as he approached an alleyway, reaching into his pocket to retrieve his phone. But just as he did, he was attracted by the sound of rapid footsteps. As he turned to look, a woman running crashed into him.

She stumbled and fell to the ground after the collision with Lee. With his strength, the impact didn't affect Lee, but his phone nearly fell out of his hand.

Lee was going to curse, but when he saw that this woman was beautiful, he stopped himself.

The woman ignored him and wanted to leave but her legs failed her and she fell.

When Lee helped the woman up, his hand felt wet. He realized she was bleeding.


Just as he was about to speak, a bullet flashed past him, and he saw 8 men in black running toward them. He quickly took cover behind a car with the woman in his arms.


Panic erupted as the sound of gunfire echoed through the air. People screamed and ran in all directions, seeking safety from the barrage of shots. The once bustling and lively atmosphere was now filled with chaos and fear.

"Run!" The woman cried softly before passing out in his arms. After fleeing for so long, it appeared that her strength had run out.

Lee realized that the woman was their target. He felt speechless when he saw so many people carrying guns. Is it easy to get guns in this country? Not only that, but they also arrogantly drew out their guns and shot them directly on the street. Are the police so useless now?

Putting aside his thoughts, Lee focused on the woman in his arms. She was a young woman with pale skin, waist-length dark purple hair, and blue eyes, and she did not look Japanese.

Since he got involved in this Lee decided that he might as well save the woman and also use this opportunity to get more guinea pigs as well. He certainly didn't help her because she was beautiful. Right? Right?

In fact, Lee felt that if he put aside the things that concern his life and the relationship between men and women, he would definitely be considered a kind person.

Lee quickly assessed the situation, with the woman in his arms and the armed men closing in on them. Then he carried the woman and dodged bullets as he ran to the opposite alley. He zigzagged and jumped through alleyways.

"Fuck them!"

"Who is that kid? He can run fast!"


"Don't let him run!"

"He got a nice ass"




As he ran, Lee carefully navigated his way through narrow streets and alleys. He could hear the sound of the gunmen shouting, and the sound of their footsteps pounding the pavement as they chased after him.

While he can easily handle them with his power, he can't show off his power in front of everyone. Therefore, he intends to drag them to a quiet place before dealing with them.

"Ugh! I'll kill you!" The woman opened her eyes and yelled loudly. Then she looked around blankly and realized that she was in someone's arms.

"You are awake?" Lee said after seeing her regain consciousness.

She watched Lee in astonishment. Seeing that he was handsome, she didn't try to react violently and asked with doubt "Who are you?"



"Fuck! Get your head down!" Lee wanted to chat with her but the bullets interrupted. He regretted not taking his suit with him.


The woman stopped speaking, swiftly drawing a gun from the folds of her skirt with her right hand. She used her left hand to hold onto Lee's neck, firing back at the attackers.

He was surprised by her actions. As the woman fired her weapon, he could feel the intense heat from the barrel close to his ear. The sounds of the gunfire echoed in his head, making his ears ring loudly.

As Lee stepped out of the alley, a sleek black car appeared in his path, blocking his way. The doors of the vehicle swung open and two menacing figures emerged, dressed in dark suits and brandishing automatic rifles.

"Dammit!" He exclaimed as he used his strength to leap over the black car and resumed his run, weaving and dodging the barrage of bullets. He started to regret being involved in this. He didn't want to show his strength in this place filled with people.

He admits he underestimated the situation. Initially, he believed that he could handle the eight armed men by outrunning them and finding a place of solitude to take them on, but now, he realized that he was facing a well-armed criminal organization.

"He actually jumped over the car!"

"Damnit! Shoot him!"

The gunmen were taken aback by Lee's move, but they quickly regained their composure and resumed firing at him. More gunmen joined in, adding to the barrage of bullets.

"How did he manage to jump so high?" The woman looked at Lee with surprise. Can anyone jump more than 10 meters while carrying someone?

"Quiet down and keep shooting!" Lee barked, not in the mood for small talk. If it wasn't for this woman, he would never have found himself involved in this mess.

"I'm out of ammo," the woman informed him nonchalantly. She didn't seem to mind the way he talked to her.


From behind him, 2 cars were chasing him the men inside firing at him from the car's window.

The sound of gunfire filled the air as two cars pursuing Lee shot at him from their vehicle windows.

"Dammit!" Lee cursed as he narrowly avoided the bullets whizzing past him. His quick reflexes allowed him to duck and take cover behind the nearest parked car. The sound of bullets striking metal echoed in the air.

He realized that he couldn't remain there for an extended period. The pursuers were getting closer, and their accuracy was improving moment by moment. He cautiously peered over the car to evaluate his surroundings. To his right, he spotted a brick wall. Without hesitation, he sprinted towards it, jumping over the wall and continuing to run until he reached the main street.

"Are you able to walk on your own?" Lee carefully set the woman down on the street and posed the question.

"It's just a minor injury," she responded as she gazed around her surroundings. "We should leave her and go, they will soon catch up."

Just as they were about to make their escape, two motorcycles roared toward them and began shooting.

"Dammit! What did you do to anger these bastards so much?" Lee picked up the woman in a bridal carry and quickly took off. With his speed, it would take some time before the motorcycles could catch up to him.

The women ignored him and continued to observe the motorcycles pursuing them.

"Dammit!" Lee cursed as three more cars joined the chase, sending stray bullets hitting unsuspecting pedestrians. Then, a bullet struck him in the shoulder, causing him to be injured for the first time since entering this world. However, he soon reached a cluster of secluded warehouses near the port.

As he approached the secluded warehouses near the port, Lee noticed fences blocking his way. Without hesitation, he made a quick leap and cleared the fence with ease.

After placing the woman in the warehouse, Lee quickly issued instructions, "Stay here and don't make any noise."

"What are you going to do?" the woman asked, already injured and out of ammunition. So she was already prepared to die. Even so, she regrets involving such a handsome young man in this situation.

Lee didn't say anything more as he walked out of the warehouse. "I'll take care of them, you just hide here for a while," he replied. He was filled with frustration from being pursued by these low lives for too long without a chance to fight back. It was time to release the pent-up frustration that had been building inside him.

As he walked the bullet on his shoulder fell and the wound closed.

The cars plowed through the fence and continued the chase.

"Spread out, find them! They can't have gotten far," one of the thugs barked as they exited their cars, weapons in hand, and dispersed to look for them.

Two thugs carrying automatic weapons. One of them was bald and the other had a beard. They arrived at a small warehouse.

The bald and bearded thugs entered the warehouse, their automatic weapons at the ready. The bald man asked his colleague, "Why are they making such a fuss over a woman?"

His bearded companion shrugged. "I have no idea. I just heard that she had stolen something valuable."

"What could be so valuable that it would make us open fire on the street?" the bald one wondered.

"I don't know, but you better focus on your job and ask fewer questions. The boss is already in a foul mood, don't add to it by speaking out of turn," the bearded man warned.

The breaded man replied, "Man, I just want to finish this and have a drink," but after a while, he didn't hear any response from the bald man. "What are you doing?" As he turned around to find out why his bald comrade was silent, he was struck in the face with a punch.

After taking care of the two, Lee grabbed the guns and walked out of the warehouse. Although he was correctly at least 8 times stronger than average humans. But if a stray bullet were to hit him he would die.

If Lee had his Gantz suit on, he could just waltz in and take care of these guys without breaking a sweat. No need for all this sneaking around.

After handling the two guys, Lee made his way to where the rest of the group was and took care of four more goons he found scoping out another warehouse.