
What's Ongoing, Can't Be Forever

"If I were to have one more chance, I would waste no time and stand by your side" Siberia is just barely getting by; struggling with almost everything including her health. Things however take a turn when she encounters Bak Ganghan Yeong. A chemical bonding flares up between them, but can the two chemicals successfully react together? Engross yourselves to find out how the chemicals reacts.

saaaaaaabika · Sci-fi
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16 Chs

A Memory Fragment I Finally Recalled

Siberia gazed at her bewildered. At the point when Siberia initially saw Dana she thought Dana was somebody who worked in one of those general stores. It isn't so much that she was peering down on her, inferior precisely, yet that was the means by which Dana was dressed; a worn-out baggy shirt with dark pants and sloppy shoes with unkempt hair. Now her hair was flawlessly tied in a bun, apparently by an expert. She wore a dark shirt whose two buttons were undone from the top with bell-bottom white-pants. For footwear she donned dark, 6 inch heels. Her coat hung free by her shoulders. This style was some way or another cliché, however it looked new on Dana.

"I see I've taken you by surprise", Dana spoke with a smile forming over her face; her olive skin radiating by the reflection of the sun from the window that's now losing its blazing flares. Siberia continued to stare for a brief moment until she finally spoke. "Ah, we meet again. I didn't reckon you were a doctor". Siberia let out a small chuckle before offering her hand.

"I'm glad you remembered" Dana spoke; taking Siberia's hand in both of hers as she shook. Slightly squeezing it.

"I'm glad you're here mom. I want you to meet Siberia" He gestured towards Siberia as he spoke; looking all excited.

Dana slightly chuckled as she looked from Siberia to Yeong. "I know"

"Are you Yeong's mom?" Siberia asked apprehensively.

"Indeed, my child educated me a great deal concerning you which is the reason I remembered you that day and sat along with you, yet maybe you were apprehensive as I just haphazardly swung by your side" Dana kept on intensely gazing at Siberia; her dim eyes penetrating through Siberia's yellowish-brown colored that made her shudder.

"Uh my bad, I actually have social anxiety" Siberia looked away awkwardly.

"So it wasn't awkward with my son?"

This statement grew the tension in the atmosphere. So thick that it could be sliced by a knife just as butter. Siberia grew uneasy and this did not go unnoticed by Yeong who immediately stepped in.

"Mom I guess you're done with checking on me so you can leave" Yeong looked at his mother pleadingly

Dana however didn't pay much attention and continued to stare at Siberia who was awkwardly looking around.

"MOM!" Yeong raised his voice a bit to get his mum's attention which indeed worked as she was now looking at him, startled.

"Oh my bad. I'll come again later"

Without saying much Dana left.

"Sorry about that, my mom can hold grudges over trivial matters. Just ignore it" Yeong made his way to where Siberia sat; putting his hand around her shoulder to comfort her, who was a bit shaken, as he spoke.

"No it's alright. It's just….unexpected" She chuckled nervously as she gulped down the water by the table. "Something feels odd to me" Siberia looked as if she was trying to recall something.

"What do you mean?" Yeong looked at her perplexed.

"Never mind actually. I was perhaps hallucinating that time" Siberia wiped off the sweat that was forming over her forehead. Though it was cold, beads of sweat were clearly visible.

At six Siberia left after informing Mr. Han, as she promised to meet Mikhail when he gets done with work.

She bid farewell and quickly dashed out as she didn't want to come across his mother. The first time they met, Siberia didn't feel strange as she never took much notice of her except for the way she dressed. Siberia was too engrossed in herself that time. Now that she had a better look at Dana something stirred up in her. Siberia knew she wasn't nervous because Dana was some stranger or someone new, she knew it wasn't her social anxiety. It was something else. A memory fragment of when she was 18, but she can't recall exactly what happened or why she felt like Dana was associated to something that was related to her family.

"Hey Mik, let's meet at Dunkin. See you there" She sent Mikhail a voicemail and almost instantly got a reply back. 'Okay'

Siberia felt sick in her stomach all the way to Dunkin. She spotted Mikhail at the entrance and waved at him before heading over.

"Hey girl" Mikhail and Siberia did their handshake before giving a hug.

"Let's grab some food cuz I have a lot to tell" Siberia spoke, using her hands to brush the webs in her ponytail.

"As we should cuz I have a lot to tell you too"

At dinner, Mikhail went on about how his parents finally decided to let him complete his study in the field of law.

Mikhail, ever since he got into high school envisioned about being a criminal lawyer. His parents were however against this decision as the entire family specialized in medical and they expected the same from Mikhail. Henceforth, he rebelled and came to Seoul where he enrolled himself in the finance and management department. Mikhail had some skill for which he was accepted, fortunately.

Siberia was the first among them to join. She was 2 years older than him and throughout his first year she guided him and they both worked side by side. It wasn't long until they grew close and became known as the 'Soul Mates' at work.

"I'm so happy for you Mikhail" Siberia spoke with a wide smile.

"It was worth the effort" Mikhail let out a relieved breath as he sipped his cold coffee. "Your turn now" he gestured for her to take over the conversation.

"Okay so, remember this woman I told you about"

"Which woman" Mikhail looked at her puzzled.

"The one who runs 'ITELL Tech'" Siberia looked at him expectantly.

"Ah yea, what about her"

"I saw her today at the hospital. Basically she's Yeong's mother"

"Yeong?" he gave her a questioned look.

"The one I'm looking after" She took a bite from her sandwich before continuing.

"Okay…" he took a gander at her before digging in his food.

"I feel like she's related to what happened between my parents 9 years ago"

Mikhail now looked grave as he looked at Siberia. "Are you sure?"

"No, well not exactly, but I have this feeling that I saw her and she's somehow related" Siberia felt anxious as she spoke; her palms sweaty and beads of sweat forming again, on her forehead. "I just don't seem to recall". Siberia looked defeated as she spoke.

"Okay look, maybe you can try to interact with her tomorrow again. Perhaps that will help in recollecting" Mikhail said in a concerned manner, taking hold of her hands.

"Yea I'll try that". She gave him a weak smile before sipping her cold coffee.

Mikhail and Siberia departed after an hour. On her way back, she contemplated over what happened 9 years ago. She knew her father went missing for more than a week, but what happened after, she had no clue. It was like that fragment was stuck somewhere deep, in a void of obscurity, and her nerves couldn't arrive at it.

Just as she was about to open her apartment's door, she saw a hologram in thin air right in front of her. Siberia scoured her eyes, but it was still there, very much real.

She gasped as she saw the scene from 9 years ago. Dana holding onto her dad by the left arm, dressed as a police officer and another who looked like Dana's twin brother, holding the other. She saw sparks of electricity as Dana's brother let go of her father's arm. It seemed weird to her, but then Siberia saw another spark from his neck. Dana's brother returned back in the car and Dana let go of her father who fell right at the threshold. It took Siberia by surprise how Dana was able to lift the weight of her dad by one arm. He was 70 kg and she looked no greater than 42, judging by her physique.

Siberia took glimpse of the name tag and searched it up where she got the info about Dana. Her full name wasn't mentioned, but what actually caught Siberia by surprise was Dana's brother picture with the headlines. 'World's First AI Robot'

The hologram vanished, leaving Siberia muddled. At first Siberia didn't have any idea, however, now she did. She at last comprehended the reason for the breaks in her family and there was a lot more serious risk ahead.

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Chapter 10 will reveal a lot more about what happened 9 years ago and how Dana is associated to it. Stay tuned to find out. Cheers!

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