
What's happening to me?

What would you do, if out of no where you started getting superpowers? What would you do If these powers are getting stronger constantly? What would you do if these powers become too strong, to the point where the start mutating your body? Zion's an otaku, didn't have much going for him, until, one day whiles trying to catch a thief he realized that the world was slowing down, or was it that he was speeding up. Read along as Zion discovers he has superpowers that are constantly getting stronger, To the point that it starts mutating him, are these powers new to Zion or did he have them all along. Watch as Zion finds this out along with, also finding out about his secret past.

Cold_elf · Urban
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3 Chs

Chapter 2 Speed

He couldn't believe it at first, he thought that he just imagine it,

But thinking about it, There was no way he could've caught up with the thief so fast, even if he pushed himself.

'wait' zion eyes opened wide as he thought of a possibility.

'Does this mean I have super speed, how could that be, are powers even real'

He wasn't sure he but after the previous events, he knew it could be possible.

'I have to make sure, I'll go to the track field later tonight' He had to get home and wipe the blood of his face, also even if he did have superspeed, he didn't want other to know just yet, it would cause problems if the government knew, so he would wait till night time.


Few minutes later

Zion arrived at his apartment. he looked around his small apartments that he could nearly pay for. As a cashier he didn't make that much to live comfortably, but atleast he could live.

Zion went straight to his washroom, he turned the water to the face sink on as he watched himself in the mirror.

"If I really do have super speed it should've work sooner, this shit hurts" He curse as, he started washing the blood of his face, his nose hurt but it wasn't broken, so he wouldn't have to go to the hospital not like he could pay for that.

After zion washed his face, he went to the kitchen, he took out, a cup of ramen, from his stash. to bad the line for the fried chicken restaurant was long, he wanted to eat fried chicken today, seeing that it was one of the only day that he could, buy something good for himself.

He put water in the cup noodle and put it in the microwave for 2 minutes. Whiles the ramen is in the microwave he took his phone out of his pocket.

'hmm I still have to wait a few hours for I can head to the field. sight!' he scrolled through his phone ready new arthicals about anime, manga and novel he liked.

'cool a new chapter of only revenge just dropped'


9:30 at night

Zion was in all black track suit. he had a cap on his head, Hopes it will help him keep his identity secure.

At the field no one was here, I mean who would want to come to a field at 9:30 in the night.

zion step on the track as he started lightly jogging, he wasn't sure what to do.

minutes later

Huff huff huff

"I knew it was too good to be true" zion said as sweat came down his face. he stopped running because he was exhausted. after so many minutes of running nothing special happened.

'earlier was a fluke no way, I can have super speed, powers don't even exist, I'm going home'

Zion decided to go home, he has work in the morning, he didn't want to go into work feeling tired.


' Can't believe I thought I had super powers'

He was now walking down the street back to his house. He regretted wasting his time. Not many cars was on the street and the people he saw was of the few.

"Maybe I should stop reading fanta....huh" Zion word cut short as he notice, a beauty his age was crossing the street.

But that's not important, what was important was she was on her phone and a car was heading at a fast speed in her direction.


The beauty notice a car coming her way, this caused her too drop her phone to the ground.

"Ahhhhh" She screamed in terror but the car wouldn't stop.

She closed her eyes which was starting to form tears as she accepted her fate.


in that moment she heard a loud voice of a man shouting at her, along with that a boom could he heard.

The beauty didn't know what happened but she didn't feel pain, she obviously felt, her feet leave the ground as If she was hit, but other that that she felt no pain, to be precise she felt like she was in the embrace of something.


She heard a the sound of a care speeding off, realizing she was alive the, beauty decided to open her eyes.

only then did she see that she was ok, but that's not important, she was being held by a man who looked exhausted, she saw the car from earlier driving off in the distance.

She looked at the man who supposedly saved her, with one question in mind.

'What the hell just happened?'


'it happened again' zion thought of this as he looked at the beautiful women in his embrace.

She had flawless skin, dark hair, and a good figure, way out of his league, but he didn't think much of that as his, thought was about how he saved her.

'I have it, I have super speed, I really have super fucking speed' Zion was excited, as an otaku how could he not dream of having some type of power, he tried to deny it ths first time, but as they say second time the charm.

"Hmm" zion thought was disrupted as the beauty in his hand opened her eyes.

She looked at him, then the car that almost hit her, them back at him, with shocked expression.

Zion just looked at her with awkward smile

"Hi" this is all he could say.