
What's A Girl Want

Love in the air Stacey fell in love with Bryan at first sight. So does Bryan. They try to be together even though they often fight, and no one wants to budge. After a year of their relationship running, the presence of Miley and Aaron makes their connection tenuous. Can they maintain their relationship after the presence of a third person? They love each other, but their respective egos separate them. No matter what, because I love you.

HaNina_ · Urban
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7 Chs

Chap. 5 Rejected

"Actually, I'm hungry. That's why I asked you what you have eaten yet? Let's eat together." Stacey grinned shyly; when Bryan's face was stuck to her stomach, the stomach, without permission, made a loud protest asking to be filled.

"I'm sorry, I didn't think of that. But I only have instant noodles. I'm too lazy to shop this week." Bryan wakes up from Stacey's lap.

"Can you cook?"

"What I can't do." Bryan smiled proudly.

"Seriously, I bought porridge for you. There's cheesecake, too; what do you want to eat?" Stacey opened a paper bag containing porridge and cheesecake.

"My mouth is so bitter; I just want to drink something." Bryan leaned his head on the sofa.

"Anyway, you have to eat and then take medicine." Stacey put on her hands on her hips in front of Bryan.

"You're really fierce, not like an ordinary girls who don't have any sweets." Bryan grabbed Stacey's hand to hold.

"Stupid." Stacey threw Bryan's hand away.

"I want to eat but you have to feed it."

"Tsk... spoiled, okay I have fed you but must be finished."

Clara came out with a tray of four cups of hot sweet tea. Meanwhile, Zack brought a plate of sliced ​​apples, a bowl, and a spoon.

"Here, drink it, I'll just make something warm. It's raining I makes a hot drink. Sorry for taking so long, I've been looking your kitchen. You know, it's not my own kitchen." Clara put the tray on the table.

"Sracey, here's the bowl and spoon." Zacks seemed to know what Stacey needed.

Stacey poured the porridge into the bowl and began to feed Bryan patiently. "Open your mouth, you have to finish it."

"I'm already full; you eat too." Bryan took a piece of cheesecake and fed Stacey.

"Clara, do you want to be fed? Zack whined, spoiled to Clara.

"You have no morals; I'm disgusted." Bryan cursed, annoyed because he felt offended.

"Bryan, come on. Don't sulk, if it weren't for them I wouldn't be here." Stacey stroked Bryan's hand gently. "I'm going to wash the bowl first."

"The ideal wife to be." Clara fueled.

After washing the dishes, Stacey sat down and ate cheesecake and apple slices. "Bryan, want an apple?" Stacey again thrust the apple slices into Bryan's mouth. Like a slave following his master's will, Bryan eats whatever Stacey puts into his mouth. Even though his mouth still tasted bitter. Bryan clings to Stacey's arms like a child and rests his head on her shoulder.

"Uh… after a while my eyes will hurt, if I see you two sticking together like that." Zack protested to both of them.

Bryan took a sofa cushion and threw it in Zack's face. "Noisy, why is your girlfriend ignored, are you bored?"

"Don't be silly, how could I be bored. Until we turned old, we will stay together, won't we, dear?" Zack poked Clara's cheek.

"Don't be emotional, it's okay, Bryan is sick." Nola embraced Sandi's arm. "Bryan, your picture with Stacey is up on my IG, do you mind it?"

"Okay, as long as Stacey doesn't mind. I'll be fine." Bryan tightened his grip on Stacey's left arm.

"Are you comfortable with the live video that we uploaded?" asked Zack with his arms crossed.

"As long as Stacey is comfortable, I don't mind. Why are you asking?"

"Oh nothing, I'm just curious." Clara grinned.

"Bryan, where's the medicine? I'll take it and drink it so you get well soon." Stacey let go of Bryan's embrace on his arm.

"Upstairs, my room. The door with dark blue colors."

"Okay wait here, I'll get it." Stacey climbs the stairs to the top.

"I followed Stacey first, I afraid she couldn't find it. I put the medicine in the cupboard." Bryan reasoned that he could be alone with Stacey in the room.

"Trick." Zack and Clara answered at the same time.

Bryan closed the door to his room slowly and approached Stacey, who was looking around for Bryan's medicine. Bryan suddenly hugged Stacey from behind.

"Bryan, let go; what the hell." Bryan slowly turned his body to face Stacey. His breath was hot, the effect of the fever brushing Stacey's face. Bryan put his face forward to kiss Stacey. Stacey pushed Bryan's body as if she had read Bryan's mind. "What do you want? What relationship do we have? It's confusing." Stacey shouted, half emotional.

"I love you Stacey, you love me too, don't you? The proof is, why did you bother coming here to care about me." Bryan came back closer and immediately hugged Stacey tightly.

"Your attitude is confusing. I'm a girl, I need clarity from our relationship. I don't want your fans at school to make fun of me."

"Okay, deal, you want clarity about our relationship, right? I'll prove it; I'll also explain why I rejected you at that time. But please..., don't leave me. I'm lonely; you mean a lot to my life." Stacey stretched from Bryan's arms and looked into the Boy's eyes intensely, ensuring there was a lie in his heart.


'What the hell, it's been almost a week, he said he wanted to prove it to me.' Stacey grunted in her heart.

"Stacey, how about tomorrow, are you ready for battle?" Clara interrupted Stacey's daydream.

"I'm ready." Stacey glanced at Bryan, who was having fun joking with his friends.

"Why have you been ogling, I guess, Bryan right? I suspect that you and Bryan were alone in his room for more than half an hour?" Zack raised an eyebrow.

"Nothing, you perverted brain." Stacey threw Zack a very thick package book.

"Stacey, it's pain. It will make could concuss myself." Zack rubbed his head.

"Noisy." Stacey snorted in annoyance.

"Come on, honey, don't bother her. Here and there which one hurts, I'll treat it." Clara stroked Zack's hair.

"Yeah, that's too much." Stacey rolled her eyes.

"Stacey, the main thing is tomorrow. Our school cheers team has to win again and you have to make up pretty to make it brighter." Clara was very enthusiastic.

"Hmm…." Stacey just mumbled.

"I'll just be a team covering.", Zack was enthusiastic.

The recess bell rings.

"Let's go to the cafeteria." Clara pulled Stacey's hand and walked out, followed by Zack behind the girl.


This morning, the Saint Andrew high school group arrived at the competition's location. The annual agenda for the Boy's and girls' basketball competitions and cheering competitions are always enthusiastically followed by selected teams from Saint Andrew High School.

Bryan, the leader of the Boy's basketball team this week, was very focused on representing his coach by providing additional training so that he would get maximum results during the match.

Meanwhile, as the cheerleader, Stacey is no less busy training with her team, although this week, she always thinks about Bryan's ambiguous words. A week ago at her house, she tried to focus on training with her team and giving her best.

At the entrance, Bryan leaned back and looked at the participants who entered the competition location. Stacey looked beautiful with minimal make-up and cheers-style clothes that looked fashionable, covered in a black color jacket. With her team, Stacey was followed by the supervising teacher, Clara, and Zack seemed to be holding Stacey, walking hand in hand to enter the match's location. When Stacey passed in front of Bryan. Bryan quickly grabbed Stacey's hand and pulled her out of the group to the outside area of ​​the building. Suddenly Stacey was shocked by Bryan's sudden action.

"Bryan, what are you doing?" Stacey sucks.

Bryan immediately hugged Stacey tightly while whispering words of encouragement. "Good luck, those who are excited, don't be nervous. Today I have a surprise for you." Bryan kissed the top of Stacey's head and released his arms while smiling sweetly at Stacey. Stacey was stunned by Bryan's sweet behavior, which made her heart rapid quickly. "Stacey, you're so beautiful today."

"Stacey, the teacher looking for you, why are you still standing here? Hurry up, it's our team's turn to take the match lottery numbers." Clara touched Stacey's arm.

"He is definitely the suspect." Zack looked at Bryan timidly. "Bryan, The mentor teacher also looking for you. Hurry up, you also have to take the match lottery number. Postpone the intimacy for a while." Zack hastily left after being glared at by Bryan.

The match went smoothly. The fans shouted enthusiastically when their team was playing. When Stacey came down to the arena, Bryan raised his thumb, and Stacey gave encouragement. Stacey smiled happily at Bryan's actions that provided support.

Meanwhile, when Bryan competed, Stacey just watched from a distance. As if he doesn't care about Bryan, Bryan thinks Stacey's view is an encouragement for him.

The match has ended. The results of the game will be announced soon. Saint Andrew High School won first place for the Boy's basketball team, second place for the girl's team, and the cheer team first. Clara and Zack jumped and hugged each other, screaming together, knowing Stacey's cheers team had won first place. Zack and Clara were taking pictures of Stacey and her team directly and candidly.

"Hon, don't forget, there's also a photo of the Bryan." Clara gave instructions to Zack.

"Okay, babe, it's been a while, including when he hugged Sraceyhi." Zack grimaced, showing his white teeth.

"Really? That's cool." Clara kissed Zack's cheek, which she kissed, grinning with joy.

After the announcement of the winners, the organizing committee began to call representatives of the winning teams to go up on stage to be photographed and receive trophies and prizes for the competition. The team representatives received the medal, proud and happy for their hard work. After the photo session ended, they started to get off the stage. Likewise, Stacey carried the trophy and intended to go down the stage. Before he could take a step, Bryan had pulled his hand from the side. Instantly Bryan knelt in front of Stacey, handing her a bouquet of red roses. Stacey blinked her eyes, not believing Bryan's action.

"Stacey Miller, will you be my girlfriend? Together, we take care of each other until we get into a more serious relationship in the future." Stacey was suddenly shocked, especially when he said those words; Bryan used a microphone automatically heard clearly by the entire audience in the match building.

Rumors began to be heard from the mouths of Bryan's fanatical female fans; some were amazed by Bryan's reckless and romantic actions, while others sneered with envy. Suddenly, Bryan's basketball team started clapping and cheering from the crowd. "Accept, accept, accept." Instantly the other audiences were also carried away following the behavior of the basketball team's students.

Stacey raised her hands, signaling to be quiet, and pulled Bryan's shoulders to stand up. Stacey smiled then….

A slap landed on Bryan's cheek. "What a shame!" Stacey ran down the stage and was greeted by Zack and Clara.