
What’s Within Me?

He have been asking himself ever since he got into Spherical Academy. How he got into an extraordinary place with extraordinary creatures?

namjjog · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Where Am I?

Fairy tales only exist in an imaginary world. As well as magic and any super powers. Im Ju-ho shrugs while listening to his professor's story about magical creatures. He said that magic does exist in this world, but we haven't seen it yet.

"Come on, Sir. That only exists in movies," he interrupted. His professor looked at him curiously. "How is even magic supposed to be here when it's all an imagination coming from a person's mind? It doesn't exist," he blunted. The professor looked at him. It's a little bit weird when he stares at him for a minute before smiling.

"Yes," the professor answered. "It is not, Mr. Im," he added. He was confused because it was the first time his professor agreed with him. 

After the last subject, Juho went home. He is just a simple guy who lives alone, away from noise. He was surrounded by lakes and trees. This may be away from the city and his school, but this place makes him feel better. It's peaceful and nice.


Juho woke up because of a loud knock on his door. He was annoyed, but he didn't have a chance, so he stood up and walked through it. He opened it, but no one was there. He was confused at the same time, walked into his house's aisle, got down the long stairs, and checked the living room. He was puzzled while checking out the kitchen.

"Where did it come from?" he asked himself. He was about to go back upstairs when he heard a loud knock again. He rushed to check it and it was from the main door of his house. He opened the door, but at the moment, a kid was running away. He came into his senses and went to his bike. He followed the road where the kid was going, but the kid was nowhere to be seen.

"I'm sure he was running this way," he whispered. He looked around, but he couldn't find him. "Am I following a ghost? Or am I just dreaming?" he asked himself again. He couldn't help but agree with what he was thinking. Maybe he was right. He was just dreaming because he had just woken up. 

Shrugging, Juho was about to go back home when someone bumped his bike, causing him to fall into the ground. Irritated, he looked at the person who had caused his head to boil, but to his surprise, it was a girl. 

"Hi, Juho. Welcome back to Spherical Academy." He blinked not just once nor twice, but a couple of times. He looked around.

"Where..." He couldn't believe what he was seeing. "—am I?" He was so confused now, like how he woke up. He was standing in a place where he couldn't imagine he could have been. "What is this place?" he asked again.

"Oh, you forgot? This is where you belong. Spherical Academy," the person beside him spoke. He looked at her and was stunned by her beauty. But then he came back to reality when a loud bang woke him up."What was that?" he asked.

"Well, probably Kia failed to practice her power again," the girl answered. "Psh, why does she always practice new magic. She can't even make one," she whispered. He gulped. Make magic? Spherical Academy?

"Uh, excuse me. Where exactly am I?" Juho asked the girl who approached him. "I had never heard of Spherical Academy before, and you know, I just fell into the ground when you bumped my bicycle. How did I get here? I just woke up. Am I still dreaming?" he asked continuously. The girl was amazed by how he spoke. 

"Gosh, you're like Jin Ah. You speak very fast," she amazingly said. "But I'll answer it one by one. First, you are in Spherical Academy. This is a magical school where we practice our magic, learn its usage, and what the bad effects of it." she answered. "Second, you got here because, probably, you have magic, and no, you are not dreaming," she explained. But Juho still can't believe it. "Come on, Juho. This is real," she added. That added to his curiosity. 

"Magic? Do I have magic? Come on, this is insane. Magic is not real. I've only seen it in movies or read about it in books. God-damn! Are you Professor Kim's affiliate? Because you know, this was exactly how he told us in our class!" he exclaimed. "And how did you know my name? I didn't even bother to tell you about it," he said curiously. Maybe he was just dreaming. Maybe his soul was playing telekinesis, which made him reach the place. 'Magic? Spherical Academy? It's insane,' he said inside his head.

"It's real. You are not in a book or in a movie. And well, I am the bookkeeper. I have to the list of those who are qualified to be part of Spherical," she explained again. "Everything here is real, Juho. Get used to it," the girl added before she left. 

He looked around and saw extraordinary people. On his left, there are people who he thinks are practicing super strength abilities, and on his right, there are super powers like magic. He couldn't believe he was there. It was like what Professor Kim said. A magical world where magical creatures live. He pinched himself but...

"Ouch," he hissed. He was taken aback.

Spherical Academy...

—it was all real.



But everything around him was real because if it wasn't, the pain in his arm because of the pinch would have woken him up, but it didn't. The pain is still there. Juho can't believe it is happening. Just like in a movie, he is now on the ground where extraordinary people are doing power and magic.

Amused, he started to walk and roam around and look at the area.

"Spherical Academy, huh," he whispered.