
Chapter Twenty-Nine

Once they'd started dancing, they stayed on the dance floor for most of the night. Beth got picked up at the time agreed, but she'd had one or two dances with her brother and new friend before that time came. 

Hannah had the occasional dance with one or two of the lads in attendance but was also quite happy to stay along the fringe, catching up with friends. Some had been away for a while at college and had come back for the weekend. One of the girls that was hanging around near her was not necessarily a friend, more someone she knew from high school. Her name was Doreen, she could be a bit of a bully, and she didn't seem too happy to see Jake having so much fun on the dance floor with someone that wasn't her.

"Don'tchya dare Doreen," Hannah held the bullish girl back when she noticed she was about to head onto the dance floor to break them up. 

"Why shouldn't I? Why should that darn city girl get away with one of the catches in Pleasanton?" the red headed girl asked, clearly a case of sour grapes. 

"Coz he made it quite clear he ain't interested in ya, 'n if ye go over now ye ain't gonna look nuffin' but desperate 'n bitter," Hannah gave her a friendly piece of advice. She knew Doreen had asked Jake out before and he'd not been interested at all but had tried to be nice about it. Having met Molly a couple of times now she could see the connection between the two and there was no way she was going to let a bully like Doreen get involved. Doreen gave her a killer look before she decided perhaps that she was right and stormed off towards the drinks table. So maybe Hannah had stopped her from intervening tonight, but she was sure there would be other opportunities to stick a spanner in the works. 


Molly had been quite surprised at how good a dancer Jake was when they first headed out onto the dance floor, but it sure made the night more enjoyable. She'd spotted several nasty glares aimed her with some lustful ones aimed at him. Jake however had soon pulled her back into their little bubble, quickly making her forget about who was looking at her funny. He twirled her and pulled her back in, holding her close now. She could see the gold in his eyes as he looked at her, his fingers gently going through her curls. Molly was certain that he was finally going to kiss her now, their bodies moving along together. 

Let me show ye how a country boy treats a lady. Oooh-ooh-ooh. Go ahead, kick em off, coz the boot fits baby. 

The familiar lyrics filtered through, making Jake hesitate for a moment. "Come on, let's get out o'here," he told her now, grabbing hold of her hand to pull her along. 

Molly just about had time to wave bye to Hannah, with an apologetic smile. "What's the rush?" she asked, just about keeping up with him. 

He didn't answer her until they got to his truck. "I just didn't want folk to share this moment with us," Jake said, pulling her in and leaning in to kiss her softly. 

Molly wrapped her arms around his neck as she kissed him back, relishing the moment and not wanting it to end. "That was good thinkin' batman," she said a little breathless, making him chuckle as he kissed her again. She could feel his hands on her hip and back to hold her close and she could honestly say she'd never felt as safe or as special as she did right then. It made it hard for her not let her hands wander or to get lost in his kisses, as she leaned in closer against him. "Maybe we should go," she suggested after a few minutes when some wolf-whistles filtered through from some of the guys passing them. 

"Maybe," he conceded. "Guessin' yers is out of the question?" he asked, one hand now gently going through her hair. 

"Yeah, Jen's home tonight," Molly nodded, silently cursing her sister and forcing them to try to keep their relationship a secret. "Yours?" He shook his head. 

"Not unless ye wanna sit through the 3rd degree by Bethy," he added. And she didn't just yet, though she knew it was inevitable. "Let's go to the cabin," he suggested now. It was fast becoming their spot, so where better? 

"Yeah, okay," she nodded, getting a quick kiss before he held her door open for her. Molly hopped in, feeling quite excited now, though she knew there was no way anything more than kissing would happen tonight. Jake wasn't that kind of guy, no matter how much they both might want it. "You know I said last weekend was my favorite first date?" she asked as they drove along. 

"Hmm," he made to show her he was listening. 

"I think tonight might need a special mention too," she told him with a smile. He glanced over at her and returned the smile. Molly couldn't be sure as it was dark, but she could've sworn she saw him blush. 

"Uh huh," was all he said, but she knew he agreed and felt the same way. She let him be the rest of the way, rather than try to get him to talk. Jake glanced over at her a couple of times and reached out to take hold of her hand.