
werewolves vs vampires

A city with a dark secret, has a supernatural creatures who look like human beings but changes their real form at night. Two different creatures who rules their packs and never cross each other's territories until a human arrives and happens to change everything. Meet melissa a girl with a dream to be humanitarian, happens to cross path with a ruthless, arrogant billionaires who cares about nothing but their own pride and territory. Three different people with different opinions about life who hates each other. toby the werewolf has grudge against Mike and wants to avenge for his dad's death. while on the other hand lisa finds out about the supernatural world,she gets torn apart and doesn't know which path to take and can't stand the war between them. she has to choose a path because it involves the people she cares about. which one will it be?? join me on this journey where three different creatures meet and can't find a way out of a situation they put themselves especially lisa. how will she take it and also be able to settle the differences between them?.

Amran_Salat · Sci-fi
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60 Chs

chapter sixteen

Heyy guys,

Long time, I haven't been uploading anything few weeks and I feel  guilty for not letting you that I took a break from writing but now am back and I hope to upload more of my stories including this one.  And thank you for 1.4k reads and hopefully I will keep uploading it.

Keep smiling 😊.

Happy reading


Toby  p.o.v

Lisa's aunt's words kept repeating itself and I couldn't understand what she meant by lisa's past. I drove to Jason's house, its  the place I normally go to when I feel down and only he knows how to calm me down.

I drove through the security who didn't stop my car to check like he usually does when visitors come, because he knew who I was. I greeted him as always when I drive pass the window.

I stopped my car at the entrance of the house and got out. I took out my phone and looked at the picture of the necklace I had taken before returning it to veronica. I got out of the car and slammed the door.

I was going to ring the bell but then saw the door was slightly open so I pushed it and I heard noises in the house.

Turned out Jason was hosting a party, not to deny he is a party person and can't go a day without it. There were many students everywhere, some where playing video games, while others were challenging each other who would be the first one to finish a drink.

I walked past others who were kissing each other and went the the pool side which was outside, the whole house was so crowded and I couldn't find jason, I asked people if they saw him and a girl told me that she saw him going upstairs with a girl.

So I went upstairs straight to his bedroom, as I was going to knock I heard a girl laughing so I opened it and saw jason and the girl on the bed half naked.

They were kissing and when the girl turned to me, I was surprised to see it was sasha, not that I cared if she was with Jason on the other hand Jason didn't burge.

"What are you doing here?" He asked without turning around because he could sense me even from far.

"I would like to have a private conversation with you" I said looking at sasha.

"Well could you please wait outside and let us get dressed and for your information didn't you see a "don't disturb "sign on the door" he asked annoyed.

"No I didn't and I don't usually follow what the signs says" I said annoying him even more.

"Just get the hell out " he yelled.

"Alright, alright  no need to yell" I said surrendering.

I left the room and waited outside, sasha came out looked at me in anger and went downstairs.

"Seriously can't you ever call or text if you want to see me instead of bugging into my room and ruin my moment." He said frustrated.

"Well sorry for that and by the way since when did you care about girls especially sasha?" I asked him.

"Since you dumped her on your first date and why did you even date her though am sure you're not the type to date high schoolers or any other person " he asked as he got dressed.

"You know who is my type but unfortunately she won't ever recognize me as she is already with someone else " I said looking at my phone.

"What ? Who are you talking about?" He asked confused.

"Her, I like the girl her name is melissa but I heard people call her lisa and she's beautiful but now she is dating another guy" I said remembering when I saw her and a guy hugging near her locker.

"Earth to the alpha, " jason said as he waved his hand infront of my face.

"Seriously dude you just confessed that you like a human for real congra.... wait what another guy? So you got some competition to face good luck " he said holding two thumbs up.

"Seriously stop am here to ask you for a favour"  I said changing the topic.

"What is it?" He asked looking at himself in the mirror.

Something about Jason is that he likes to look at himself in the mirror almost everytime, you wouldn't miss a chance without seeing him looking at himself in the mirror.

"What are you looking at?" He asked as he put a strand of hair on the right side of his face.

"I want to know everything about Lisa's aunt there is something strange about her, I found this necklace near lisa's locker and took it to her aunt and she said something I still can't get it out of my head " I said showing him the picture on my phone.

"That's strange, this necklace....." he said while staring at the phone.

"Do you know anything about it or what? I asked him.

"I don't know dude maybe you should ask your mom she might know something " he said giving me my phone.

"Well do you know something, you know you can tell me" I insisted.

"Sorry toby it's not my place to tell you anything " he said.

"Ok I guess I will ask my mom " I said.

I didn't know why jason wouldn't tell me anything despite I kept insisting but I guess he was right only my mom would be the one to tell me.

I left his room and went downstairs, as I was walking past by some crowd I suddenly heard someone screaming, I turned around and saw lisa with group of boys trying to push her.

I pushed the people away and luckily caught her before she fell, she was unconscious so I looked at the boys who pushed her and growled at them, they stepped back and ran away.

Suddenly she woke up and looked at me,she looked so beautiful I could feel my heart racing. I carried her in bridal style and went upstairs. Jason saw us and nodded. We entered one of the rooms and I laid her on the bed. And I walked to the window and stood there and stared at the moon it was a full moon.


I remember the first time I was going through the phrase, it was hard for me. I couldn't help myself, I would lose control and fought all the time.

There was a time, I got into a fight with a group of boys who were picking on me, I tried hard to control but it was so difficult I ended up hurting them and I was suspended from school for a month.

As time went by, Jason came to my rescue and helped me go through it and I finally managed to control myself even though the full moon.

End of flashback

As the time goes by, I heard someone yawning, I turned around and saw lisa stretching herself. She opened her eyes and looked around the room she probably realized she wasn't home.

When she saw me, she quickly covered herself. And she then looked at me strangely.

"Who are you and what am I doing here?" She asked as kept looking around the room.

I won't deny she looks cute when she seems clueless or confused. Suddenly she called me by name and asked if I was the guy that ignored her one time when we were at the airport.

I nodded then she asked if she could use my phone to call her aunt. I gladly gave her and soon we heard a knock on the door.

I opened it and saw a guy, he somehow looked familiar then I saw lisa standing next to me.

"What are you doing here weren't we over?" She asked him angrily.

"Lisa can we talk in private please " the guy pleaded.

"No, no no and heck no just leave already " she said coldly.

He tried to pull her arm but I interrupted them and held lisa's hand. He looked at me and then her.

"Let her go now" I said growling again.

He hesitated but then let her go. He looked at us then left  before he walked downstairs I could sense he was angry by hearing the beat of his heart.

I turned to lisa she looked like she was about to cry so I pulled her to a hug and I heard her cry her heart out.....