
werewolves vs vampires

A city with a dark secret, has a supernatural creatures who look like human beings but changes their real form at night. Two different creatures who rules their packs and never cross each other's territories until a human arrives and happens to change everything. Meet melissa a girl with a dream to be humanitarian, happens to cross path with a ruthless, arrogant billionaires who cares about nothing but their own pride and territory. Three different people with different opinions about life who hates each other. toby the werewolf has grudge against Mike and wants to avenge for his dad's death. while on the other hand lisa finds out about the supernatural world,she gets torn apart and doesn't know which path to take and can't stand the war between them. she has to choose a path because it involves the people she cares about. which one will it be?? join me on this journey where three different creatures meet and can't find a way out of a situation they put themselves especially lisa. how will she take it and also be able to settle the differences between them?.

Amran_Salat · Sci-fi
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60 Chs

chapter eight: A date

Toby p.o.v

When I came home, I was super confused about what has happened that night,all I remember was I was making out with this Ashley girl, in my car and the next thing I feel my head pounding like something just hit me.

I pushed her of me and got out of the car, I fell on the ground still holding my head. I felt someone touching my shoulder,I turned around and saw Ashley standing behind me half naked and she looked scared.

The next thing I did was to run in the woods, i could hear Ashley yelling loudly but i needed to be far away from her. I then stopped running when i was deep in the woods.

I transformed into a wolf and ran as fast as my legs could carry me. I found myself in a compound and there was a two stoned house, I then heard a heart beat and  i sensed something or someone was around.

I looked up and saw lisa at the window combing her hair  while sitting near her window. Suddenly she saw me and I tried to hide inside the woods but I couldn't.

I ended up stepping on a sharp thing that made me howl in pain I came out in the open and she saw me, I could see how scared she was and I was trying hard to hold on my pain.

The next thing I saw was a guy in a black leather jacket jumping infront of me. He looked up at me with red eyes. He attacked me and threw me into the woods.

I battled with him but I could match his strength as I was also in pain. I couldn't hold it so I ran away like a coward and found myself near a river,I looked at myself in the water. I had white fur and blue eyes.

One side of my cheek had a scar, it was the same scar I saw on my dad's neck. That's when I lost the strength and fell on the ground.

The following day, I woke up at the same spot and my head was spinning, I ran out of the woods and found myself near my house.

One of the security guards saw me from a balcony and he talked through a coiled earpiece and in few minutes four bodyguards came out of the gate to help me.

I was rushed inside the house where my mom was waiting for me. She told them to take me to my room.

In few minutes a doctor came as I laid in bed. He checked my wound on my right side of the leg and he bandaged it. He said that it was a deep cut and it will heal in two days.

I stayed in bed for a day and I got bored with it, I walked around my room changing my sitting positions. I called my friend jason to come over which he gladly accepted.

In minutes I heard a knock on the door, then Jason came in holding a box of pizza and a crate of drinks.

We hanged out in my room as we played video games on the television. Suddenly my head hurt and I felt pain  in my head. Before I passed out I heard Jason's voice asking me what's wrong.

I then woke up in my bed,I couldn't be able to see clearly all I heard were voices in the room, my eyes were blurry and it felt hard to wake up.

I closed my eyes again,this time I woke up when I heard a voice saying that I had to be ok for the sake of our friendship. I knew it was jason.

I opened my eyes and saw him holding my hand as he lay his head on my bed. Jason wasn't just my beta but my closest friend more like a brother.

I smiled as I stroked his brown hair that covered his left eye. I looked out and it was dark so I guess he wanted to stay for the night.

I went back to sleep and woke up the next day, I looked at jason and he was still in the same position as he was the previous night.

I got out of bed and went to the bathroom to get ready for school. I looked at my leg and I removed the bandage, the wound has healed and so as the scar on my cheek.

I got out and woke jason who was surprised to see me standing unlike the way I was the other day limping and unable to stand up.

He was happy to see me and we hugged, we both went out of the room to have breakfast.

On our way downstairs we were greeted by the guards as usual, when we reached the table my mom and brother were having their breakfast.

"Good morning beautiful" I said as I took a seat next to my brother.

"Good morning Mike " my brother answered as he took a bit of his fruit and smiled at me.

"How are you feeling?" Mom asked without giving me a glance.

"Am fine" I answered.

She didn't say anything but just ate her food silently which was unexpected. She usually had something to say but she just sat there quietly.

I didn't bother talking either as I was getting late for school, I took a slice of bread and walked away with Jason who had the same expression as me.

We both stood up and walked outside of the house when I happen to be surrounded by guards. I wonder what was going on when mom came from behind and I asked her what was going on.

"Why are these guards surrounding us?" I asked her as she gave them a nod.

"They are going to guard you from now onward Mike after what happened to you I don't think you will be safe all alone"

"So you think this guards are going to protect me?"

"I know you think you can fight him but we need to protect each other mike am doing this for your sake"

"Mom what happened to me was an accident, I didn't go for a battle ok, I happened to shift at the wrong time and I was attacked but I don't need a bodyguard I can protect myself ok?"

"I know you can but there is no guarantee for your safety just let them help you, so let them please "

"No mom I am an alpha werewolf and I can protect myself and my pack so please stop them from following me before i do it and you know it won't end well"

She hesitated at first then she signalled them to let me go. Jason and I went to school and I saw Ashley who came up to me  to asked me why I had ditched her.

"Am so sorry Ash but I can make it up to you" I said ignoring her question.

"And what do you plan to do ?" She asked as she put her hand on my shoulder.

"How about a date with me?"

"Ok then,I expect"

She kissed me on the lips then walked away with her friends.

I didn't know why I did it but deeply I didn't feel like I wanted it.....