
werewolves vs vampires

A city with a dark secret, has a supernatural creatures who look like human beings but changes their real form at night. Two different creatures who rules their packs and never cross each other's territories until a human arrives and happens to change everything. Meet melissa a girl with a dream to be humanitarian, happens to cross path with a ruthless, arrogant billionaires who cares about nothing but their own pride and territory. Three different people with different opinions about life who hates each other. toby the werewolf has grudge against Mike and wants to avenge for his dad's death. while on the other hand lisa finds out about the supernatural world,she gets torn apart and doesn't know which path to take and can't stand the war between them. she has to choose a path because it involves the people she cares about. which one will it be?? join me on this journey where three different creatures meet and can't find a way out of a situation they put themselves especially lisa. how will she take it and also be able to settle the differences between them?.

Amran_Salat · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
60 Chs

chapter 51

Lisa p.o.v

I stood there like statue trying to process what just happened, I looked at both of them as they grinned at each other still holding my hands on both sides.

I yelled out loud and pulled my hands from both sides. Mike tried to walk to me but toby pulled me closer to his body and snapped his fingers and two bodyguards appeared out of nowhere.

Toby tried to take my hand but I refused as I was still trying to process about what Mike said.

I felt like I was suffocating so I walked away through the crowd. I was heading towards the exit but I felt someone grabbing my arm.

At first I thought it was Mike but the voice was his as the person pulled me back to their chest.

"Are you ok lisa?" Toby asked as I breathed heavily.

My head was spinning around and if it wasn't for him I would have passed out there.

He helped gran a seat, which was near the door and took a bottle of water which was among other drinks.

"Take this it will help you calm" he said as he gave me a glass of cold water.

After taking a sip of water I took a deep breath and the words came to me like a scene in a movie.

Whatever mike confessed to didn't make any sense to me what so ever.

"Mind telling me what was Mike talking about when he said that he didn't murder him?" I asked as I was still looking down.

"I don't think you're in the mood to know everything so it's best if we leave it for another time ok" he said trying to help me stand up.

I refused to take his hand and was about to leave, when he suddenly grabbed my hand and pulled me towards a room for VIP.

At first I hesitated to get inside as the room had red lights and no one was inside.

"Get in princess, I won't do anything without your consent " he said as he still held my hand.

I got inside after that and sat down on the lounge. Toby then locked the door and sat next to me.

He poured a drink in the glass and gave it to me, though i wasn't legally allowed to drink but i was so anxious and nervous to hear what toby was going to tell me so i drank it quickly without looking at him.

"That was unexpected, I didn't know you could drink that fast?" He said as he chuckles.

"I just want to know what Mike meant when he said he didn't kill him and please tell me everything " I insisted as I didn't want to know at first but now I wanted to get over it for once.

"Ok then if you're sure that that you want to know the truth so badly then hear me out and no interfering " he said as he took a deep breath before he said what he wanted to say.

"First of all I know it might sound crazy and unacceptable but Mike and and I used to be best friends until something happened that it left none of us a choice but to accept the new law" he said as he  pulled his hair down.

"What happened if what to ask? is that one of  our members of our pack fell in love with a human and was helping from us but unfortunately they didn't survive as they drove off and died in accident expect from their daughter " he continued but he stopped and looked at me which was quite unexpected.

"Why did you look at me like that?" I asked as I stood up and looked at his eyes it was as if he was fighting his tears.

"Am s...sorry.. lisa... but those couple were your parents and I had no choice but to save you from the ruthless grandfather who was full of anger and wanted to kill you all" he said as he wiped his tears.

I didn't know what to or think at that moment I wanted to run away from there as my heart torn apart.

"Bu..but ho...how's that possible and why can't I remember anything?" I asked as I tried to think about it.

"That's the missing part, your memories were wiped by your aunt when I took you to her and told her what happened" he said as he clenched his fist.

"Then how did I end up at the orphanage and how come I was told that I was abandoned by my parents when you're the one who's telling me that they were killed by you grandfather?" I asked furiously as I took a glass and threw it on the floor.

"What the hell lisa, it was your aunt who did it to protect you from my grandfather if he found out you were alive you would be dead by now but he didn't " he said.

I couldn't stand there listening to what he said as I was broken and was angry with what my aunt did and how she acted surprised when she saw me the first time we met.

As u ran out of the room, I heard toby calling my name but I was too angry and in tears to stop so I entered the limousine.

As I was about to ask the driver to drive when toby approached me, he  opened the door and sat next to me.

I moved away from him and opened the window,though it was cold and was about to rain but I was heart broken to find out things that I wasn't mentally prepared for but it was finally out.

My parents didn't abandoned me instead they died while protecting me from the war between werewolves vs vampires.

Toby tried to touch me but I pulled his hand away but he didn't stop. As the limo stopped at the entrance, I got out of the limo without looking at him.

I pushed the open door and got in but somehow he would catch up with me.

"Can't you just leave me alone, am already trying to process with what you said but still you don't get it" I yelled at him but he didn't even say anything.

"I understand that you need space that's what am going to do once we get inside " he said as we finally reached the penthouse.

We got out and I quickly ran upstairs to the room to get my pyjamas but instead I found a sexy lingerie on the bed.

What in the frickin crazy world is this

I was stunned to see it,though I liked it but there was no way I was wearing it in front of him.

He didn't come after me as I was struggling with the zipper I heard someone leaning by the door I turned around to see toby standing there.

He looked at me with admiration, his eyes looked like he was checking me out from top to the bottom.

He walked closer and I walked backwards though I was still mad at him but I couldn't stop my heart beating so fast.

"Do you need help with the zipper?" He asked as he pointed to my back.

I nodded and turned around, he took his time to zip down slowly as I tried hard not to get myself lured by his hand.

But I was wrong and as unexpected he kissed my back and neck. I bit my lips to stop myself from moaning but it was unbearable.

He turned me around and at packed my lips. I thought he was going to leave but he didn't instead he pulled my dress down and kissed me again as he lowered his hand and held my buttocks.

I tried not to give in easily but he didn't stop,he laid me on the bed and I found myself under him.

I pushed him away and covered myself with the pillow which left him shocked.

"Yo...you can't see me naked you need to close your eyes" I said as I was in my  bikini.

"Really lisa? What are you trying to hide,remember this only I get to see your body and no one but me has the right over you understand " he said as he pulled the pillow away but I still covered myself with my hands.

"But...wait..what did you say?" I asked as no one has ever said anything like this. I always had insecurities about my body but now what toby said made me feel at ease.

"Why don't I show you instead of repeating it" he said as he got closer and kissed me again.

The kiss was smooth and rough but I didn't complain as I felt like I was being accepted for how I looked. He unhooked my bra and laid me down while he took off  his shirt.

Not only does he look hot but his body was on the next level. He was well built and if he joined the model industry he would have killed it.

I pushed me on the pillow and kissed every inch of my body and face. It was like he wanted me to feel safe with him only of which I did.

And i was only two days away to finally become eighteen and here i am with toby as we spend the night while it rains from the outside.

After making out he gave me his shirt which i wore and he went to the bathroom to get ready for sleep.

Even if i was mad at him i was still grateful that he saved my life but what i didn't understand was what happened between him and mike.

As I was thinking about it, toby came out and took a blanket and was heading out when I stopped him.

"Can't you stay with me tonight, ita raining heavily and I can't stay alone" I said as I didn't know how to tell him about my fear.

"Sure I'll sleep on the couch as I know you're still mad about my choice" he said as he laid down on the couch that was next to the window.

I wanted him so bad but I wasn't sure if it was the right thing to do am still mad about things but I didn't want to pressure him too much I still haven't process about what he said.

I hope to get bottom of this and hopefully to bring peace among them...