
werewolves vs vampires

A city with a dark secret, has a supernatural creatures who look like human beings but changes their real form at night. Two different creatures who rules their packs and never cross each other's territories until a human arrives and happens to change everything. Meet melissa a girl with a dream to be humanitarian, happens to cross path with a ruthless, arrogant billionaires who cares about nothing but their own pride and territory. Three different people with different opinions about life who hates each other. toby the werewolf has grudge against Mike and wants to avenge for his dad's death. while on the other hand lisa finds out about the supernatural world,she gets torn apart and doesn't know which path to take and can't stand the war between them. she has to choose a path because it involves the people she cares about. which one will it be?? join me on this journey where three different creatures meet and can't find a way out of a situation they put themselves especially lisa. how will she take it and also be able to settle the differences between them?.

Amran_Salat · Sci-fi
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60 Chs

chapter 30

Lisa p.o.v

After last night, something in my mind clicked on whether I should leave or stay, after what happened last night between me and toby, I don't know if am sure that I want to leave.

"Good morning beautiful"toby greeted me as I was laying on his chest.

"Morning "I replied.

"Did you sleep well?"he asked as he caressed my face.

''A little bit but most of the time, I was still thinking about the whole thing about the things that I just found out about since yesterday'' I said as I sat up.

''I know that is a still shocking for you to find out about being part of world that you only fantasise about but still you'll have to except it one day though'' he said as he pulled me back.

''I still can't believe that am part of this toby, I just don't know where or what I want now am so confused about this path''

''I know that I have no right to stop you from leaving but you know that you came here for a reason and maybe you finding out the truth was what brought you here in the first place"he said as he pulled closer and touched my cheeks.

''I know that toby and thanks for letting me stay here with you despite being a burden to you, or its what I feel like I am to you''

''NO,NO and no, you're not a burden to me at all and I'll never allow you to say that to me ever understood?" He asked firmly.

"What? Why? I sai...

"I said don't ok?"

"Ok fine ,I wont just so you know its was figure of speech and I don't mean it "

"It doesn't matter what you mean,I won't hear it from you ok?"

"Fine, I want to get to school to get my transfer letter anyway do you mind taking me to school?" I asked as I wore his shirt.

"So you're sure you don't want to think about it again?" He asked as he stood up from the bed.

"Yes I am sure, I just don't want to stay here another day"

"Ok, I got but can I at least ask you for a favour?"

"Sure what is it?"

"Can you stay one more day?"

"Why?do you want that ?"I asked curiously.

"T.. tomorrow I'll be appointed as the new alpha and I wanted you to celebrate this with you before you leave is that ok with you?"

"Toby,I appreciate the invite but honestly I don't think I want to stay here another minute am sorry"

"It's ok,I understand, you have too much on your mind and I thought this would distract you from everything"

"I appreciate the thought but I have made up my mind am leaving tonight" I said as I walked away.

I got inside the bathroom to do my morning routine when I thought about veronica and everything else.

I ignored it and prepared myself for school,  as I went downstairs for breakfast when out of nowhere I bumped into someone.

"Sorry sorry" I said as I saw glasses breaking into pieces.

"Its ok miss, am at fault, I wasn't looking where I was going while in a hurry". She said as she carried the pieces.

"At least let me help, since its partly my fault too" I said as I bend down to help her.

"That wont be necessary lisa, am sure miss vera would clean it herself " said toby's mother as she walked to us.

"Its also my fault too,"I said taking the blame.

"No worries dear, I wouldn't blame you either after accidents happen and we can't prevent it from happening " she said as she pulled me up.

"Let's have breakfast shall we?" She asked as she took me to the dinning room.

As we entered, I couldn't help but to asmiretge decoration of the table there plenty different types of food. My stomach grumbles as my mouth waters because of the deserts.

"Please take a seat and have as many as you want you don't want to starve yourself do you?"

I shook my head and sat next to toby as I took my plate ready to fill it with the food.

"So lisa, do you plan on staying for toby's party tomorrow?" She asked as she took a sip of the juice.

"The thing is...."

"Don't bother asking her she already said no" toby answered without looking at me.

"What?no honey why don't you want to stay?" She asked confused.

"Isn't obvious mom, she just found out about the existence of supernatural world and you expect her to be ok with COME ON!" He said as he banged on the table.

"I know it's a shock for you to know about your true identity but you can't run away from it lisa one way or another you'll find yourself back here trust me"

"Soreybut I don't trust anyone neither my aunt nor you so don't say anything about trust madam"

"I know it hurts to know about your life and how it's all a lie but you can't fight your destiny lisa am sure that is what brought you here" she said as she put the fork down.

"I think that's enough mom, let's go lisa or we'll be late for school" toby interrupted her.

"On the other hand I think I'll stay for your party tomorrow " I said as I took an apple from the bowl.

As we walked out if the house, his chauffeur pulled up near the entrance and gave him the key.

Toby opened the door for me and I entered the car and he went to the driver's seat.

"You know you don't have to stay just because my mom said something, I wouldn't mind if you go"he said as he wore his glasses and started driving.

"Am not doing it because your mom said, the thing is I have never been to a party so am staying and you have no words to say" I said as I looked outside.

I didn't miss the smirk on his face when I said I was staying for his party. I couldn't believe myself either.

We both reached school and we both part ways,he went for classes and I went to the principal's office to get my papers.

On the way I met mike, we talked for while and I told him that I was leaving school and so as Miami. What he said made me wonder he asked me not to leave and I didn't know why he is doing this.

I barely don't know what to do myself, I want to leave here but at the same time I feel like something is pulling me back.

"What's going on here?"...