
werewolves vs vampires

A city with a dark secret, has a supernatural creatures who look like human beings but changes their real form at night. Two different creatures who rules their packs and never cross each other's territories until a human arrives and happens to change everything. Meet melissa a girl with a dream to be humanitarian, happens to cross path with a ruthless, arrogant billionaires who cares about nothing but their own pride and territory. Three different people with different opinions about life who hates each other. toby the werewolf has grudge against Mike and wants to avenge for his dad's death. while on the other hand lisa finds out about the supernatural world,she gets torn apart and doesn't know which path to take and can't stand the war between them. she has to choose a path because it involves the people she cares about. which one will it be?? join me on this journey where three different creatures meet and can't find a way out of a situation they put themselves especially lisa. how will she take it and also be able to settle the differences between them?.

Amran_Salat · Sci-fi
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60 Chs

chapter 27

Mike p.o.v

I looked for lisa everywhere, I even went to her window to see if she was there but no luck.

I thought of a place she might be but I had no clue where to begin so I sat on her porch to wait and see if anyone would show up.

Since it was midmorning, I waited until I heard a car approaching the house. I stood up and waited for the person hoping to be lisa but I was mistaken it was her aunt veronica.

"What are you doing here?" She asked as she came out of her car.

"I came to see lisa,I heard that she was attacked and I wanted to see how she's doing "

"Don't worry she's fine, you can go now"

"Do you mind telling me if I can see her"

"Yes I do mind and it's best if you leave and don't come back looking for lisa" she said as she walked inside.

"Why? Did I do something wrong?" I asked confused.

"Maybe, like I said don't bother showing up here because she won't be here when you come again.

"What do you mean she won't be here when I come back?"

"Listen here, you want to know where she will be well she's going back to Miami so it will be best to forget you've met"

"Why suddenly does she want to leave?"

"Mike, I'll suggest something for you alright lisa isn't worthy of you and please don't get hurt trying to be with her ok better save your heart for someone else" she said as she pointed to the door.

"What do you mean save your heart, you know I like lisa and now you want me to stay away from her?"

"Yes, I want you to stay away from lisa it's for your own good"

I didn't want to argue with her but I I knew that I wasn't going to give up either.

By the time I left her house, it was almost night and the rain started, I didn't know why she keeps pushing me away but I had to find out the truth at any point.

I drove back home and on the way I saw lisa and toby in the middle of the road and a car stopped in front of them.

I stopped my car to get out but they were quick to get in and drove away, I ran after her but they drove off in a speed.

I stood in the rain wondering what they were doing here in the first place but I didn't get it so I drove home.

"Where were you today?" Nora asked as she stood behind me.

"I went to see lisa, I heard she was attacked at her home" I said as I put my car keys in a bowl.

"What? How? Is she ok?" She asked.

"Unfortunately I didn't get to see her as I I expected, her aunt didn't want me to see her"

"What do you mean she didn't want you to see lisa? What happened?"

"Nothing ok? Stop meddling in my business?"

"Something happened right?"

"Yes, something did happen and I want you to stay away too got that?"

"Yeah right,like I have ever listened to you in my life"

"Nora,Nooraaa," I yelled her name as she ran towards the stairs.

The next day, I went to have breakfast as usual, I looked around but Nora was nowhere to be seen.

"Hey mom, have you seen Nora?" I asked as I sat on the stool bar.

"No I haven't, she maybe sleeping why don't you go and wake her up"

"Fine, I wonder if she's still sleeping or not?" I asked myself.

I went upstairs to her room,I knocked on the door but no one opened it.

"Hey nora, are you awake yet?"

No one answered, I tried to open it but it didn't work. I continued knocking hard until until I heard the knob twisting.

"What do you want mike can't you read on the door?"she asked as she pointed at the "DON'T DISTURB " sign on the door.

"You made me worried when you took long to open the door" I said.

"First I was in the shower and second what did you think happened death?" She asked sarcastically.

"After what happened the previous night, I have many thoughts of what you might try to do to hurt yourself"

"Just because am being bullied doesn't mean I'll hurt myself and besides I have you as my back up remember you will be summoned as the next alpha" she said walking away

"You have to be careful all the time please"

"Mike don't worry ok,I'll be careful I promise"

We went down stairs to have breakfast and I thought of what veronica said, I decided to go and find lisa to talk to her.

"Where do you think you are going, you barely touched the food?" Mom asked.

"I happen to forget that I had a presentation to do and am on my way to the library to finish" I said as I took my bag.

I left the house in a hurry and drove to school, as I was parking my car, I saw lisa and toby in his car driving at the parking lot.

I waited to see what happens, to my shock toby and lisa were holding hands which I didn't expect to see and lisa seemed to be happy with it.

I got out of my car, took my bag and followed them from behind. Lisa kissed him on the cheek and they drift apart.

Lisa went to her locker and I stood in front of her, she didn't see me as she was looking inside her locker.

"Hey lisa how are you doing?" I asked.

"Oh hey mike am great what about you?" She asked  as she locked the lock.

"Am great, mind if I ask you how you're doing the thing is I heard you were attacked are you ok?"

"Am fine don't worry about and if you don't mind I have to go to class"

"Your aunt veronica said you were leaving how come?"

"Mike you ask too many questions and yes am leaving today after school "

"Please don't leave"

"What and why shouldn't I leave?".....