
welcome to new world

unkown place

As my eyes opened I am rested in warm bed. I saw fee people standing around me but they were facing towards other direction.i called them Mr where am I ? but they didn't respond and slowly with bitter feeling I got the idea that I didn't have my voice and the shock of realizing voicel esness again made me passed out..I opened my eyes again my few friends were by my side .they were saying lisa do you remember anything ? they were asking about how I felt and everything will be ok as soon as I got my voice back but I didn't knew how I got there and who were those men's standing before me .. I couldn't reply cuz my voice hadn't returned so just simply nodded.. yes this story of mine is voiceless talk of the mind .. and by the time my voice comes back everything will change..

loud bell...

it's been 2 days in this town.. here somebody are very happy they are dancing laughing and singing but somebody are in state of shock they are holding their heads and watching everything with despair and regret and I was simply confused .. most of them greeted me well they said I would be fine everything will be ok .. some who were sad also said to me it's just the part of the process you will have your voice back soon .. but I was just confused I saw my friends dancing in the crowds as if they were in different world .... as the midnight came a loud bell rang in the town .. ding ding ding ding it was very loud and disturbing now everybody started to run I didn't knew what was happening and as soon as it started it ended... almost 30 people were abducted and nobody were scared or talked about that. next morning I saw many new people were in town . they were in bed and they couldn't speak .. u thought they were like me I tried very hard to remember how did I came here but I couldn't remember and I became very depressed and sense of fear came along because the people who were abducted were the sad ones

.. the run ..

although I couldn't talk I could write so wrote a messege to my friends asking them what the hell is going on here and where in the hell is this place ? but they didn't reply now I started to think my friends are now not my friends and they might be responsible for all this .. now I started to mingle with few other new people in the town and tried to communicate with them .. they were also both amazed and terrified of their situation .. yes we couldn't talk but most of us could write so in secret we devised a plan to sneak out of the town and contact our families..but when we made our plan and came out of the hut. there were people outside dancing and singing and laughing .. okey we knew now it's our turn and we are mentally preparing for this cuz it was part of our plan

the plan ..

the plan was simple to run away as fast as possible away from the dancing crowd toward s the jungle and we did .. we were surprised nobody stopped us as if they wanted us to run .. ding ding ding the sound of the bell came closer and closer .. and I looked back what I saw was a big dog with a bell in his neck and it was standing in it's two legs .. it was charging toward us and we ran as fast as possible .. but as I look back again the people who were running with me started to disappear one by one and that dog jumped right over me I screamed Jesus help me ... that dog tried to bite my head off and I fought very hard I managed to free myself and jumped down the waterfall .. when I looked up that dog like creature morphed back to person and was waving his hands .. what I saw was unimaginable I thought it might be dream.but it wasn't .. then I looked at myself properly I was 89years old women how did I became a young women in her 2O.. I was so confused it hurt my head .. then I saw a road of my home town almost it magically came in front of me .I thought this was a dream this was a dream I prayed for this to be a dream .. then I walked towards my house and what I saw their was very very terrifying what I saw was my dead body ...and my children crying .. then I hand came in my shoulder and said let's go that was same guy who chased me and when I looked closely it was my husband .. then he morphed back to dog thing creature carried me in his back and we headed towards the same town .and he said are you okey and I replied yes dear I am fine

town of the Dracula's..

when I got back to the village the village had changed in many ways now there were small very comfortable huts and caves everywhere in the middle of this new city there is a big castle and my husband took me there since I was able to return their everybody where happy most happiest was my husband. they said to me I was reborn to their world because I was good soul and very faithfull toward my husband and family. and I. coming new moon I will be transformed into female werewolf .. . my feelings were both of sweetness and bitterness.. in one hand I had been reunited with my love and in otherhand I had to leave my children and family behind .. than I remembered my voice was back so Infront of the council I requested to ask something and they allowed me to ask then I asked them what about my childrens and family members are out parents siblings or children who had died will rejoin us here .. council stayed quite for a minute and told me to listen carefully.. yes we are reincarnet here after our death but who will be of what kind is determined by our karma ..there are mainly three kinds of people here vampires werewolfes and lowly demons .. people who are good in nature who are out of all urges and had been gone from cycle of love and hate and are enlightened goes to heaven .and people who are good but has some kinda lingering emotions will be reincarnated here .. people who were faithfully becomes of our kind people who are greedy and untrustworthy becomes vampires and people who simply lives there lives becomes lowly demons like creature ... and we werewolf and vampires are in state of war right now so he helpfull to us .. slowly I realised even my friends or siblings or children might end up in wrong side .. yet this feelings were just worries for time being and I waited for next full moon