
Werewolves of Millers Hollow (The Scraps)

Could Lianne and her friends get out of a sick mysterious werewolf game? Will they find out the key to playing the game? This is a scrapped version of the story that only includes later, though newly written, chapters. Chapters 18- 23 is the newer versions. Enjoy.

setomaouges · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Chapter 1

"Alright, which one of you was in charge of stacking the books together?" I questioned the three classmates lined up on their desks, with their phones on their left hand. It was useless questioning them, since I wasn't so sure myself who was assigned to reorganize the textbooks.

"C'mon Lianne.. could you just let us off the hook?" replied one of them, "It's close to being summer break, and I have a lot of things to do."

"That IS the point. It's close to school finally over, AND we are just days away from graduating middle school. Can't you just get some things done so we can all be 'left off the hook?" I was growing tired of pestering them about it too. I was supposed to meet up with my Ash, my close friend from like my childhood at this point, to say our goodbyes to the school before leaving the place. It let out a big enough sigh that I hope they picked up the hint and just do it already. Not like it was a easy thing for them pick up on it either.

The smacking of the gum from the other classmate grew louder and louder as if it was right into my ear was the finally straw for me before started shouting, "Could you stop it?! It's goddamn annoying. I am going to say this again, we are all supposed to be cleaning up this classroom before the break starts," on a verge of losing my temper, obviously didn't have a good week full of exams, "Apparently, all of you are such lazy asses who won't fuckin-"

My shouting temperament over the now weak bended classmates, who are not starting at me with wide eyes like they're aren't the reason why my last impression on everybody was i was the crazy lady, was interrupted by the red haired boy, who broad shoulders hid half of his face, standing in the partially closed door.

I had lost the temper because of the embarrassment that was stricken into me, but I still wouldn't let it all go. I puffed at them before slowly walking over to the door, letting myself be seen behind the partially propped door.

"Ash?! Aren't you supposed to be attending the game's meeting right now?" The temper contradicted whether it was the reason why I had only spoke it with a unclear tone of confusion.

Ash, who had came back with his partially did hair, had settled me down by placing his hands on my shoulder. His grin had broadened across his face, "I was. Those meetings doesn't seem much important to me since we are already leaving. Don't worry, I have already done what I need to do. I was hoping we would camp outside for the night, after school.

I pouted and crossed my arms, giving it some thought. I did already plan to hang out with him, but hanging out with everyone else too seems like a better idea. I exchanged him a contemplating smirk before readying myself for a fast reply.

"Do you?" He had interrupted my response with his own follow up question. It wasn't a hard answer for me to give, I'm absolutely excited and would love to.

"Why wouldn't I?!" I had alte says begun unknowingly shoving him away from me, while accepting his question right away in a less exasperated tone.

If I said I'm not exasperated yet, I would definitely be if I had remembered that I was in the middle of scolding, the motivation for that had already left me.

I sighed, "Just let me finish cleaning this up and I'll be able to go out. I also have to pick up some things from my house," walking back into the room, right past by him, who was still listening for a more clearer answer, "Meet up at Bailey's house?"

He nodded and continued walking back, leaving me to focus on cleaning up the classroom.

I had already finished packing up my backs and saying my final goodbyes to my friends and acquaintances in the gymnasium before heading out home. The warmth from the sun had blanked me with the little help of my thing jacket. The absolute relief that I had finally ended the painful school year with graduating from that place. Now, it was the slowly growing agitation of starting in a new school— But that was not until two and a half months.

I shook off those annoying pestering thoughts with more relief that I am able to spend my day all to myself, and my friends. I felt more grateful for the group of friends I made from the start of those 3 years and still exists today. I still remember that we were planning on camping by the lake behind Candice's house.

I opened the front door of my house, the creak of the hinges welcomed me with open arms. The humid but crispy smell of wood had also welcomed me by swinging into my face. My parents had went out of the country to work a few years ago, with the help of my relatives from around here, they had found a affordable home for me to stay at. I had to admit, it made me a bit sorrowful that I never spent enough time with my family. That is the reason why I put so much of my trust and time into talking with my friends, the only family I knew.

The clinging of the metal spoon to the ceramic bowl rung around the empty kitchen as I finished the last of what I had to eat. Since my parents weren't around, I had to take care most of the housework around, if there was any, that included finding some available time left to go out grocery shopping. The closet that was once filled with racks and shelves of canned, boxed goods, are now bare. I gave out a sigh as I reminded myself about it again.

I had taken a break from sorting the pile of papers, from what was to keep and what was to throw away when the doorbell rung. When the whole grade that was graduating left from the celebration ceremony, I had asked my friend Hayden to help come over to help me with my theater work I had for the summer. He was also in the same class period as me, so it would score us with preparing for the performance AND wait our time out until we meet at Bailey's house. It's killing two birds with one stone.

The continuous ringing and knocking had ignited more irritation, "Would you hold on!?" I had grabbed the door by the knob and swung it open. The irritation didn't last any longer when Hayden had showed up in the front doorstep, with his book bag wide with his belongings.

We took a bit of time looking back and forth between him and his backpack with an arched eyebrow, leaving him between the long and awkwardness of the wind. "May I come in?" He sounded like he wanted to avoid that more than ever.

"So you already know from Ash that we are going to be camping outside tonight?" changing the topic but still curious about what was in his stuffed bag.

He groaned before setting down the bag on the coach and laying on it, letting it serve him as a pillow.