
Werewolf Zombie

Daphne wants to be self-employed with her degree, doing what she loves, and later in life, having a family of her own, but what happens when that life is done? She marries her college boyfriend and has the life she has always wanted, with a doctor for a husband and a career as an attorney.But after years, she learns that the love of her life decides to have a fair. And worse, she learns from her divorce that she was cheated on by a younger girl while she is currently pregnant for the third time. Daphne and her three children move to a home that belonged to her ex-husband, and she involves herself fully in her line of work as a lawyer. Where the law fails her is when she wins a case but also sleeps with her employee. Pregnant again, she finds her daughter to be in the same boat as her. ------- Alexander is to be King after a hateful king who only seeks power, beauty, and the end of his son's future, the only son he has. In a land where it is divided by the last magic the past witches gave before they were killed, lived the humans, vampires, and, lastly, the kingdom Alexander is to rule, werewolves. But during one reunion between all three kingdoms' rulers, an attack of zombies occurs. In all the chaos and lies, not a clue is learned about this except that out of all the kingdoms, the only one with the advances to this is the human realm. For years, they searched and uncovered very little of how this could keep happening. As Alexander resorts to disobeying his father's request, he has to live a life as just an average human that works as a waiter. In his job, one day he finds his mate. Will Alexander keep his mate and this case of zombies under his control? Or are there more secrets that haven't been made public to him just yet?

MegEllyGerena · Urban
Not enough ratings
65 Chs

King Logan Clawings

“King Logan Clawings, it has been a very long time old friend.” I extend my hand with a smile at his cheeky smile, he is a handsome young man with black hair and blue eyes, a slim figure but a very sweet kid, been a while since I saw him.

“You flatter me, Prince Alexander, I hope to not be interfering with the planning, I arrived a bit sooner than I was informed by my carriage but I come in peace, and if need of any assistance I would be more than willing to assist you.” His word is of kind nature when it comes to mind that Logan is a man of planning, action is the last on his mind but if need be he won’t shy away from it, after all, he had two wars for his own kingdom.

“Actually, if it is alright with you, I would like to have a word,” I tell him as I turn I mind link the warrior placed to guard Orpheus with his family to bring him with Edimmu and to have Marceline, Drusilla with my mother to assist them as they should not be bothered with this, we walk to my own office to where I mind link my father to arrive here.

Setting himself down the opens it to reveal my father with Orpheus and Edimmu behind him, having everyone sit, giving Logan the folder containing everything of the matter at hand, he remains reading it, and then I have his eyes in worry.

“I do not judge that you present to me the truth, however, this may cause more harm to keep on your own than to share, of which pleases me that you have done so.” He answers me as he still reads, Logan is a good strategist and an excellent peacekeeper, his help in this could make a bigger difference to our kinds.

He places the folder in front of the table he sits upfront to, placing his elbows on the desk and on top of his mouth he is thinking of things to be addressed, I have seen this kid work out tradings that have cleared for the oast fave years he has been in the ruling. My own father has actually wanted one of my sisters to marry him to unite two very wise kingdoms. But alas Logan is not interested in anything regarding marriage till he has his wolf. Wise move that way his wolf does not destroy his kingdom for foul play. he sets his hands below his chin to speak.

“Being a very delicate day, seeing it has only come back in this small month of time, the wisest choice was to return but I suggest you do not wait a year. I cherish the value of life, regardless of its kind, but I do know the ways of the mind, and Humans are no exceptions to this law.” He started and I nod that is common knowledge but I see why he once again pointed it out, my father is the darkest shade of the moon from worry.

He won't listen to his council members, advisors, wife, or children but places the wises King in the room to say the same things and he will chicken out of anything just to not get killed.

“I suggest two months from now when things seem to be in a normal state but do it as a follow up to the human realm, if this Julian is the mastermind to which in my honest opinion he is, it just fits in all criterion that he is but he is not doing this alone by any means. Then we need to act on this as one of the only leads available even if we are suspecting the human, his child, and his wife. I suggest asking for a permanent residence as an excuse to be able to transport there, use the human terms to make it more reasonable to them, the fewer reports the better.” As he speaks I keep glancing at my father who is pulling all hairs from his beard and head, it's moments like these that make it difficult to not laugh at how much of a coward he is to problems he has no say to.

“Furthur more, I know this is to be a very sexist thing to state but I hope to be understood that the main focus to me is the well-being of the species. The fewer males on this the better, humans are known to be more female empowered than male empowered. Granted we have come to a good amount of change but our ways of living are not the same as theirs. The reason behind this is because the ones captured were males, all the victims are male not a single female, and from testing Drusilla, Avana, and Alice none of them even got sick after returning versus Edimmu and Alexander that did get a small case of fever with coughing.” He states I wasn’t expecting it at all, it is true that when I returned I had a small fever with coughing but it wasn't nearly as bad as Edimmu, he was out bad for a week.

“Then who do you suggest to get this operation going? The oldest of the original team was Drusilla but she is a very needed princess in her real clan. Alice is to be married as you know, and Avana is simply too young to be there by herself, she is but fifteen.” I state a bit annoyed but who wouldn't when things have been alright so far.

“Perhaps for now just female warriors, after a while we can have at least Alexander in this, it seems out of you and Edimmu, you weren't that affected but we need to learn more as to why I hate to suggest omegas to go in this but it is a sacrifice to learn the truth for the moment. My best recommendation would have to be a minimum of five maximum ten of male omegas and men sanguinarians should only assist this mission forgiven three years if they return sick dissect them to find clues.”