

On saying this words, Karin look at the girl to see if she would show any emotion or react, but he didn't see anything, not even a single bit of emotion.

'What I'm I thinking, do I want her to feel sad about me travelling back or what?' asked Karin to himself.

"Okay then, this might be out last time seeing each other, so I think we better get started if you want to learn anything before today runs out" said Abigail.

"Yeah, but I might come visit when I'm on holiday, hope to see you" said Karin.

"Hope to see you too, come on let's get the training started before we call it a day" said Abigail.

"I'm Karin by the way" said Karin introducing himself while stretching out his hand for a handshake.

"I'm Abigail" said the girl while accepting the handshake.

"You do have a pretty name, it suits you well" said Karin.

"Well thanks Karin, yours as well, if I'm not mistaking, Karin means light right?" said Abigail while giving him a warm smile.

"Yes it does" replied Karin.

After about twenty minutes of giving Karin a private lesson and showing him some pointers on how to position himself, he has now improve unlike before, at least that's what he said to himself after getting four balls in the hole, which he consider a huge improvement on his path.

On getting four balls in after ten trials, he couldn't help but jump in joy like a kid, he didn't even know when he gave Abigail a hug which made her froze for some seconds before getting over it.

After his jubilee, he didn't know when he also froze in place after remembering what just happened, out of happiness he has hugged Abigail who he clearly just met today.

A whole minute pass without any of them saying anything to each other, untill Karin couldn't take it anymore and decided to break the silence.

"I'm really sorry about what happened, I was so happy that I don't know when I hugged you, I know that's really not a good explanation but believe me when I say this, I don't mean anything by that" said Karin.

"You don't have to explain yourself, I clearly know you don't mean anything by it, and beside it's just a hug and nothing else" replied Abigail.

"I'm glad you are an understanding person, most people would take it the wrong way, thanks" said Karin.

"I'm sure they would have been through with their meeting by now, how about we walk back together" said Abigail.

"Okay then, let's go" said Karin while walking by her side.

On getting back to where everyone was, what greeted them was a stare from all of them.

"Wow, isn't this something, never thought both of you would become friends after the little argument and competition you just did" said Patricia who didn't care to lower her voice as she said it out loud, causing everyone to burst out into laughter.

Karin and Abigail couldn't help to control themselves from not being ashamed after hearing the words of Patricia.

At least Karin was still able to control himself after some seconds as he put on a poker face, but the same couldn't be said for Abigail as she hid her face which was turning red in embarrassment.

'I've never been so embarrass like this through out my life, if only I could disappear right now' said Abigail to herself.

"You can literally just ignore them and pretend like if you didn't hear it, so they won't pry into the matter that much, but base on the way you are feeling embarrass right now, they will definitely use it to make fun of you" said Karin who was still standing by her side.

"I can't help it and beside why are you still standing here, we should split up so they can stop staring at us" said Abigail in a whisper.

"Grandma, I don't know you were so good at making some obvious remarks" said Karin out loud.

"Well at least the boy is not shy, unlike the girl" said one of the guest.

"The aura of confidence around him, made him look unaffected by the situation" replied another.

"Well, see you later Abigail, wish we could have get to know more about each other, don't let their words affect you" said Karin out loud with a smile, the happiness he was receiving couldn't be described by words as he watched her being more ashamed, as he worsen the situation.

"What are you doing, why are you making it worst, I thought we are friends" said Abigail in a whisper.

"Well we are friends now, but that's for winning me in public, and also for your tone the first time I meet you" said Karin as he gave a wink before walking out of stare of the people.

"I will make you pay Karin" said Abigail.

After their playful remarks which causes everybody to laugh, the meeting and discussion was called to an end.

At the dinning table, Karin couldn't help but think about Abigail, so he decided to ask his grandma some questions.

"Grandma, how's Abigail mom related to you?" asked Karin.

"Well she is kind of my closest friend, why do you asked dear" replied Patricia.

"Nothing, just wanted to know, how about Abigail, can you tell me a little about her?" asked Karin.

"What do you want to know about her?" asked Patricia with one of her eyebrow raise up to show that she knows full well why he asked, but just wanted to hear it from him.

"Well she is kind of interesting, just wanted to know a little about her" replied Karin.

"Why didn't you ask her sweetie?" asked Patricia.

"Well we just met today, I can't go asking her to tell me about herself" said Karin.

"Well you can, but just to help you, she is kind, sweet, polite and an intelligent girl, she started playing golf when she was nine, she and her mom always come visit me once in two weeks, she is like a daughter to me" replied Patricia to her grandson, "does that satisfy your curiosity?" asked Patricia.

"I'm good" replied Karin as he continue eating his food.

'Well if we were to talk about intelligent I won't have argue about that, but to say she is polite, sweet and kind, that's definitely a lie because I'm not blind' said Karin in his mind.