
Werewolf Legend: Origins

Didan has his own bakery in NooYo city. On a full moon night, a stranger suddenly broke into his home and changed his life. This is a werewolf, biting Didan crazily. .. Fortunately, the relic left by his father, a strange stone, turned everything around... He was bitten by a werewolf, and after turning into a werewolf, he merged with this strange stone, allowing him to perceive the powerful power in the world. With magical energy, he rose from among the many werewolves and began his own werewolf legend. A magical secret realm, a noble and elegant vampire heroine, and powerful extraordinary beings. While going on a fantasy adventure, romantic love is also essential.

Pengcheng_Yang · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Chapter 2 Becoming a Werewolf

"It hurts, no! Let me go! Don't kill me! Ahhhh..."

The groggy Didan felt as if he was dreaming, and his consciousness was still in the pain of being bitten by the mysterious man.

Didan's consciousness was hazy. He stretched out his hands with all his strength, trying to grab anything he could, like a drowning man. He just hopes someone can save him.


A scream echoed through the room, followed by Didan's heavy breathing.


Didan woke up and found himself lying on the bed. The surrounding scenery is very unfamiliar, with silk bedding, luxurious furniture decoration, chandeliers inlaid with glass gems, and an empty bowl next to the bedside table.

"What happened before... was not a dream..."

Didan muttered to himself, and hurriedly reached out and touched his shoulder. The smooth and tender skin felt the same as before, which made Didan let out a long sigh of relief.

what exactly is it? This confusion has been surrounding Didan's heart,

"Yes! As long as I can find that person, I will know what he did to me."

Didan quickly opened the quilt covering himself and planned to leave the room. Just as he reached to open the door, the door was opened from the outside.

A girl in a maid outfit walked in. She had sapphire eyes and long golden hair hanging down to her waist. The cute maid decoration matches his sexy figure.

"Are you awake?"

The girl's first reaction when she saw Didan was a little surprised, but then she quickly regained her composure. She was holding a tray in her hand, with a bowl of red soup on it. It exuded a strong smell of blood and looked like the blood of some kind of creature.

I don't know why, but the smell of blood that should have been disgusting reached Didan's mouth and nose, and instead made him secrete a lot of saliva.

Didan's throat moved uncontrollably and he made a swallowing motion.

Seeing Didan like this, the girl dressed as a maid smiled and said to him:

"You adapted quickly. This is monster blood. Drinking it will be very good for you."

monster? What is this girl talking about? Didan could only passively accept everything from coma to waking up. Now he just wants to find out what happened last night.

(Monster: More powerful than ordinary animals, monsters can absorb some special energy from the environment to evolve.)

Didan forcibly controlled the blood desire surging in his body and said tremblingly: "Who are you? Who was that person before? Wasn't I bitten? Why am I here?"

A series of questions came out of Didan's mouth, and he desperately hoped that someone could tell him what happened. Apparently, the girl in the maid outfit should know something.

"You keep asking me, how should I reply to you?"

Regarding Didan's question, the girl was obviously helpless. She pondered for a few seconds before giving an answer that was enough to make Didan's breath hitch.

"You are now a werewolf. Under the command of the Silver Moon Wolf King, you were transformed into a noble werewolf warrior by Lord Fennell."

(Silver Moon Wolf King: The Wolf King is an extremely powerful being in the werewolf clan, and he is just one of them.

Note: The powerful werewolf will become braver under the moonlight, but is afraid of silver, which is as beautiful as the moonlight. I will overcome the pain caused by silver to the werewolf, and let the moonlight belonging to the werewolf shine on the earth. ——Silver Moon Wolf King. )

(Fennell is the werewolf who bit Didan last night. He is a subordinate of the Silver Moon Wolf King.)

After the maid finished speaking, she seemed to have thought of something again and added:

"Welcome to join us, Didan. Monster blood is a tonic that is difficult to obtain. Don't waste this opportunity. If you want to obtain monster blood again in the future, you have to hunt it yourself."

The girl deliberately moved her white arms and brought a large bowl of blood on the tray to Didan.

The smell of blood filled Didan's nose. At this moment, in Didan's perception, this bowl of blood exuded such a wonderful aroma, like a bottle of high-end red wine placed in front of an old alcoholic, making him want to drink it all in one go.

Didan, who fully understood the situation, fell silent. Suppressing his body's thirst for blood, Didan waved his hands casually, knocking the tray in the girl's hand to the ground, and the bright red blood in the bowl spilled all over the floor.

"Are you kidding? Are you lying to me? Tell me, you're lying to me, right?"

Didan shouted frantically to the girl. He couldn't accept what the girl said. How could he, an ordinary person, turn into a legendary creature like a werewolf?

He doesn't like eating fresh flesh and blood. No matter how powerful he is, he doesn't want to lose his nature in order to gain power. Werewolves are unable to control themselves under most circumstances and can easily turn into beasts full of bloodlust.

The girl was not too surprised by Didan's reaction. She had seen too many situations like this, but it was a pity that a bowl of monster blood was flowing on the ground. Such a bowl of monster blood is extremely precious to her.

"Tell me quickly! Everything you say is false!"

Didan excitedly grabbed the girl's hand. He stared closely into the girl's eyes, hoping to see the hesitation in her eyes.

When their eyes met, the girl's eyes began to look like wolf-like pupils, and the dark green pupils suddenly shrank, scaring Didan so much that he fell back and leaned tightly against the bed.


A loud wolf howl came from Didan's mouth. In the panic, Didan began to lose control of his body's instinctive reactions. The muscles on his body began to swell, the clothes on his body instantly shattered, and white hair began to grow on his arms. Hair and nails also begin to grow longer.

"No...no...that's not true...I don't want to be such a monster!"

Didan looked at the hands that gradually turned into werewolf arms. He closed his eyes in pain. All the power in his body seemed to disappear at this moment. He was like a deflated balloon, leaning on the bed limply. From this moment on, he became a real werewolf...