
Werewolf King, please don't marry me!

Rose is a beautiful nerd with a vulgar brain and absence of filter on her lovely mouth. Even With all the shortcomings of being loud and obnoxious, no one can deny that the girl was a genius who was graduating from the prestigious St. George University of California. She was blissfully happy living her normal life in ignorance of her family’s darkest secret until the very fateful summer just before her internship when she reluctantly had to go back to her hometown for some ‘unknown’ family crisis. Adding to the top of the list of ‘what Rose don’t want to do’ was the trip to the waterfall in the middle of the forest that her brother and cousin so generously planned. After another unfortunate incident, Rose found herself lost in the middle of the forest about to be eaten by a gorgeous golden-brown wolf but to her utter shock the majestic animal spared her life. Now with the new found hope of escaping the deadly forest, she started her journey to find her way back only to stumbled upon a horrific scene of a fight between her uncles and the same wolf which resulted in the wolf being extremely injured and her uncles running for their lives. Feeling pity for the poor animal, she went to see his condition only for the wolf to change in to a equally gorgeous man right before her eyes. Not even in her wildest dream she thought she will witness something bizarre like this. So, she did the only logical thing she could think of; She screamed like hell! She tried to run away, of-course but her conscious was killing her for leaving a ‘handsome’ dying ‘man’ behind. Being a medical student, she decided to treat him in private right under her family’s nose. He promised to pay back for her kindness. What a joke of a promise it was! As the GORGEOUS man she so generously saved and protected, revealed that he is the Werewolf King and also her mate? And she HAS TO MARRY HIM if she wants to protect her family and people! and How will she react knowing about her own true self? Will she be able to accept the truth or will she die in denial? Are you ready to embark on an adventurous journey of Rose as she found her true self and also her true mate?

Mahek_Salvatore · Fantasy
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6 Chs

If I am going to die, I am going to take all of you with me!

Right at this moment the wolf was attacking Uncle Pete with his claws, tearing his skin apart.

"Yes! Yes! Do it! Serve him right for calling me and my mother b*tch this morning" I said cheering in the dark for a non existing audience.

"But don't kill him" I whisper, my voice was filled with worry. I know, I said I hate my uncles but I do not wish them to die!!

Uncle William and Uncle Joseph were doing a failed attempt to kill the wolf and the wolf was easily dealing with them both at the same time. Maybe I am wrong but I don't know why it feels like he was trying not to hurt them much.

'Am I a vet? How am I supposed to know the behavior of a wild animal?'

Remaining of the people were keeping their coats and kicking Uncle James to control the fire on his legs.

Meanwhile, Uncle Levi got up from his place and went behind the wolf and pointed his gun on his back. The poor animal had no idea about my impotent Uncle Levi's attack. I wanted to scream to notify him but my throat was sore and I couldn't make a single sound.

It was not such a wise choice though.

Uncle Levi pulled the trigger and shot directly at his back. Anyone can see that the wolf was badly injured now. He fell on the floor helplessly. I was feeling too bad for the poor animal much more than what I feel for my own uncles.

'Why does he had to go through all of this?'

The four of them started moving towards the wolf slowly while pointing their gun towards him.

'Stop it! Please! Don't hurt him more. Let him die in peace!!!' I so badly wanted to scream but seeing the fiasco just now I didn't want to reveal my location anymore. I am not sure about my uncles being as harmless as I first thought.

But to my surprise, suddenly, the wolf got up and moved with the speed of light. He was super fast, he didn't even give them time to think and started attacking them one by one.

He was beyond angry, it's like 'If I am going to die, I am going to take all of you with me!' He ripped Uncle David apart just like Uncle Pete and severely injured others too. I kept my hands on my mouth to sop myself from screaming. He might be dead by his attack. My eyes became teary by only the sight of it.

Meanwhile, my coward Uncle Levi were helping my Uncle Pete up.

"Run, guys! Run! Retreat!" shouted Uncle Levi from the top of his lungs which was sounded more like scream in pain as he was also hurt severely.

Everyone heard him and started running to different directions holding each other.

Uncle Joseph who was hurt badly at the ribs were holding his upper abdomen with one hand and held Uncle James's hand, who was lying on the ground unconscious, and started dragging him away from the wolf. The wolf practically let them go.

'Such cowards! Can't handle a single divine wolf.'

Once everyone was out of the clearing, the wolf finally fell on the ground. He must be exhausted and in so much pain after two bullets in his body. I couldn't help but feel extremely bad and somewhat guilty for not being able to stop my uncles and help the poor creature.

I don't know how and when my jelly legs started moving again without my permission and I found myself near the injured animal. The animal was howling lightly in pain. A tear fell down on my cheek and I don't know why I was feeling so bad for a deadly animal! But it felt someone close to me got hurt.

Maybe it's because this wolf spared my life when could easily kill me as I was right in front of him. When he could take 6 healthy armed men at once then killing an unarmed girl must be a piece of cake for him but he chose kindness over cruelty and yet, he is here, lying half dead, screaming in pain.

Life is so unfair!

I could see it looking at me and then closing its eyes slowly. He still didn't attack me. I wiped my tears and my hand automatically went down to touch his head.


Just then….

Something I could never imagine in million years happened…

The wolf changed…Its body metamorphosized.

It changed into a human!

And not just any human being! He changed into a hot human being in front of my own sinful eyes!! The hottest guy I have ever seen in my bloody life!