
Werewolf King Of Ireland

Holly was an omega in the world of Werewolves and she heard the new king was opening the castle to requests. Her only hope of survival was to get away from her captor and beg for help.

Skiripper · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chapter 14: Make A Call

It was late when we got back and Molly had already passed out. "You should make that phone call now." Alpha Valor said as she slipped me the small red phone and tucked Molly into the bed she had been staying in. "The beach is usually quiet this time." I nodded and gave her a quick thanks before exiting her house and walking down blue wooden stairs towards the beach.

I hit send and it rang once before I heard his voice. "Molly? Molly what's going on?" I took a shake breath and let his voice was over me. "Hey Gavin." A tear slid down my face. "I know there's been a lot happening, but I got hurt and wasn't sure you felt it or... Anyways I'm better." He was silent so I checked to see if there was still a connected call. "Okay then, I'll just." His voice came in quick and fierce. "Stop! That's all you have to say Holly. That you're better?"

I shrugged and felt the wind whip through my hair. "I'm not sure what else to say. I was... I am mad and hurt you thought I'd be working with Wellin. I had to take care of somethings and ensure Molly was safe in the process." I looked over the water and I put my toes in it. The icy water made me intake a sharp breath. "I just I needed to protect you too. So I hatched a plan, and it seemed to play out pretty well." He groweled and yelled again. "You got hurt that was your plan! You should have told me your plan so I. You're mate could have helped you." I let out a little laugh.

"I was going to that night we where in the shower, but you flew off the handle. Called me a traitor." My voice cracked and I swallowed not liking the way this was coming across. "Anyways I did it. Wellin is gone, You are safe, and there are no more threats. There's a woman named Avery McDoyal. Shed make a good ally. I think she should take over the hall there, and she had some girls already loyal to her and you. I think I'll stay here and maybe take Molly around the U.S. find someplace to settle down."

A boom sounded from Gavin's end of the phone. "I am coming to get you back Holly. I am not going to live in pain because you are selfish." I laughed and shook my head. "You don't think I'll be in pain too? Just reject me, you don't trust me to be there anyway and I refuse to sit in a prison cell so we can have a few moments." He yelled again. "I do trust you Holly. I was just mad and said things I didn't mean. Come Home Holly!" The last part his Alpha voice broke through. "I am an Alpha and we are not mated Gavin. Reject me." I said again this time stronger then last time.

"I won't! If that's what you want reject me first. If not spend a few days there and then come home. I miss you I almost killed people when I thought you where gone. I... I am sorry I said those things I was mad you didn't tell me your plan, but deep down I was proud you handled things when I was poisoned. I need your smart ass here. I miss Molly and you two fighting. I miss your hair tangled in my fist. I miss kissing you. The way your body fits in mine. I want you Holly. I always will so stop being stubborn and come home."

I hung up and sat in the sand. "Didn't go as planned." Alpha Valor said as I shook my head. "What are you going to do?" I stared at the moon and sea and although it was beautiful it wasn't the sea I wanted. It wasn't the cliffs off of Ireland, it didn't smell the same and I ached to dive. "I think I need to find some cliffs and tomorrow I'll have to talk with Molly. It isn't just my choice, anymore." She nodded and patted my back. "You would be a great Queen." She stood and pointed down the road. "A mile that way there are cliffs with some stones at the bottom so be careful. If you want I can come with you."

I shook my head and handed her Molly's phone. "I'll be fine. Thanks." I ran towards the cliffs and the cold water. I needed this to clear my head. I stripped when I reached the cliffs letting the clothes hit the ground. The wind whipped at me and made goosebumps across my skin. I looked down below and found the best spot to dive before I lept into the freezing dark water below. I dove in and a wave pushed me back.

This water was just like home. Untamed and ruthless just like I was deep down. A ruler, yet not. I knew I could be a good Queen. Demanding and assertive. Unwavering in my choices and brutal. I could be Gavin's iron fist and I'd be happy to stand with him at his side. But with that choice came the other side. The side I knew I'd have trouble controlling. The vicious bloodlust thay coursed through me still from the other day and the part of the wolf that my mate struggled with himself. The power that resided inside.

I huffed allowing the sea to beat against me and didn't fight as it drug me under. I'd swim back up and allow the next to pull until my muscles strained and tired. I climbed up the cliff and turned to sit on the top. The moon almost set and I got dressed running back to the house where Molly slept. I jumped at the sight of their family here. Molly set the table and everyone introduced themselves.

A man held a plate out to me. "Name's Archer and my twin is over there. He's Nash. We are cousins of Gavin's and Son's of Jacob and Valor." He nodded and his blue eyes twinkled. "You are very beautiful and if you run, we would go with you." He whispered as he put pancakes on my plate. "Why would you do that?" He shrugged and pulled some on his plate. "Maybe I like you." He winked and bumped my my shoulder.

I glanced to see Molly looking at us. "You set that up?" I sent to her and she nodded. "They are strong, don't have mates and can help." I shook my head. "We need to talk after breakfast." I glared at her and she glared back as we ate. I stabbed a pancake and she did the same. "What do you want Molly?" I hissed not being able to take it anymore as everyones head whipped to me.

Molly stood up and tossed her fork at me. "I want to go home. I want you to work out your shit with Gavin. I want to be us again. I want you to stop running for once and let go. So Dad had a hard time controlling the blood." She said dramatically. "You don't. You always stop, so stop making this about keeping me safe when we both know you are just acting like a scared little girl." I groweled and my wolf ripped out. "Nice. Holly." She spat as I launched at her and grabbed her shirt.

Jacob yeed in his Alpha voice to stop, but I snatched her throigh the house and to the cliffs. I tossed her in the dirt and snapped at her watching as her eyes grew wide. "Holly." She said quietly. I shifted back and sucked in air. "It really is hard for you isn't it?" She asked as she rolled up to sit. I nodded as I kneeled in the sandy dirt. "It's been harder since I let her out." I whispered looking down at my grime covered hands and chipped nails.

"She doesn't Ike being challenged." I said looking back up at Molly. "One day you'll understand, but if you want we will go home." She came closer and sat in front of me. "If we do what happens?" I shrug. "We live in the castle. Gavin forgives me or tosses me in a cell. If we go home, Avery would let us stay, and she might even give you title over our old lands. I'd I don't know be a guard. I don't really want to be in power. I never have and thays part of the reason I left." Molly nodded and looked behind me. "They are good people here. What of we stay." I shook my head. "Gavin would drag me away we'd fight possibly put everyone here in danger. He'd come look for us and I'd guess soon."

"Or we could run around and make the life we want. Travel." Molly's eyes grew big and she stood up. "What if Gavin was here now." I laughed and pushed hair away from my face. "Then I'd guess we would have to talk and hopefully be able to hold it together." She gulped and backed up. "Okay well I'm going to go." Prickles made their way up my spine and I turned to see Gavin standing behind me in a crisp white tshirt and orange board shorts.