
Werewolf Hollow without a hole in [Bleach]

A soul escaped from the cycle of Heaven. His past is irrelevant. Enjoy the adventures he will have in Bleach because of the foolish choice he made.

Smut_Demon · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs

Chapter #9 - Sudden Offer

A dark, depressing atmosphere. It was the best way to summarize Hueco Mundo. It was home to dark skies and vast wastelands. The land seemed vast and endless. It was not so different from a desert. A dark and ominous desert....

This ominous desert was full of hollows. Some were underground, some were above ground, and some were in gaps that no one wanted to mention. No matter the size of the environment, the Hollows were the main inhabitants. For this reason, one could come across a Hollow in a few hours of searching.

Most, if not all, of the Hollows were savages. They were all in a cycle of "eat or be eaten". For this reason, it was rare to see a good-natured one. With all this, brutal struggles were inevitable.

These inevitable struggles reflected an ordinary day in Hueco Mundo. Every day, different screams would echo from different parts of Hueco Mundo. Almost all of them were either the last screams before death or the roars of victory.

Thanks to the vast surroundings of Hueco Mundo, if there was no nearby Burrow, these cries of triumph or wailing would be obscured and lost in the silent veil of desolation. At least that was always the case.

This moment was no different. The screams would cease and silence would take their place. These shouts, howls and screams, the song of anguish and war, formed a symphony that would be swallowed up by silence.

But among these cries there was one that had a completely different intention.


A teenage girl's scream of pleasure echoed. After the scream of the owner of this voice, her whole body contracted. She was lying face down. Her pink tongue was sticking out and she put her head down with a weak moan. It was inevitable that she would pass out with pleasure as the penis of the man on top of her ravaged her hard inside.

"Hah, hah, hah, hah... No more... Please..."

Her pleading could be heard as she took deep breaths. Neither of them knew how many rounds they were on. Loly was on the verge of unconsciousness from the pleasure and for the first time she felt so tired. She could not go on any longer.

Realizing this, the man leaned over and placed a kiss on her cheek before leaving the body of the girl with the double ponytail.

"All right, Loly-chan. We'll do this often anyway. Rest for now."

Hearing this, Loly's body contracted one last time, or so it seemed to Kizuna. Kizuna wasn't too sure, but he could see that immediately after that her body relaxed and Loly lost consciousness.

Had they really been together that long? He wasn't sure at all. But his body was far from feeling satisfied. Little Kizuna was still standing with all the glory.

He could have continued having sex with Loly if she hadn't gone to the point of begging. But she was tired and he didn't want to force anyone. His eyes drifted softly to the scorpion.

It seemed to be standing there, asleep. She was afraid to move away and didn't know what to do. All this time she had witnessed her friend being with him and her feelings were all over the place.

The most obvious emotion she felt was fear. Kizuna and his little one were monsters! He was not tired after so long. Was he going to turn her now and force her to be with him? She wasn't sure, but she couldn't move.

Kizuna shook himself slightly as he looked at her. He felt in too much of a unhurry to make a move. He was in good physical condition and still able to continue, but mentally he was more than satisfied.

That's why he didn't see the need to have sex with someone else right away. But he also wanted to try and analyze his power again. Because there were a lot of gray areas. He thought about his power and murmured.

"Can you show me the two abilities I just gained?"

With that, it wasn't long before two system windows appeared.

<[Active] Mutated Bite>

<When the target is bitten, a piece of reiatsu torn from it and added to User's reiatsu. It also applies [Wolfication] effect target.< p>

Passive: You can sense targets that are eligible for [Wolfication].>

This was the ability he used against the centipede that was wrapped around his body, which he found out was named Loly. It was a beautiful ability with two features, and it was a branch of another ability. This ability was perhaps one of the most op, if not the most op, ability Kizuna had ever seen.

<Wolfication >

<An effect currently applied to targets bitten by [Mutated Bite]. Targets are forced mutate similarly the User based on their suitability for mutation. Since it is a mutation from User, properties of encompass weakened features User.< p>

The Hollows that can withstand a full mutation are phased out and become human-like in appearance. They can, of course, return to their Hollow form at any time.

Hollows that cannot handle a full mutation will only have their reiatsu increased and their appearance will become Wolf-like.>

On its own, this ability didn't mean much, but Kizuna was sure that if he gathered loyal subordinates, he could build his own army with it. Or he could do much better. An extremely large harem subordinate to him!

He already had the goal of a large harem. But he was desperate to strengthen his harem members. This was perfect for him. It was like doping the harem members!

The problem was that he had to bite them... Still, it wasn't a big deal. At least he would make them stronger. He just had to convince them of that and make sure that they really would be fully mutated.

He took a few steps closer to the scorpion and leaned his upper body slightly forward. With his black eyes, he looked at her.

Sniff sniff!

Deep sighs of breath could be heard, which resulted in the scorpion flinching and backing away.

"Get away from me! You monster..."

Kizuna showed no expression as he looked at her. He just stopped and looked at her. He could sense the same potential in her, but he couldn't force her if she didn't want to. Just as he was about to open his mouth and try to persuade her, he heard a concerned voice.

"Very interesting."

Kizuna quickly turned to the source of the voice and was stunned by what he saw.

The owner of the voice was a shinigami wearing black, rectangular-rimmed glasses. He was dressed in classic shihakushō. The white haori he was wearing was easily recognizable. His brown, academic short hair looked very normal. He had soft eyes of the same color. At first glance, one might even think he was good-natured.

But it didn't take long for Kizuna's surprise to be replaced by caution as he saw the sharp features he was trying to hide. He didn't recognize the silver-haired or dark-skinned men with him. But he would have been a fool not to recognize him.

Aizen Sousuke.

Kizuna could really, really tell that he was one of the most terrifying names one could ever see. As a weeb with culture but standards, he had heard of various genius anime characters. But he was one of the few he knew who was so high-minded, manipulative, and driven by his goals that he would plot his own demise and aim to be so far above everyone else.

Aizen was a purposeful villain who fulfilled all of this, and was also the reason why Kizuna felt he would die at the slightest mistake.

Because the man in front of him would do anything to go further. The question was how much did he see? How much of his power had he seen? Was it all of it? Or was it only after the transformation?

Aizen spoke in a polite voice as Kizuna became even more nervous:

"Ah! I guess I forgot to introduce myself. You seem extremely interesting, Hollow-kun. My name is Aizen Sousuke, Captain of the 5th Division."

Kizuna felt the chill in his bones, but instead of showing it, he nodded calmly and paused for a moment after answering "I am Kizuna..." without breaking his posture. Then he added:

"Kizuna Plata."

Plata means "silver" in Spanish. It was one of the few names of minerals he had learned in Spanish while doing some research and it was the most appropriate last name he could have chosen.

"Just Kizuna is enough. It's too interesting for a Shinigami to be around here."

He greeted him in a very calm voice without making any movement. He didn't want to be misunderstood, so he spoke in a flat tone, devoid of arrogance.

Instead of answering immediately, Aizen glanced out of the corner of his eye at Loly and Menoly on the left and right. His gaze lingered a little longer on Loly. He seemed to be trying to make sense of her transformation.

Then he turned to Kizuna. There was a hidden interest in his gaze.

"Just a little trip. I felt your reiatsu during that, Kizuna-kun."

A smile appeared on his face. Kizuna had a hard time distinguishing whether it was fake or real. Aizen's posture was too normal. He was far from attracting attention. His demeanor, everything about him gave the impression of someone he could trust.

Kizuna felt he should be much more cautious because of that. Aizen, on the other hand, looked him over like an object and murmured a comment:

"Your power is very interesting. A transformation that can push a living being to its limits... Admirable."

Kizuna did not feel uncomfortable at all. He was not the type to care what anyone saw him as. He nodded slightly. He became impatient, wanting to stop talking to him as soon as possible.

"Yes. Since you're not trying to attack or kill me directly, please don't beat around the bush, Shinigami-san."

Aizen was unexpectedly understanding of his impatience. He wore the same smile on his face. With a normal demeanor, he spoke in support of what he said:

"Of course time is important. Especially to use it wisely. Then I'll be brief, Kizuna-kun."

Kizuna could easily see that Aizen had one hand on the sword at his waist. They were called Zanpakuto. Who knows what kind of skill he had? With that, Kizuna took a battle-ready position, but Aizen and the two men with him ignored him.

Aizen asked seriously:

"Wouldn't you like more power, Kizuna-kun?"

That was the question that decided everything for him.