
Chapter 8

~Lucian’s P.O.V~

A girl with brown hair and natural ringlets pads into the room shortly after. Her eyes meet Arthur’s and they both freeze. Arthur inhales deeply and I know instantly what happened, he found his mate. A grin breaks out on both their faces and I can’t help, but crack a small smile of my own.

“Mary?” I ask, breaking their trance as she blinks a few times before looking over at me. She was wearing a new-looking red leather jacket, a black crop top underneath and skinny blue ripped jeans with black vans to complete her look.

“You have five minutes.” Alpha Marcus says, stepping out of the room.

“Yeah, I’m Mary, who wants to know?” I liked her spunky attitude. She's perfect for Arthur.

“I’m Lucian Hendrix, and this,” I motioned towards Arthur, “is Arthur, we’re from the Silver Moon Pack.” her eyes widen and she gasps slightly covering her mouth.