
Chapter Twenty-Eight

No one returned to her for hours. She had cried herself to sleep and had awoken to one resolute need. To dig deep inside of her and find her magick.

But right until that moment, she had never experienced such a thing, having been practicing her art since she was a little babe.

But still, she fought, seeking the light through the bizarre amount of darkness that they had submerged her into in order to keep her bound.

She sat still, opting for meditation, and an hour into it, beads of sweat clung to her skin. Seeking her powers was like fighting a war and it left her drained. She stifled a cry as her concentration broke and she lay against the cold floor.

“Damn it.” She cursed. And sighed, slightly on the brink of another wave of tears. What she wouldn’t have given to have Dante pressed against her at that moment. She heard the jingling of keys and soon heard it clicking against the door and slowly sat up, swiping against the beads of sweat against her forehead.