
Werewolf Bond

Ethan was one of the least you could ever imagined was a full blooded werewolf. A clumsy ass, a nerd, a dump, all about a loser, with many health problems and he is also an orphan. He was never the bold type. Rather he was very shy and tends to play a dump type. But what happened when he found out that his grandfather was death right in their house. His heart ripped off. With pain, agony and grief, he tried to fight through the pain, he was bullied, harassed, and called all such of names. His hearing device was destroyed by his classmates in school, he was like not from this world. But what struck him the most was that, he was told about his family and his root, like that wasn't enough, he comes to know a lot more o what he can take about his family, crossing over to the werewolves world when he was forced to be an only Omega and rejected cause he was seen as a weak being. However all the werewolves race were completely endangered with the prophecy pending, the hero was already been prepared right from birth, at least the only person they thought was their hero. But little did they know the moon goddess had her eyes on someone else. Someone they really least expected. A complete nobody. But cause of some traumatic experience will the chosen one ever conquer his fears and finally let his werewolf speak or would betrayal and abuse quench the only hope of their goddess Luna! or will another hero be chosen for the ultimate battle of the prophecy. Warnings, that contains sexual assault, abuse of minor, disturbing scenes for only those who are strong enough to go through that particular adventure through pain and Victory.

Abdulazeez_Garuba · Book&Literature
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10 Chs

Chapter 7


Ethan slowly back away only to be grabbed forcefully by the blond boy who look older and bigger than he was, probably eighteen plus.

"You again!" He growled but his face turned into an amusing expression when he saw what Ethan looked like.

"What is this stupid disguise? How could you have fallen so low? Look at you." He laughed snatching the hearing device as Ethan winced in pain.

"I--I can't hear w- without it." He quaked trembling under his hold.

"What a pathetic voice. Stop faking." He frown.

"Make use of the stuff you call eyes

Flash" A voice said from behind flash as he turned around.

"What the?" His gaze shifted from Ethan to Nathan.

Nathan stop in front of Flash hands in his pockets, " Nathan, Ethan." He pointed." Got it? Now give him back his stuff. And let him go."

Out of shock flash did what he said. Ethan quickly pick his book and put back his hearing device.

"Come with me clumsy." Nathan said as he walked away. Ethan follow closely.

" I need to know more about the new Nathan." Flash said to his band.

"T- thank you." Ethan said barely above a whisper to Nathan as soon as they got seated in the lunch room.

Nathan ignored him as he continued eating. Ethan simply went back to reading.

After a while Nathan looked up at his busy twin, it felt weird staring at the weaker version of himself. "He said while dropping his gaze back to the tray, his tone careless.

"Oh." Ethan said in realization, usually his Granny will remind him to eat, he wasn't the glutton type he only ears when he was hungry.

"What are you waiting for? An invitation? I will be right here go grab your lunch." Nathan said harshly.

Stop bullying him! His wolf said.

Shut the fuck up, he is a weakling! Nathan responded.

Ethan got up and left while Nathan ate peacefully.


"He is in danger." His wolf spoke.

"Let me eat in peace." Nathan said while looking up only to see Ethan push to the wall by a big gray werewolf, it's eyes was partly black meaning they didn't really control the wolf.

"Go help him!"

"Why do you care! Let him fucking die! It will give me more space for myself!"

"Go help our brother! Don't let him get hurt! Don't him die! Help him! Rescue him!" His wolf screamed.

Nathan got up furiously taking off his clothes revealing his golden black suit as his wolf took over. He hurled forward knocking the wolf off Ethan who was snaking badly.

The wolf returned with a violent clawed scratch, Nathan got it right on the arm, his black wolf growl with anger as it ceased the wolf on the neck biting down on his shoulder. The wolf manage to break free as it sent Nathan's wolf crashing on one of the lunch table later hopping on him totally splitting the table in two as it sent punches down on Nathan's wolf.

Nathan grabbed his throat fling him down on the strong counter, it cried out with a loud whine while gripping his side or now broken rib from the impact.

Nathan held his throat lifting it high as it struggled before letting out a little whimpers and submitting.

Nathan shift back allowing the now shift naked wolf to drop. He was passed out on the floor covered in blood, not much though.

A small group of pj wolves came to carry him away to the therapy zone. He had escaped from them when he had shifted and he could easily pray on the smallest weak to gain power by killing him.

Nathan looked across his shoulders where Ethan was still glue to the all shaking slightly while trying to catch up with his heartbeats.

Then he left with his clothes. "Do ever, ask me to save him! And don't you ever take control like that!" He said to his wolf as he left.

When Ethan had fully regained his composure of himself he went off looking for Nathan, he couldn't feel anything but pure admiration and respect on how his brother had defended him.

His first met the receptionist who showed him the training room.

He walked straight in forgetting about Dian's warning. The room was a busy room with many instruments for training and so many wolf. Ethan looked around for the golden black suit Ethan wore not noticing the light brown wolf observing him in the corner.

As soon as he stepped in the circle, he was roughly sent to the wall by a strong hit, he let out a bloody scream that sent the whole hall silent as his body came crashing with the wall.

He slumped down letting out loud whimpers as he couldn't move his arm, even when he tried only feeling pain.

Nathan pushed pass the crowd running to his now injured brother but stopped in his tracks shoving his wolf at the back of his mind.

"What did I fucking tell you?!" He yelled as Ethan flinched and whimper quietly from the pain.

"I'm so sorry, I don't do it intentionally, my wolf just broke lose." The girl explained after she had shifted to her human form.

"Don't worry Gaby, is not your fault if he is just too weak." Nathan said with a glared.

Robin and Mark walked through the crowd going to crouch by Ethan who was trying not to cry but was failing miserably.

"Where are you hurting?" Mark asked.

"M- my a- arm." He sniffed.

"Do you feel any pain on the head or your chest?" Ethan shook his head slowly, order than shock what could he feel?

"I got him" Mark said before picking Ethan up carefully and heading to the exit while Robin sent the crowd back to training.

"You better start coming Nathan." Mark mind link Nathan having him follow closely.

He laid Ethan on the bed in the clinic, as Rosa approached quickly.

"What happened?" She asked while taking a good look at Ethan's arm.

Mark stare coldly at Nathan making him speak up, "he walked in and Gaby's wolf took him for a pray and slammed him on the wall."

"Ouch." She grimace. "Okay baby we are just going to push your bone back in place." She said while glancing at Mark then Ethan who looked ghost white.

"You are just going to feel a hell lot of pain like for a second, then everything will be okay, no bandage needed, no shots, you will be fine." She reassured but Ethan wasn't having that he slowly shook his head moving away from Rosa.

"Come in mark!" She growled at him asking for help.

Mark held Ethan down like he always does for Nathan, his little struggles were nothing to be compared with Nathan's or mark's werewolf strength.

Rosa grabbed his arm pulling with all her strength so it went back to the jolt in just one pull, Ethan let screamed not so different from when he came crashing with the wall.

"It over." Mark said unwillingly as he let go.

"I said no shots but you need to take some drugs.!" She said.

Robin and Dian walked in all worried but was relief when they saw Ethan moving his arms slowly.

"What bon earth is happening here Nathan?!" Dian yelled.

"Nothing! Nothing fucking happened, other than the weakling wanting to sneak in the training room after I clearly told him to get off my back!" Nathan half yelled.

"B- but I just wanted to say thanks for helping with the wolf." Ethan said almost quickly.

"Fuck that! I don't need your thanks! I didn't fucking do on purpose it was Derrick my wolf who wanted that shit! I will never step up for you! Don't imagine stuffs! We might look identical os stayed in the same woman that doesn't make us soulmates or anything! We ain't fucking brothers! You are just a weak pathetic human! How I wish you just stayed in the other world! I'm fucking done with you! I will not have a weakling on my back anymore!" Nathan growled. Ethan got up and left all teary.

"Remember what I said to you earlier." Mark mind link Nathan who stood frozen with a small gasp.

"It was not my fault, I told him."

"To get off your back. If you had waited and do your damn job correctly maybe Ethan wouldn't have gotten hurt both physically and psychologically."


Nathan was cut off by a strong grip on the arm as he was been pulled away.

Dian went to Ethan's dorm knocking softly as she could hear a muffled cry but no response. She sighed and left.