

sometimes there are even bigger monsters, than bloodthirsty vampires.

Nessa_Aksk · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 3.

When I woke up, Thomas was not here anymore. I went down stairs.

"Good Morning." I said to my parents. I made a coffee for myself.

"Was he there again?" My father asked and I looked at him.

"How do you know?" I asked him.

"I heard you talking. I don't want you to be with him anymore. He's too dangerous for you and you know it." He said and I was standing there as if I was made out of stone.

"How the hell do you know about it?" I asked realizing that my father knows about Thomas being werewolf.

"Honey, sit down." My mom said to me so I sat down.

"I'm sure you heard the legend about me being "the son" of an vampire." He looked at his hands.

"I did."

"So I think that you should know something." He looked at me again and then I realized something.