
The Truth


Allison and Zephyr were in his room. they were sitting on the bed facing each other and there was a slight nervousness in his heart. he was about to tell her the truth.

"So, I'll tell you the truth now, about everything, about what happened in the school, about your family.... about me."

"the thing that attacked us in the school was not exactly human."

"it was a werewolf."

Allison looked at him with disbelief and said "Zeph, if you don't want to tell the truth thats alright just don't make silly jokes."

"I'm not joking. here see this."

Zephyr showed her the pictures he had taken of Peter and of scott transforming. the look on allison's face went from disbelief to astonishment and then stunned silence.

"thi- this- this cannot be true." she looked at zephyr hoping he would say that this was some kind of prank.

"scott is a werewolf too?"


then allison suddenly remembered something and said "you said that you would tell me the truth about you. is it... does that mean that you are..."

"a werewolf? no. I'm a weretiger."

Allison eyes went wide with shock and then after some struggle she said "show me."

Zephyr complied with her request. his face started becoming enlongated, canines appeared in his mouth, his sideburns started growing. his eyes started shining purple while claws started growing from his hands. Allison got off from bed and took a few steps back. Zephyr got off the bed too and started to reach for her, when he extended his hands towards her he saw her flinch back. zephyr quickly returned to his human form. it hurt a little to see someone you love be so afraid of you.

"I know this a too much. it must be extremely difficult to process. I just hope you don't hate me because i really do love you and would never do anything to hurt you." he said and turned around to leave the room to give her some time to process. he was almost at the door when Allison ran to him and hugged him from behind. 

"please, don't leave. I don't hate you. I love you too. so please, just stay." she said in a small voice as tears rolled down her cheeks.

Zephyr turned around and hugged her and said "its alright, I won't leave. Don't worry, I'll never leave."

They stayed like that for sometime. before allison parted and asked " you also told me yo would tell me the truth about my family. whats that about? Are they werewolves too."

"No. they're not werewolves. But today was a bit much for you how about we talk about it sometime later."

"no Zeph, i need to know please tell me." she pleaded

"alright." he said with a sigh and told her about how her family hunted supernatural creatures. how they had a code and everything else.

"So, my family are hunters of supernatural creatures. and you are a supernatural creature, but you still told me the truth. why?"

"because there's an alpha going around murdering people and i have to protect you to the fullest of my abilities and I also wanted to tell you the truth before you found out from your family. Especially your aunt."

"My aunt? what about her."

"you know how i said that there is a code that ensures that only shapeshifters who attack humans are hunted? well not everybody follows it. Your father is a honourable man who follows the code religiously, your aunt and grandfather on the other hand? not so much."

"what do you mean?"

"the alpha's killings may seem random, but they're not. all the people killed were one way or another related to the hale fire. so i investigated a little and found out that it wasn't a accident but planned and the girl who did all of this was a young blonde with blue eyes who would be in her late twenties right now. She also had a very distinct pendant with a carving of a dog or a wolf." he said while pointing at the necklace allison was wearing. 

"No, she wouldn't" Allison said as she felt the ground shifting beneath her.

"she did, allison." he said in a soft voice.

"Then she must've had a reason. " 

"there were not only werewolves inside but also normal humans. children as young as five year old. what reason do you think could justify that. your grandfather, gerard, poisoned her mind and I won't let the same happen to you. That's why i told you the truth."

Allison after hearing this just broke down. Zephyr hugged her and took her to the bed where he held her in her arms while she just kept crying on his chest. Zephyr kept stroking her hair while she kept crying. she eventually went to sleep in his arms. the sobbing turned into deep breaths.


Author's note: I know the chapter was short but I have exams. I'll still post at least one chapter everyday. 

Fun fact: Although tigers are solitary, very occasionally tigers group up to hunt down larger preys or allocate resources. This group of tigers is called an Ambush.

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