
Wendy's Mirror

||Raising awareness of Body Dysmorphic Disorder|| Wendy Davis is a 22-year-old college student who seems like she lives a perfectly normal life on the surface. But deep down, she is constantly trailed by her worst nightmare- a stained perception of her own features. Still struggling to juggle her life with this choking fate, all hope seems lost as her `over-dramatic insecurities` sneakily pave the way to the end of her self-love and relationship. As she is left off with the residue of what life remained behind of her world, only one question constantly lingers in her mind: "Who will save me from this damned curse?"

thebaddiegrace · Urban
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12 Chs

Bitter Aftertaste

"I told you the members of the Tebbit family are all useless! I told you not to go into it, didn't I? Now see the shit you have to go through."

I sank my face between Anna's breasts, suppressing my wail.

"It's okay, Wendy. You'll find someone new. You'll find someone better than that piece of shit! It's really not the end of the world. You'll surely get over this. And if later on, if he comes back pleading, you tell him Samantha said to stay the fuck away from you. You don't break up with someone then go back begging. Who the fuck does that?"

"Not gonna lie, I'm happy it's all over. He wasn't right for you. I was even already sick and tired of you complaining all the damn time about something he did whenever you called. Now, at least I know that whenever you call, it'll be because you miss me or something."

"Do take care of yourself okay?" "Yeah," I sniffled. "And stop crying. He doesn't deserve half a drop of your tears, you got that?" "Yeah." "I'll keep calling to check on you. Bye now." "Bye."

I dropped the phone on the couch as Anna cuddled me, softly patting my back.

"What did she say?" Scarlett yelled from the kitchen.

"Oh, I didn't really pay attention 'cause I felt she'd want it to be private, kind of. But, I'm sure it'll just be the normal sister pep-talk. Are you done cooking? Or should I come to join hands?" "Nah, it's alright. Just stay there with Wendy. The food's almost done anyway."

"No wonder I can't breathe anymore," Anna laughed. "I don't mean to brag but I'm pretty much the hot stuff when it comes to cooking." "You should enter a cooking contest." "Meh. I just cook to eat darling, I don't need no one to criticize how I make my stuff when they don't know shit themselves." "But they'll give you money if you win." "Well..."

Anna laughed lightly and Scar joined in from the kitchen. I sniffled again.

"It's okay, babe," she cooed as she went back to patting my back.

"Is Wendy going to have some?" Scarlett asked. I raised my head from Anna's lap, "N-" "She sure is. No bitch ass is going to make her ignore her stomach's needs."

I placed my head back on her lap and she toyed with my curls gently, so gently that I had no idea when I drifted off.


I pulled open my eyes and immediately went for my phone which was beside me on the bed.

9.53 AM.

The sound of water rushing onto the tiles filled the bathroom and sneaked into my ears.

The memories of the previous night filled my mind, smashing my heart into a million pieces once more. I groaned.

Why are memories so easy to make but hard to lose?

I rolled to the other side of the bed and closed my eyes.

"You're awake?"

I turned around and met eyes with Scarlett who was all dressed up. She wore a sunny smile even as she struggled to lace on her boots.

I stared at her with widened eyes.

Did she stay overnight?

"Yeah, good morning. Were you the one in the bathroom?" "A couple of minutes ago? Yes. But Anna's in there now."

Her too?

Don't they know they'll have to spend double to get to school from here?

"Are you going to school today?" Scarlett inquired, finally done with her shoes. "I'm not feeling it at all today. I'd have even canceled out on the concert but I know what I spent to get the tickets." "I think it's even better you go. At least you can have a little bit of fun."

Annabel stepped out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped a little above her breasts. Droplets of water embroidered her smooth fair skin.

"Out sleeping beauty is finally awake. How are you?" She asked as soon as she met my bulging eyes.

"Ehhh, here-there."

"I'll take that as I'm fine 'cause that's what I want you to be," she rubbed her feet on the wooly foot mat in front of the bathroom.

Seeing as Scarlett didn't speak anymore, Anna sprinkled some water from her fingers on her cloth, laughing mischievously.

"The fuck!" Scarlett glared at her as the villain snorted out heaps of laughter.

Scarlett grabbed the white powder from my dresser and advanced Anna with great speed. Before the latter could even make a run for it, she had powder pouring down her wet body.

"I just got out of the shower!"

Scarlett whined, "But it seems you don't know how to wash up properly. You've got powder all over you."

I snorted a laugh and smiled, making them both turn to me.

"So, you think you're just going to enjoy the show?" Scarlett glared before they both jumped on the bed, running chunky powder from Anna's body all over my face.

"I hate you, Scarlett. I hate you both!" Anna yelled before running off into the bathroom. We could hear the sound of water running again as she slammed the door close.

"Now that mine's all messed up, I guess I'll have to go for your clothes," Scarlett sighed, heading straight for my cupboard after, almost in a dash.

"You sound more happy than despair." "That's what you thank. Trust me, I'm reeeeeally sad I have to do this," she said as she pulled out a red blouse.

"How many bodies do you have, Scar?" I asked as I saw her pull out a third top. "Just in case, Wendy. You saw what just happened here, didn't you? It could happen again." "And you're taking three tops?" "It can happen two more times," she turned to me and nodded, holding one top in either hand.

I rolled my eyes, "And I know you won't bring them back." "Of course, I will..."

"..not!" She completed, laughing.

Anna stepped out of the bathroom again and shot the both of us a glare, "What are you guys laughing about?" "None of your business," Scarlett laughed once more.

"Wendy, you know she's stealing your clothes, right?" "I do, but I just gotta let her. She's being too smart about it," I chuckled.

"Oh yeah. What about that dress that you made some time ago? The one you were supposed to wear for Emily's birthday party." "It's in there somewhere."

Anna and Scar looked at each other for a hot second before rushing for my wardrobe.

I closed my eyes and smiled.

I'd have died if I hadn't met you guys.




Thank you for reading! <3

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