
Wench of Nirn

Alex, now Alexa, wakes up in the woods of Skyrim as a buxom Nord woman, feeling totally lost and powerless. Struggling with her new identity and strange surroundings, she’s vulnerable and at the mercy of the harsh world around her. Why was she transported to Skyrim? Why are people calling her a Wench? Is she the Last Dragonborn? With access to Skyrim's System, Alexa must find her way from being completely helpless, facing dangers and inner doubts, to gradually gaining strength and confidence. Warning: Alexa is in a sexualized version of Skyrim and is taken advantage of a lot. Do not read if you're squemish with noncon/enslavement while she is still weak.

Evoxius · Video Games
Not enough ratings
27 Chs

Missive Board

Alexa trailed closely behind Eira and Lena as they exited Yvariel's home, stepping out onto the lively streets of Whiterun. Her eyes were instantly drawn to the exquisite, high-quality outfits adorning her new sisters. Their clothing seemed tailored from the finest silks, clinging tantalizingly to their curvaceous figures without being too scandalous. Eira's top featured a daring keyhole cutout that teased at her ample cleavage, while Lena's skirt rode up just enough with each step to offer enticing glimpses of toned thigh. 

Compared to their elegant finery, Alexa felt a twinge of embarrassment over the simple dress Lena had lent her. But even this hand-me-down garment felt heavenly against her skin - unbelievably soft and luxurious compared to the rough, spun rags she'd been forced to wear just days prior. She ran her fingers reverently along the lightweight fabric, marveling at how drastically her life had changed in such a short span.

As they strolled along, Alexa found herself tugging lightly on Eira's arm to get her attention. She turned with an inquisitive look.

"What's up, little sister?" she asked warmly.

Alexa bit her lip, suddenly feeling shy. "I was just wondering...how old is everyone? I'm eighteen and a half." She cringed inwardly, her former life and identity now feeling like a distant dream. Or was it a nightmare? Well, I was eighteen in my past life at least. Pretty sure I won't be missing that office internship at least...

Eira smiled at Alexa's curiosity. "Mistress is twenty-two," she supplied. "Lena and I are both twenty-one."

Alexa nodded, filing away that information as she eyed the two wenches speculatively. "So what about Yvariel's background then? I know she's a noble from Dawnstar, but which house? What do they do?"

Lena glanced back over her shoulder with a warm smile. "Mistress's full name is Yvariel Merilis. The Merilis Clan has been a prominent noble family in The Pale for generations upon generations. They own most of the mines throughout that entire hold - absolutely filthy rich."

Her expression took on an almost wistful quality. "Yvariel is the only child of the current Matriarch who leads the clan. Over the years, many skilled warriors, generals, and even merchants have arisen from the Merilis bloodline. Some have achieved high ranks in the Imperial Legion as well."

Eira nodded in affirmation. "We were both born and raised in Dawnstar too, actually. From birth, it was clear we'd been blessed to become wenches upon reaching maturity at eighteen. So the Merilis estate took us in to be properly trained as maidservants for their young heir."

She threw a saucy wink Alexa's way. "Not that Yvariel cared about waiting until we turned eighteen. As soon as she started experiencing...certain urges, she didn't hesitate to relieve them using our willing bodies."

Lena giggled impishly. "That's the honest truth. We were both intimately serving Mistress's every need years before coming of age."

Alexa listened raptly, hungry to learn everything she could about this powerful, entrancing woman who had claimed her so thoroughly. "I know Lena is a skilled archer and scout, while Eira fights with sword and shield," she mused aloud. "But what about Yvariel's abilities?"

"Our mistress received a very thorough education growing up," Eira replied. "In addition to being highly proficient with the greatsword, she also knows a fair number of offensive destruction spells and basic restoration magic."

Her full lips curved into a sly smile. "Though hopefully you'll be taking over healing duties soon enough, little sister. That way Mistress can focus solely on slaying any enemies we encounter, without needing to conserve magic for keeping us healthy."

Alexa couldn't help the warm shiver of anticipation that trailed down her spine at those words. The idea of serving such a vital role for her mistress, of being utterly depended upon...it sparked a fierce yearning within her very core.

Before she could respond, Lena spoke up with a light laugh. "But enough questions for now! We've arrived."

Alexa tightened her grip on Eira's hand as she turned her attention to the building looming before them. For Skyrim, it was quite large and well-constructed - a two-story wooden structure with a neatly thatched roof and meticulously cared-for exterior. A swinging sign over the entrance proclaimed it as some sort of clothing store or tailors.

Eira led the way inside, holding the door for her sisters. Alexa's eyes widened as she took in the impressive array of dresses, skirts, blouses and more adorning the many display racks and mannequins. Cosmetics, makeup, and feminine accessories lined the walls in carefully organized displays. The whole place seemed to emanate an almost overwhelmingly girly ambiance that simultaneously entranced and intimidated her.

Despite the store's upscale decor and merchandise, it wasn't empty by any means. Multiple men - some accompanied by scantily-clad, obedient wenches - browsed the wares alongside unaccompanied women. Alexa's gaze was immediately drawn to the uncomfortable-looking spiked collars and leashes keeping those wenches tightly bound to their owners. She subconsciously reached up to caress the soft leather band encircling her own slender neck, silently grateful for Yvariel's generosity.

Lena seemed to notice where Alexa's attention had strayed. With a gentle squeeze of her shoulder, the redhead murmured, "This is why we must cherish and worship Mistress at every opportunity, little one. We've been blessed with an owner who treats us with true kindness - a rarity for wenches."

Her expression darkened with obvious disgust as she eyed the visible cuts, bruises and welt marks marring the bodies of several other enslaved girls being dragged about the store. "The way some people mistreat their wenches is just...inhumane. We're fortunate Yvariel would never dream of such cruelty."

Eira made a noise of vehement agreement, her beautiful features twisting into a scowl at the evidence of abuse surrounding them. Alexa could only nod slowly, tightening her grip on Eira's hand as she took in the battered, defeated expressions of those poor wenches.

Her gaze then landed on the front counter, currently occupied by a stern-looking older woman in her late thirties or early forties. But it wasn't the shopkeeper herself who drew Alexa's attention. No, her eyes were drawn to the wench standing before the counter - a pretty young thing with flawless, unmarred skin and no collar to be seen. Instead, a simple chain necklace inlaid with a small wooden token rested against her cleavage, clearly a free wench that had a Wench Token.

Alexa watched with widened eyes as the unaccompanied wench handed over her coin pouch to the shopkeeper. The clink of septims exchanging hands was quickly followed by the wench rounding the counter. She dropped to all fours, positioning herself face-first towards the older woman.

Alexa's cheeks burned crimson as the unmistakable sounds of flesh smacking against flesh reached her ears, accompanied by breathy gasps and muffled moans of pleasure. Her gaze immediately snapped towards the source - a pretty young wench on all fours before the shopkeeper, enthusiastically bobbing her head between the older woman's spread thighs. The wench's expression was one of utter rapture, eyes fluttering closed as her lips stretched lewdly around the shopkeeper's thick shaft.

Quickly averting her eyes, Alexa hurried to catch up with Eira and Lena, who were already perusing the clothing racks. The two sisters had gathered an impressive array of garments - exquisite dresses, silky blouses, and flowing skirts in delicate shades of pale pink, sky blue, and crisp white. They piled Alexa's arms high with frilly panties, lacy bralettes, and sheer negligees that made her face burn hotter just imagining how she'd look adorned in them for Mistress Yvariel.

They continued selecting pieces, and a loud, guttural groan of ecstasy drew Alexa's attention back towards the front counter. The shopkeeper had thrown her head back, eyes squeezed shut in the throes of climax while the wench's head bobbed rhythmically between her thighs. The wench herself wore an expression of blissful rapture, cheeks hollowed obscenely as she eagerly swallowed every drop.

Alexa swiftly averted her eyes. In a hesitant murmur, she tugged lightly on Eira's sleeve to get her attention.

"Hey, can I ask you something?" Alexa's voice was barely above a whisper as she glanced between her two gorgeous sister-wenches. "Do we...I mean, do all wenches really have to, you know..." She trailed off, gesturing vaguely toward the compromising scene playing out nearby.

Eira and Lena both regarded her with slightly surprised looks, clearly not expecting such a question. Eira gave a light shrug of her slender shoulders, the fabric of her exquisite top pulling taut against her breasts.

"Well, yeah, of course we do, little sis," she stated matter-of-factly, as though it should be the most obvious thing. Her full lips curved into a wry smile. "We're wenches. Offering up our bodies is simply an expected part of any transaction - even if we already belong to an owner."

Lena nodded, twirling a lock of her fiery red hair around her finger. "It's just a natural part of a wench's life, sweetie. There's no avoiding it." She shot Alexa a warm, reassuring look. "Though our pussies remain off-limits to any but Mistress, unless she explicitly allows otherwise."

Her expression softened as she gave Alexa's arm a comforting squeeze. "But don't worry too much. Our pussies belong only to Mistress, unless she specifically says otherwise." Lena's full lips curved into a reassuring smile. "Just think of it as properly paying with your other assets when coin isn't enough."

Eira chimed in, draping an arm around Alexa's shoulders. "That's right, little sis. Our bodies are currency, same as septims. Offering ourselves to shopkeepers, merchants, anyone we need to pay - it's simply expected."

Alexa hesitantly nodded with a frown on her lips. I thought, since Yvariel claimed me, I wouldn't have to endure strangers using me anymore. I guess it's not that easy to escape the fate of having a Wench Body."

Once they had gathered Alexa's new wardrobe, Eira produced a hefty coin purse, handing it to the blonde. "This covers the total cost," she explained. "When the shopkeeper asks for payment, simply give her this pouch of septims. Understand?"

Alexa accepted the purse with a meek nod, realizing this must be a training experience since the clothes were for her. With Eira and Lena following behind, she approached the counter and cleared her throat to get the shopkeeper's attention.

"Pardon me, ma'am. I'd like to purchase these garments, please," Alexa murmured politely.

The older woman appraised the bulging bags before giving a nod. "That'll be one thousand, two hundred and thirty-eight septims," she stated flatly. "Plus three orgasms from that tight little asshole of yours."

Alexa's cheeks burned crimson at the frank wording, but after a moment's hesitation, she simply handed over the coin purse. The shopkeeper ran it over a glowing detection device before giving a curt nod of approval.

With a crook of her finger, the woman beckoned Alexa around the counter. The blonde threw one last uncertain look over her shoulder at Eira and Lena, who offered warm, reassuring smiles and nods.

Alexa took a deep, shuddering breath to steady her nerves as she made her way behind the counter. The shopkeeper firmly grasped her upper arms, guiding and bending Alexa over at the waist. She found herself staring directly at Eira and Lena near the entrance, her cheeks flushing crimson.

Squeezing her eyes shut, Alexa rested her head sideways against the cool wooden surface. The shopkeeper's calloused hands roamed greedily over the curves of her ample rear. A tiny whimper escaped Alexa's lips as something hot and unyielding prodded insistently at her defenseless pucker. Without warning, the shopkeeper's thick shaft impaled her rear passage in one brutal thrust, stealing Alexa's breath away.

She could do nothing but lie there and endure the ruthless violation as the older woman's hips pistoned back and forth, relentlessly ravaging her helpless ass. Sharp cries were torn from Alexa with each punishing inward stroke that bottomed out inside her. Clenching her jaw did little to muffle the pathetic whimpers that slipped out with every forceful penetration.

The shopkeeper seemed utterly unbothered by Alexa's discomfort, just fucking her very tight sphincter as quickly as possible. Just when it felt like the blonde couldn't bear any further degradation, the punishing rhythm faltered. The thick cock stretching her abused asshole began twitching and pulsing violently as the shopkeeper threw her head back with a guttural moan of rapture. Alexa's eyes flew open, breath catching in her throat as she felt the first scorching blast of seed erupt deep within her bowels.

Some time later, Eira and Lena helped stabilize Alexa as she rose unsteadily to her feet. The poor girl swayed dizzily, her legs trembling like a newborn fawn's as she fought to regain her equilibrium. Streaks of the shopkeeper's thick, viscous seed clung obscenely to the tops of Alexa's thighs, trickling slowly down the insides in glistening trails.

"There, that wasn't so terrible now, was it?" Eira murmured consolingly as they exited the store. She threw Alexa a sly wink. "And I'd say you enjoyed it more than you're letting on near the end, by the way your hips were rocking back to meet each thrust."

Lena reached around to deliver a soft smack to Alexa's wobbling rear, making her yelp. "But you'll need to be much more enthusiastic next time," the redhead chided lightly. "Push back against the client's cock, let them hear how much you're loving their dick reaming out your slutty little holes. If they really feel you gave it your all, they'll sometimes give you a discount."

Leaning in close, Lena's lips brushed Alexa's flushed cheek as she murmured, "And we certainly don't want to waste Mistress's coin by being lazy, stingy wenches...do we?"

Alexa quickly shook her head, too mortified to meet either woman's gaze as she whispered, "N-No, of course not. I'll...try to do better going forward."







The trio made their way back to the luxurious Cloud District home, Alexa's steps a bit unsteady after her recent ordeal at the clothing store. As they stepped through the door, Eira turned to her with a warm smile.

"So Alexa, you can basically store anything in that magical inventory of yours, right?" She held up a gorgeous pale pink dress, the fabric looking unbelievably soft and delicate. "How much space would something like this take up?"

Alexa nodded, reaching out to take the garment. She concentrated for a moment, and the dress seemed to dissolve into thin air. Opening her inventory interface, she examined the item's description.

Fine Dress

Armor 0 | Weight 1 | Value 72

"This dress only occupies one out of three hundred inventory spaces," she informed her sisters.

Eira's eyes lit up with excitement as the realization dawned on her. She exchanged a giddy look with Lena, practically bouncing on the balls of her feet.

"Oh Mistress is going to be over the moon!" she gushed, clutching the soft fabric of her dress. "If regular clothes barely take up space in your inventory, we can pack way more outfits than we thought for all of us!"

Turning back towards Alexa, Eira gestured for her to take a seat on the plush couch nearby. "Here, little sis, why don't you get comfy while I gather up some clothes? Maybe some other essentials too while I'm at it."

Alexa nodded obediently, feeling a small flutter of nervousness in her belly as Lena took her hand. The redhead guided the slightly unsteady blonde over to the inviting couch, gently easing her down onto the soft cushions. With a tender touch, Lena coaxed Alexa onto her stomach, prompting a curious look from the younger girl.

"Just relax," Lena purred in a soothing tone, and her fingers drifted beneath the fabric of Alexa's skirt. "Let your big sis take care of you."

Alexa's breath caught in her throat as Lena's warm tongue began licking at her ass. Alexa gasped softly, squirming a bit at the strange new sensation, but making no move to stop the other woman's tongue.

It felt...odd. Not entirely unpleasant, just very unfamiliar and unlike anything she'd experienced before. Lena continued thoroughly cleaning her, while Eira occasionally returned to leave more clothing and items onto the couch beside Alexa's face. She trembled slightly when Lena's tongue reached particularly deep and kept absorbing the new additions into her inventory.

Eira finished gathering supplies and settled on the couch next to Alexa, shrugging off her silky skirt. The fabric pooled around her ankles, leaving her long, toned legs bare. With a coy smile, she gently grasped Alexa's head and guided the younger girl's face towards her glistening womanhood.

Alexa's breath caught in her throat as the feminine scent washed over her. This was her very first time being so intimately close to another woman's most private place. She felt very nervous as Eira's slick folds parted invitingly before her eyes.

"Just relax and do what feels natural, little sis," Eira purred in a sultry tone, running her fingers soothingly through Alexa's silky blonde hair. "Use your tongue how I instruct you."

Swallowing hard, Alexa leaned forward until her lips brushed against Eira's glistening petals. She extended her tongue tentatively, giving the older woman's slit a slow, exploratory lick from bottom to top.

Eira shivered and her toned thighs tensed as Alexa's warm tongue glided along her sensitive flesh. "Mmm, good start. Now focus on my clit for a bit." She guided Alexa's mouth upwards until her tongue found the engorged little bud peeking out from its hood. "Swirl your tongue around it in circles..."

Alexa obeyed, lapping at the sensitive bundle of nerves with kitten-like licks. She could feel the tension in Eira's body, the older woman rewarding her efforts with a breathy moan of pleasure. Eira's hips rolled subtly against Alexa's face, silently urging her on.

"Yes, just like that..." Eira's fingers tightened their grip in Alexa's hair, holding her in place. "Now try licking upwards along my slit while flicking your tongue rapidly..."

Alexa diligently followed Eira's instructions, and she was vaguely aware of Lena's warm tongue continuing to lave at her own ass. Lena's skilled oral attentions sent delicious little sparks of pleasure licking up Alexa's spine with each swipe of her talented tongue.

The small lesbian orgy continued for some time, with Alexa receiving guidance from both gorgeous sisters. She was just starting to find her rhythm, her confidence growing as she lapped greedily at Eira's glistening slit, when the sound of the front door opening announced Yvariel's return home.

Their raven-haired mistress paused in the entranceway, taking in the arousing scene before her with one elegantly arched eyebrow raised. Clapping her hands decisively, Yvariel commanded her wenches' attention. Lena and Alexa slowly broke apart, turning to face their owner while Eira remained splayed wantonly on the couch. All three girls wore matching blushes of embarrassment, though Yvariel's skirt tented in a way that made it clear she approved of their activities.

When Lena started to rise and approach with the obvious intent of servicing her mistress, Yvariel waved her off with a slight shake of her head.

"I've put a bounty on that merchant Vitus, so that's handled for now," she informed them. "Does Alexa have enough clothing stored away in her inventory?"

Eira and Lena both nodded in affirmation.

"Good, I've also purchased armor, weapons and spell tomes for her as well. They're waiting in the living room." Yvariel continued. "Once we've all equipped ourselves properly and Alexa has everything stored away, we'll visit the alchemist and general goods store to restock on potions and basic supplies. Then we'll check the Missive Board and see what bounties or missions we can take on next."

With that, she turned and headed further into the home, clearly expecting her wenches to follow without hesitation. Eira hurriedly re-dressed, while Lena helped steady Alexa as she rose to her feet.

"Don't worry, I already had Alexa store away a couple outfits for each of us," Eira informed Yvariel as they caught up to her. "Plus food, water, ropes, torches and other essentials."

Yvariel smiled approvingly at the brunette. "Excellent forethought." Eira preened under the praise, throwing a smug look towards Lena, who simply pouted in response.

Lena approached to start helping Alexa into her new leather armor, but Alexa waved her off. "Actually, I don't need to put on the armor," she told the three women.

Yvariel fixed her with a momentarily stern look, as though expecting defiance. But her expression softened into pleasant surprise as Alexa concentrated, and her simple dress dissolved away. In its place, the blonde now stood garbed in well-fitted skimpy leather armor, from the boots to the cuirass.

"You can change outfits instantly like that?" Yvariel asked, clearly impressed.

Alexa nodded. "Which means I don't need any physical help getting dressed or armed."

A smile played across Yvariel's full lips. "In that case, start storing away the rest of the supplies. Then begin studying the Healing spell tome - the sooner you can provide magical support, the better."

The blonde immediately set to work, willing each item into her infinite inventory space as Yvariel, Eira and Lena armed and armored themselves. Once they were outfitted, Alexa turned her attention to the spell tome, reading its description.

Spell Tome: Healing 

Weight: 1 | Value: 350 | Mastery: 0%

Heals the caster 10 points per second

Eager to prove her usefulness, Alexa focused her will and "used" the spell tome. To the surprise of her companions, the tome appeared in her hands, surrounded by swirling motes of light. The pages seemed to flip of their own accord as the motes of energy were absorbed into Alexa's body.

However, about a third of the way through, the book abruptly ceased moving and disappeared, the light show ending as quickly as it began. Yvariel approached and gripped Alexa's shoulders, gazing at her dazed eyes with concern.

Spell Tome: Healing 

Weight: 1 | Value: 350 | Mastery: 33%

Heals the caster 10 points per second

"Alexa? Are you alright? What in Oblivion was that?"

The blonde met her mistress's eyes, slowly refocusing. "It seems I can only master a portion of a spell each day," she explained. "I'll need to do that process two more times before I can actually cast the Healing spell."

Raising a doubtful eyebrow, Yvariel stated, "Explain this process first. Most mages spend months dedicated to mastering even a single new spell."

Alexa nodded, resting her small hand on Yvariel's toned arm. "It's a new function I discovered. As long as I have a spell tome in my inventory, I can bypass all the usual time and effort required to learn it. But I can only master a limited portion each day - it seems more difficult spells may take even longer."

The warrior-woman regarded her new wench, shaking her head in disbelief. "That's...completely unfair. I've never heard of such an ability. Even those talented in magic usually take multiple weeks to fully master a spell with regular instruction from a Master Mage."

For a moment, Alexa shrank back. But Yvariel was not angry - a wry smirk played across her lips as she pulled the smaller girl against her powerfully muscled frame.

"But who cares about what's fair for others?" She murmured, one hand possessively rubbing Alexa's lower belly where their child grew. "You're mine, and that's all that matters. Understood?"

A shiver ran through the blonde at her mistress's dominant words and touch. She nodded meekly, suddenly wanting nothing more than Yvariel's approval.

"Please...kiss me?" She whispered.

Yvariel's smirk widened, and she claimed Alexa's lips in a deep, demanding kiss. When they finally broke apart, she scooped her girl up easily, Alexa's legs wrapping around her waist.

"Alright girls," Yvariel announced to Eira and Lena. "Let's head to the alchemist and general store to finish our supply restock. We have quests to collect."

Yvariel turned to Lena. "But first… go fetch your leashes, Lena."

Lena nodded obediently and hurried off, returning moments later with three different colored leashes bundled in her arms - a deep crimson one, an earthy brown, and a bright golden leash. She handed the brown one to Eira, who immediately clipped it to the ring on her collar. Lena did the same with her own crimson leash.

Yvariel accepted the remaining golden leash from Lena with a slight smirk. She shifted Alexa's weight higher onto her hip, allowing one arm to snake around the blonde's waist and cup her plump ass possessively. With her free hand, Yvariel secured the end of the golden lead to Alexa's collar.

Alexa's eyes traced the path of the bright-gold leash from her throat to Yvariel's palm. She turned her head, resting her cheek against her mistress's neck as she gazed up at the green-eyed woman with a questioning look.

Chuckling lowly, Yvariel gathered all three leashes into one fist. "Don't fret, my sweet. I may occasionally allow you wenches to roam freely without restraint. But people will question my authority if I never display proper control over you."

Her dark eyes glinted with both warning and promise. "The leashes aren't overly restrictive. But I expect you all to remain obediently by my side regardless."

Alexa gave a tiny nod of understanding, nuzzling her face against the warm curve of Yvariel's neck. She shivered at the sensation of soft leather caressing her skin as her mistress led them outside, still cradling the blonde's weight with ease.

Once outdoors, Yvariel paused and hitched up the hem of her skirt. Alexa's breath caught in her throat as her mistress's thick, girthy cock sprang free - the massive shaft pointing upwards like a fleshy obelisk. Yvariel dropped the squirming blonde onto her impressive length, sheathing herself to the hilt inside Alexa's snug asshole.

A strangled cry escaped Alexa's lips as she was so suddenly and completely filled. But she instinctively wrapped her arms and legs tighter around her mistress, anchoring herself against the delicious friction caused by Yvariel's slow steps.

They made their way towards the Trade District, Alexa's ass jostling gently with each step - her mistress's heavy sac slapping regularly against her aching slit. She watched enviously as Yvariel conducted her business, simply exchanging coin for goods without needing to provide any...additional services.

A tiny whimper slipped free as Yvariel's strong arms momentarily shifted Alexa's position, lifting her up and off that wondrous cock before immediately re-sheathing the rigid length back inside her welcoming ass. The blonde settled back against her mistress's ample bosom with a contented sigh, relishing the feeling of being so deliciously impaled and possessed.

When they reached the Missive Board, Alexa craned her neck to better see the parchments nailed to its surface. She watched closely as Yvariel's hand moved past her face, plucking several of interest and scanning their contents with a thoughtful expression.

Yvariel's hot breath tickled Alexa's ear as she whispered, "With you by my side now, we can take on even more jobs." The blonde shivered, her mistress's sultry words sending delightful tingles down her spine. "Twelve gathering quests, and four focused hunts."

With her free hand, Yvariel reached out and pressed her palm against the Missive Board. Alexa's eyes widened as the parchments and the board itself briefly glowed with faint magic.

"What was that glowing thing you did with the board?" Alexa asked curiously, twisting her body in Yvariel's strong embrace to gaze up at her mistress's face.

Yvariel's elegant brows furrowed slightly as she studied the blonde's inquisitive expression. "You really don't seem to know much about how things work, do you little one?" She murmured, gently brushing a stray lock of silky hair from Alexa's face. "Some kind of amnesia or memory loss, perhaps?"

Alexa chewed her plump lower lip anxiously, well aware that the collar binding her to Yvariel compelled truthfulness. She couldn't reveal too much about her inexplicable abilities and interdimensional past, since it would only complicate things.

"I'm...not entirely sure, mistress," she hedged carefully, choosing her words carefully. "My memories might be...incomplete in this body. Like there are gaps, pieces missing that maybe should be there."

It wasn't an outright lie - just a strategically phrased half-truth playing on the technicality of her not knowing if this body had any memories that she wasn't aware of.

The blonde shifted her weight, Yvariel's thick cock buried in her ass rubbing deliciously against her walls. A soft moan slipped from Alexa's lips at the tantalizing friction before she could stop it. Instinctively, she leaned in closer, pressing her massive boobs against Yvariel's generous chest as she gazed up at her mistress with open adoration.

"But I know my purpose now is to serve and worship you, my queen." Alexa's voice was a breathless whisper, filled with heartfelt sincerity. "That's truly all that matters to me."

Yvariel regarded Alexa appraisingly for a long moment, those piercing green eyes seeming to stare into the blonde's very soul. Then the raven-haired beauty chuckled, the rumble of amusement vibrating deliciously against Alexa's ample curves as she remained impaled on her mistress's thick cock.

"Ever the sweet-talker, aren't you my pet?" One of Yvariel's strong hands stroked almost absently along Alexa's shapely thigh as she held the squirming blonde close. "But I'll allow your little evasions...for now."

Alexa shivered at the dark promise in her mistress's tone. She opened her mouth to respond, but Yvariel pressed a finger to her lips.

"Hush now, little one. Let me explain the Missive Board to you." Yvariel nodded towards the wooden construct. "It was set up hundreds of years ago, before the Oblivion Crisis, by the long-disbanded Mages Guild. But its magic is still maintained by various organizations to this day."

She smirked down at Alexa's rapt expression. "The exact spells and enchantments involved are a closely guarded trade secret, of course. But in essence, when someone wishes to create a quest or bounty, they must submit their offered reward payment to the Board itself."

Shifting Alexa's weight higher on her hip, Yvariel ground her pelvis upwards - her thick cock burrowing even deeper into the blonde's bowels. Alexa's eyes fluttered as a lewd moan spilled from her lips.

"Five percent of that reward is taken as a tax," Yvariel continued calmly, as though she wasn't currently sheathed balls-deep in her wench's ass. "The rest is stored away by the Board's magic, to be released only when the quest is completed."

One of Yvariel's hands drifted up to grasp Alexa's chin, holding her gaze. "The magic can somehow sense whether the person accepting a quest truly intends to attempt it. And if the task isn't finished within a certain time period, or the quest-taker becomes...indisposed...the note automatically returns to the Board."

Alexa's mind swam with the information, struggling to absorb it all while delirious from the heavenly friction of her mistress's cock sliding in and out of her well-used asshole. She managed a tiny nod of understanding.

"I...I think I get it," she breathed out between quiet moans. Yvariel chuckled again, giving her a light swat on the rear.

"Such a good girl," Yvariel purred approvingly, gently caressing Alexa's shapely thigh. "You're picking things up quickly, my sweet."

With one strong arm looped securely around the blonde's waist, Yvariel began slowly lifting and lowering her wench along the thick length of her cock. Alexa whimpered as the girthy shaft slid in and out of her snug little asshole with slow strokes that left her breathless.

"We've accepted quite a few gathering quests," Yvariel murmured, her lips brushing Alexa's ear. "As well as some focused hunts for dangerous beasts out in the wilds."

She gave the squirming blonde an enticing squeeze, grinding her pelvis upwards to bury her cock even deeper in Alexa's bowels. The younger girl's eyes fluttered and she let out a lewd moan, clinging desperately to her mistress.

"With you by my side now, little one, we'll be able to store away all sorts of ingredients and supplies that we come across." Yvariel's deep voice was a sultry purr against Alexa's flushed skin. "That magical inventory of yours is going to prove invaluable."

Alexa could only nod frantically in response, her whole world narrowed to the incredible fullness of her mistress's cock stretching and filling her so utterly. She met each powerful downward thrust by eagerly rolling her hips, trying to take that wondrous length even deeper inside her well-used asshole.

Yvariel chuckled lowly at her wench's wanton enthusiasm, increasing the pace of her rhythmic motions. Alexa shuddered and whimpered with every slick slide of the warrior-woman's thick cock in and out of her defenseless little pucker.

With a low groan of rapture, Yvariel buried herself to the hilt one final time - her sperm-filled balls drawing up tight against Alexa's clit. The blonde's eyes rolled back as she felt the first scorching blast of seed erupt directly into her bowels. Yvariel's cock throbbed and pulsed, pumping what felt like a neverending torrent of hot cream into Alexa's willing body.

Alexa let out a trembling cry as she felt the sheer volume of cum churning inside her, already straining the limits of what her belly could contain. Her mistress's cock was still firmly lodged in her ass, and with each subtle twitch, more thick ropes of seed were forcibly injected into the overstuffed blonde.

Yvariel held Alexa tightly against her body, riding out the last waves of her intense climax with soft grunts and groans of satisfaction. The end of her cock was kissing Alexa's guts from the inside, and the pressure built to an unbearable degree as more and more cum flooded the girl's stomach through her ass.

With a lewd gurgling sound, excess seed began dribbling out from the corners of Alexa's lips - a steady trickle of the thick, off-white fluid trailing down her chin and neck. Her eyes were rolled back, tongue lolling out as she drooled a mixture of saliva and her mistress's copious load all over herself in a blissed-out daze.

Yvariel gazed down at the drooling, cum-drunk mess that was her wench with a possessive smirk. Cradling Alexa's pliant form against her chest, she turned and began leading Eira and Lena out of Whiterun by their leashes - leaving a trail of her seed dripping from Alexa's ass in their wake.