
Wench of Nirn

Alex, now Alexa, wakes up in the woods of Skyrim as a buxom Nord woman, feeling totally lost and powerless. Struggling with her new identity and strange surroundings, she’s vulnerable and at the mercy of the harsh world around her. Why was she transported to Skyrim? Why are people calling her a Wench? Is she the Last Dragonborn? With access to Skyrim's System, Alexa must find her way from being completely helpless, facing dangers and inner doubts, to gradually gaining strength and confidence. Warning: Alexa is in a sexualized version of Skyrim and is taken advantage of a lot. Do not read if you're squemish with noncon/enslavement while she is still weak.

Evoxius · Video Games
Not enough ratings
29 Chs

Lady's Curse

The early morning sun shone through the trees as Alexa rode her chestnut stallion along the stone road. The air was crisp, filled with the scent of pine and damp earth. Suddenly, a blur of gray fur burst from the underbrush.


A lone wolf lunged at her, jaws snapping. Alexa's heart leapt into her throat as she yanked on the reins. The horse reared, whinnying in panic. She tumbled from the saddle, hitting the ground hard.

"Fuck!" she gasped, scrambling to her feet.

The wolf circled, yellow eyes locked on her. Alexa's mind raced. In a flash, she conjured her spectral familiar while willing her orichalcum sword and kite shield into existence. The ghostly wolf materialized with a whoosh, immediately leaping at the real wolf.

Conjuration increased to 2

They collided in a tangle of snapping jaws and raking claws. Alexa gripped her sword, muscles tense. The wolves rolled across the ground, kicking up dust. Her familiar clamped its jaws on the real wolf's throat.

Conjuration increased to 3


Alexa darted in, blade flashing in the sunlight. Shunk! Steel bit deep into flesh and bone. Hot blood sprayed across her face as the wolf collapsed, twitching.

She stumbled back, chest heaving. The coppery scent of blood filled her nostrils. Her familiar dissipated in a swirl of blue mist because of its wounds.

For a moment, all was quiet. Then...

Howls echoed through the trees. Alexa's blood ran cold.

"Oh Talos," she whispered.

Shadows moved between the trunks. Yellow eyes gleamed in the gloom. One by one, they emerged – four normal wolves, and behind them...

Alexa's eyes widened. The alpha was massive, easily twice the size of the others. But something was wrong. Its fur was matted with blood, and... were those splinters sticking out of its hide?

No time to ponder. The pack charged.

Alexa summoned a fresh familiar, the spectral wolf materializing just as the alpha reached them. Her familiar leapt, ethereal fangs sinking into the alpha's neck. The huge wolf snarled, twisting to snap at the blue apparition.

Conjuration increased to 4

Conjuration increased to 5

Seizing her chance, Alexa lunged. Her orichalcum blade whistled through the air. Thunk! It bit deep into the alpha's flank. The beast howled in agony, collapsing to the ground.

One down, four to go.

Her familiar charged the oncoming pack, buying her precious seconds.

Fwoosh! Flames erupted from her palm, engulfing the wolves. The air filled with the stench of burning fur and yelps of pain. Two dropped, writhing. Her wolf familiar dissipated from the friendly fire.

Destruction increased to 7

The other two bounded through the flames, eyes wild with pained rage. Alexa stood her ground, shield raised. Thud! Thud! Their bodies slammed into the metal, the impact jarring her arm.

Block increased to 17


"Argh!" Alexa cried out as fangs found flesh, clamping onto her shield arm. Blood welled up, hot and sticky.

Light Armor increased to 15

Gritting her teeth against the pain, she brought her sword down. Crunch! The blade cleaved through skull and brain. The wolf went limp, jaws still locked on her arm.

The last wolf circled behind her. Alexa tried to turn, but too slow–


Teeth tore into her shoulder. She screamed, the world going white with agony. Desperately, she flung out her hand. Her familiar burst forth, immediately leaping onto the wolf's back.

Conjuration increased to 6

The weight tore the beast free. Alexa stumbled as her vision blurred. She hit the ground hard, rolling. Her hand found her bow, nocking an arrow on pure instinct.

But her familiar had it handled. As she watched, it tore out the wolf's throat in a spray of blood.

Conjuration increased to 7

Silence fell once more.

Alexa slumped against a nearby tree. Her familiar padded over, nuzzling her hand before fading away. She focused, channeling healing magic into her wounds. Slowly, the bites closed, leaving only phantom pain behind.

Restoration increased to 10

After a couple of minutes, she stood up, ready to return to her horse. That's when she saw it.

A figure emerged from the shadows. Feminine in shape, but... wrong. Its body was gnarled wood, fingers impossibly long and sharp.

A Spriggan.

It tilted its head, regarding her with alien curiosity. Then it charged.

"Oh come on!" Alexa yelled, conjuring another familiar.

The spectral wolf met the Spriggan head-on, but the creature barely seemed to notice. It raised its hands, and suddenly the air was filled with swirling green motes.

Alexa tried to dodge, but the cloud homed in on her. It enveloped her body, and pain exploded through every nerve. She cried out, feeling the poison seep into her veins.

One hand shot out, golden healing light flowing over her. The other erupted in flames, engulfing the Spriggan.

Restoration increased to 11

Destruction increased to 8

The effect was immediate. The creature thrashed wildly, screeching in a way no human throat could produce. Alexa's familiar clamped down on its arm, dragging it to the ground.

Conjuration increased to 8

She advanced, sword appearing in her free hand. But just as she reached the Spriggan, her magicka reserves gave out. The flames sputtered and died.

Before her eyes, the charred wood began to heal.

"No you don't!" Alexa snarled.

Shunk! Shunk! Shunk!

She drove her blade into its chest again and again. Finally, the Spriggan went still.

One-Handed increased to 33

Level increased to 11

Alexa stood there, panting. Sweat and blood mingled on her skin. She wiped her brow, grimacing at the mess.

"Well," she muttered, "that was fun."

She cut out the Spriggan's taproot from its gut, storing it away. Then, on unsteady legs, she made her way back to her horse. It nickered nervously as she approached.

"I know, boy," she soothed, patting its neck. "Let's get the hell out of here."


The midday sun beat down mercilessly as Alexa's horse plodded along the dusty road. Sweat trickled down her back, and she squinted against the glare. In the distance, a village shimmered like a mirage, promising rest and safety. Her plump lips curled into a tired smile.

Then she saw it.

A massive minotaur burst from the treeline, snatching a wild fox in its meaty fist. With a sickening crunch, it smashed the poor creature against an oak trunk. Blood and fur exploded outward in a horrific spray.

"Fuck me," Alexa hissed, her gut clenching. "What the hell is going on today?"

The beast's head snapped toward her, nostrils flaring. Drool dribbled from its maw as it let out a bone-rattling bellow. The ground trembled as it charged, each thunderous step kicking up clouds of dust.

Heart pounding, Alexa leapt from her saddle. A purple orb hovered above her hand as she summoned her spectral wolf. It materialized with a whoosh, hackles already raised.

"Go!" she commanded, sending it to intercept the minotaur.

Her Nordic bow appeared in her hands, familiar and comforting. With shaking fingers, she uncorked a vial of Frostbite Venom, coating four arrowheads in the viscous liquid. The acrid smell made her nose wrinkle.

Alexa planted her feet, drew back the string. One eye closed, breath held. Twang! The first arrow sailed wide, thunking into a nearby tree.


She nocked another, faster this time. Thwip! Thwip! Two arrows struck true, burying themselves in the minotaur's broad chest. But the monster didn't even flinch. Its muscles rippled beneath leathery hide as it barreled forward, unstoppable as an avalanche.

Archery increased to 19

Cold dread pooled in Alexa's stomach. How the fuck was she supposed to take this thing down?

Her spectral wolf reached the minotaur, jaws clamping onto its tree-trunk leg. With a roar, the beast's massive fist came down. Whumph! The familiar yelped, nearly dissipating from the force.

Conjuration increased to 9

Alexa's eyes widened in horror as crimson motes flowed from her wolf into the minotaur. The arrows in its chest popped out, wounds closing before her eyes.

"Lifesteal?" she gasped. "You've got to be kidding me!"

The minotaur kicked her wolf aside, bringing both fists down in a earth-shaking slam. She felt her familiar's structure flicker, one more hit from vanishing completely.

Her gaze dropped to the minotaur's swinging cock and cantaloupe-sized balls. Nope. Absolutely fucking not.

Alexa whistled sharply, her horse galloping to her side. She quickly swung into the saddle, conjuring a fresh familiar just as the minotaur's fists came down again. Boom! The old wolf dissipated, and the beast stumbled, momentarily off-balance.

She dug her heels in, urging her mount to a full sprint. The village in the distance was her only hope now. Behind her, an enraged roar split the air. Hooves thundered against packed earth as the minotaur gave chase, gaining with each massive stride.

Alexa's heart hammered in her chest. She could feel the beast's hot breath on her neck, smell its rank musk. At the last second, she yanked the reins hard. Her horse leapt, clearing a small ledge beside the road. They swerved around the minotaur's grasping hands, kicking up a spray of pebbles.

The monster's bellow of frustration faded as they put distance between them. Alexa slumped in the saddle, letting out a shaky breath. No way in Oblivion she was ready to take on something like that. Not yet, anyway. She'd need to get a hell of a lot stronger first.

She chanced a glance over her shoulder, and immediately felt relieved as she saw the beast losing interest, its massive form lumbering back into the forest.

"Thank the Divines," she muttered, slowing her mount to a more reasonable pace.

The next few minutes passed in a blur of green and brown, and she finally reached Oakwood Village. It sprawled along the shoreline of Lake Ilinalta, its weathered wooden docks jutting out into the crystal-clear waters. The air was thick with the scent of fish and salt, gulls circling overhead as fishermen hauled in their morning catch.

Alexa guided her horse to the village stables, dismounting with a groan as her muscles protested the morning's exertions. She stretched, working out the kinks, before making her way down to the docks. Her boots creaked on the worn planks as she wandered, taking in the village life.

Her gaze settled on a young man, probably no older than herself, scrubbing the deck of a small sailboat. His pale skin seemed almost translucent in the midday sun, dark circles under his eyes speaking of sleepless nights. Alexa approached, clearing her throat.

"Excuse me," she called out. "I was wondering if you knew about the largest island in Lake Ilinalta? How long would it take to reach by boat?"

The young man looked up, startled. His eyes widened slightly as they roamed over Alexa's body, a faint blush coloring his cheeks. He scrambled to his feet, wiping his hands on his trousers.

"Oh, um, yes," he stammered. "I'm Anders. And yeah, I know about the island. It depends on the boat, really. Something like this," he gestured to the sailboat, "would take about an hour and twenty minutes. A rowboat would be closer to two hours."

Alexa nodded, considering. "I'd like to visit the island. How much would a round trip cost, if you could take me?"

Anders' gaze lingered on her for a moment, his tongue darting out to wet his lips. "I could take you," he said, voice a touch too eager. "Fifty-five septims should cover it." His eyes dropped to the front of her leather pants, a hint of hunger in his expression.

Alexa rolled her eyes, used to such attention. "Fine, agreed."

A grin split Anders' face, though it faltered after a moment. "Just... we shouldn't stay too long," he said, voice dropping to a near-whisper. "The lake is cursed, you know."

"Noted," Alexa replied, tossing him a coin purse with 55 septims. "Can we leave now?"

Anders nodded, before turning to ready the small sailboat. His movements were almost feverish as he untied the mooring lines and raised the heavy canvas sail. A light breeze immediately caught it, filling the fabric with a satisfying snap.

"All aboard," he called over his shoulder, taking the tiller.

Alexa carefully stepped onto the rocking deck, finding a seat on one of the wooden benches. The boat creaked and groaned as Anders guided them away from the docks and out into the waters of Lake Ilinalta.

For a few minutes, only the creak of wood and gentle lapping of waves against the hull could be heard. Alexa watched the young fisherman work in silence, taking in his pale, almost sickly complexion.

"So," she ventured after a while, "you know a lot about this lake?"

Anders started, as if snapping out of a trance. His dark eyes found hers, holding her gaze a moment too long.

"Yes," he said at last. "Spent my whole life on these waters. Learned to sail before I could walk." He sniffed, turning away to adjust the sail trim. "Didn't have much choice, way things are 'round here."

Alexa frowned at the bitterness in his tone. "What do you mean?"

The young man sighed, slumping against the tiller. For a moment, he seemed much older than his years.

"It's been...difficult, these past few seasons," he admitted. "The fish aren't biting like they used to. Shoals are goin' dry. Each year, the catch gets smaller and smaller."

His haunted gaze drifted over the mirrorlike surface of the lake.

"Some folks say it started after that Imperial fort fell into the lake. Poisoned or cursed the waters, like." He shrugged. "Can't rightly say if it's true or not. All I know is life's gotten a lot harder out here."

Alexa watched him closely, taking in the dark circles under his eyes, the sallow tint to his skin. Clearly the poor fishing had taken its toll.

"I'm sorry to hear that," she said softly. "Are there...other ways to make ends meet? In the village, I mean?"

Anders laughed, but there was no humor in it. "You'd be surprised how little coin passes through a place like Oakwood." He shook his head. "Only reason I'm still afloat is my da's trade."

"What's his trade?"

The young man's gaze grew distant. "...Grave digging."

They drifted further from shore, and Alexa studied him curiously. "So...your father is the gravedigger in town?"

Anders gave a humorless chuckle. "Yes, one of the few jobs that still earns a decent coin around these parts." He shrugged. "Lot of bodies needing buried all the time."

Alexa felt a shiver run down her spine at his ominous words. She opened her mouth to ask for clarification, but Anders was already continuing.

"Enough about that gloominess though." He flashed her a grin, though it didn't reach his eyes. "We're still a ways from the island. Maybe we could...find a way to pass the time?"

Alexa gave Anders a coy smile. "Oh? And how did you plan to pass the time, sailor?" She leaned back, letting her thighs fall open invitingly.

Anders swallowed hard, his gaze devouring every inch of her body. The bulge in his trousers was already straining. "I...well, I thought maybe..." He trailed off, suddenly looking very young and unsure of himself.

Chuckling, Alexa patted the bench beside her. "Why don't you come sit next to me?" she purred. "We can get...more comfortable."

The young man didn't need to be told twice. He practically tripped over his own feet in his haste to join her, the boat rocking precariously. Up close, Alexa could see the desperation burning in his eyes, the slightest tremble to his hands.

"You seem tense," she murmured, trailing a finger along his jawline. "Why don't you let me help you relax?"

Before Anders could reply, she grabbed his face and crushed their lips together. He froze for only a heartbeat before melting into the kiss, eagerly parting his lips to grant her questing tongue access. Alexa drank in his soft groans, smirking at the way his hands roamed over her body.

She broke the heated kiss with a sharp nip to his lower lip. "That's better," she breathed against his mouth. "Now, let's get these pesky clothes out of the way..."

Alexa made quick work of stripping them both bare, carelessly tossing their garments aside. Anders was already achingly hard, his cock jutting up towards his belly. She gave his dick an appreciative stroke and her fingers played with the tip, smirking at the full-body shudder it produced.

"My my, what a big cock you have," she purred. "I can't wait to feel it stretching me wide."

Alexa pushed the young man onto his back, straddling his hips with ease. She ground her dripping slit along his shaft, coating it with her arousal. Anders threw his head back, hands clenching into white-knuckled fists at his sides.

"F-fuck..." he groaned. "Please, I need..."

"Shhh," Alexa hushed him with a finger to his lips. "Don't worry, I'll take such good care of you."

She reached down to adjust him, and impaled herself on his throbbing cock. They both cried out at the feeling, Alexa relishing the delicious stretch. She didn't give herself time to adjust before starting to bounce in his lap, riding him hard and fast.

Anders hands flew to her hips, gripping hard enough to bruise as he met her frantic pace. His eyes were dark pools of lust, fixed unblinkingly on where their bodies joined. Alexa smirked, putting on a show by fondling her breasts and pinching her stiff nipples.

"That's it," she moaned loudly. "Fill me up with that big cock. Fuck me like the whore I am!"

The lewd words seemed to flip a switch in Anders. With a guttural growl, he suddenly rolled them over, pinning Alexa beneath his sweat-slicked body. His hips pounded into her with bruising force, the boat rocking violently beneath them.

Alexa cried out in surprised pleasure, wrapping her legs around his waist to take him even deeper. One of his hands found her neglected clit, rubbing tight circles that had her vision whiting out. The other hand trailed down, down, until...

"Oh fuck!" she cried as his finger breached her tight rear entrance.

Anders didn't let up, finger-fucking her ass in time with the wild pounding of his cock in her soaked pussy. Alexa moaned loudly, body bowing taut as a bowstring as she soared towards oblivion. His shaft plunged in and out of her slick channel, her velvet walls gripping him in spasms of pleasure.

He buried his head in her big breasts as he fucked her, muffling his grunts. Alexa's insides started going crazy as it massaged his dick during her orgasm. Anders groaned and bottomed out with a hoarse shout, cum erupting from his cock in hot spurts to paint her inner walls white with sperm.

They lay there, tangled and panting, as the small boat gently rocked on the lake's surface. Alexa slowly stroked Anders' damp hair, surprised at the raw passion he had displayed. For such a young man, he had certainly known how to pleasure a woman.

"That was...very good," she murmured, still feeling pleasantly stretched and full.

Anders raised his head, a dazed but immensely satisfied grin plastered across his face. Without a word, he pushed himself upright, his softening length slipping free of her with a wet pop. Alexa gasped at the sudden emptiness, clenching around nothing.

Strong hands gripped her thighs, pulling her into Anders' lap. She went willingly, wrapping her legs around his narrow waist as he impaled her again on his rapidly re-stiffening cock. A breathy moan slipped past her lips as she was filled once more.

Slowly, Alexa began to bounce, dragging her slick walls along his dick. It wasn't frantic like before - just a slow grind to stave off the chill sea breeze prickling their sweat-sheened skin. Anders' hands roamed her body, groping and kneading her thick, jiggly ass cheeks, spreading them wide.

He leaned in, latching onto one of her stiff nipples and sucking hard. Alexa threw her head back with a gasp, increasing the pace of her movements. One of Anders's hands left her backside, trailing up her side to cup her other breast. He rolled the pebbled bud between his fingers as he suckled greedily.

"You're insatiable," Alexa teased breathlessly.

Anders released her nipple with a wet pop. "Can you blame me?" He gave her a lopsided grin before ducking his head to lavish the same attention on her other breast.

Alexa hummed in pleasure, her fingers tangling in his dark hair to hold him close. They stayed like that for long minutes, bouncing in a steady rhythm as the boat creaked and groaned around them.

Eventually, Anders pulled back, lips swollen and cheeks flushed. He trailed his fingers through the glistening slick coating his cock before bringing them to Alexa's mouth. She immediately latched on, sucking his digits clean with an indecent moan.

For the next half hour, the only sounds were the gentle lapping of waves against the hull and their mingled moans of pleasure. Alexa rode Anders with torturously slow rolls of her hips, clenching her inner muscles to massage his throbbing length.

Every few minutes, she could feel his heavy balls tighten, drawing up towards his body as he neared the edge of release. But just before he could find that blissful peak, Alexa would still her movements, denying them both until the urge passed.

"Evil wench," Anders panted after the third such denial, sweat beading on his brow. "You'll be the death of me."

Alexa simply smirked, resuming her sensual grind with a roll of her hips that had him throwing his head back with a guttural groan. By the time the forested island came into view through the mist, Anders was a shuddering, whimpering mess beneath her.

His fingers dug almost painfully into the soft swell of her ass cheeks as she began bouncing in earnest, impaling herself on his thick cock over and over.

"Fuuuck..." Anders cried out in a ragged voice, hips snapping upwards to meet Alexa's frantic pace. Their bodies slapped together obscenely, the wet sounds of her soaked pussy engulfing his dick filling the air.

Alexa leaned down, her heavy breasts swaying enticingly. She crushed her lips against Anders' in a searing, open-mouthed kiss. Their tongues immediately tangled in a slick, desperate duel.

At first, Alexa felt a strange prickle against her lips, like Anders' teeth had suddenly become very sharp. But just as quickly, the odd sensation passed, seemingly her imagination playing tricks.

She dismissed the fleeting thought, losing herself in their heated liplock. Alexa moaned into Anders' mouth as she rode his dick hard. She could feel his impressive length twitching, swelling even larger inside her convulsing pussy as his climax rapidly built.

Their kisses grew more frantic. Alexa sucked Anders' tongue aggressively, drawing a muffled groan from the young man. He returned the favor by biting down on her plump lower lip, not hard enough to break skin but still eliciting a sharp gasp from her.

With a strangled shout muffled against her mouth, Anders erupted deep inside Alexa. His hips bucked wildly as thick ropes of cum were pumped into her trembling pussy. Alexa ground herself firmly against his pelvis, determined to ride out her own orgasm as she felt his seed beginning to seep out around his still-buried cock.

Finally, Alexa broke the messy kiss, both of them panting harshly. Anders stared up at her with a glazed expression.

"So..." he rasped, voice wrecked. "I couldn't help but think you're probably interested in the Lady Stone? It's the only real attraction on this island."

Alexa let out a satisfied, breathy hum as Anders' cock slipped out of her drenched pussy with an audible, wet pop. She nodded slowly, a coy smile playing on her plump lips. "That's right. If you lead the way, I'll let you fuck this ass later," she purred, giving her thick rear a firm smack.

Anders groaned loudly at her words and pushed himself upright to tuck his cock back into his trousers. He moved to secure the small sailboat to the rickety dock, his hands shaking with barely contained need. Alexa watched him work with a smirk, slowly rising to her feet and stretching elegantly. Her leather pants clung obscenely to her ass, soaked through with their combined juices.

Once the boat was moored, she sauntered off the rocking deck, hips swaying enticingly with every step. Anders froze, licking his lips hungrily as he drank in the delicious sight of her body. Alexa shot him a coy look over her shoulder.

"Well? Are you going to show me this Lady Stone or not?"

That seemed to break Anders out of his trance. He hurried to catch up with her, fingers immediately finding the generous swell of her ass. Alexa rolled her eyes as he gave an appreciative squeeze.

"Couldn't resist, could you?" she teased.

Anders flushed, but didn't remove his hand as they walked. "You can't blame me," he murmured, voice already growing husky with need. "You're incredible..."

His fingers dipped beneath the waistband of her pants to grope her bare ass cheek. They continued on like that for a long while as they walked, Anders groping and kneading her butt.

Eventually, they entered into a small sunlit clearing. The light shining through the illuminated a curious stone dais in the center. Atop it stood an exquisitely carved stone statue in the shape of an elegant female figure, pulling a sword from the waters at her feet.

"The Lady Stone," Anders murmured, coming up behind Alexa to grind his bulge against her bubble butt.

Alexa arched an eyebrow at the phallic shape of the "sword", understanding immediately where this was going. "I can see why they call it that," she said, trailing her fingers along the smooth, curved surface.

Anders leaned in, his hot breath ghosting across her neck. "An ancient fertility idol from the Merethic Era..." His hands found her hips, slowly tugging her pants down to bare her ass to the warm air. "Or so they say."

Alexa sighed as his dick sprang free, prodding insistently at her puckered rear entrance. Before she could respond, a panel appeared before her eyes.

Lady's Grace

Your Health, Magicka and Stamina are increased by 25. When you fall below half Health, Magicka, or Stamina, you gain 50% extra Health, Magicka, or Stamina Regeneration.

Eyes widening at the incredible boon, Alexa quickly accepted the Lady's Grace. Power thrummed through her veins just as Anders hilted himself in her tight ass with a groan.

This was incredible - the regeneration effect alone would be an absolute lifesaver in tough battles. It might've reduced her health by 25 because she no longer had Warborn, but this was absolutely the superior Standing Stone blessing to pick. It was pretty much a combination of the three Guardian Stones, except the numerical increases were slightly lowered.

But even with that, it gave her a total of 75 points across the board.

Alexa gasped as Anders roughly bent her against the Lady Stone, the cool surface pressing against her breasts. His calloused hands gripped her hips tightly as he pumped his cock into her ass even harder.

"Oh fuck..." she groaned, the lewd sound of flesh smacking flesh filling the small clearing.

Anders chuckled darkly, no longer the shy young man he had portrayed earlier. He leaned over Alexa's body, hot breath fanning across her neck.

"You're going to make such a pretty vampiress," he growled, balls slapping against her pussy.

Before Alexa could react, searing pain blossomed in her shoulder as Anders' vampiric fangs sank into her flesh. She cried out, struggling against his iron grip as he began draining her blood in between harsh thrusts.

Panicked, Alexa tried to summon her spectral wolf, a purple orb gathering in her palm. But Anders simply raised a hand, green tendrils of magic snaking forth to envelop her.

Immediately eerie calm filled Alexa. The fight drained from her muscles as the spell took hold. But it was only temporary - as more of her blood was drained, the haze lifted and she began thrashing anew.

Again and again the cycle repeated. Calm spell, drink, fuck, struggle. Until finally, Anders pulled his fangs free with a satisfied groan, hips stuttering as he flooded her asshole with his white sperm.

Alexa felt consciousness slipping away, her eyelids drooping as the last dregs of her strength were sapped. The final thing she saw before the world went black was Anders' absolutely exhausted face, blood-stained fangs glinting in the sunlight.