
Well Done! Secret Seven:- The War Parade

All the Seven Kids were just moving between life and death. But they can't ruin the name of their committee. They are kids, but Brave. What happens when Secret Seven Group gets stuck in the past where a war is going on? How will they stop the production of war supplies against their own country? Well Done! Secret Seven book series is written by Enid Blyton. Here is a fan fiction. Undoubtedly, Secret Seven is brave. Story that represents friendship, trust and bravery. Story becomes interesting with every chapter. How do they manage to solve every problem together? Read and find out! Story of seven kids Peter, Janet, Pam, Jack, Colin, George, Barbara and their dog Scamper.

ishvidhan · Book&Literature
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8 Chs


The war was still going on. And Peter was also critical. " What should we do? Janet, in Peter's absence you are the only one who can lead us. " Steven's mom said. Janet thought for a while. Then said, " So I, sister of Peter will lead Secret Seven in Peter's absence. Now we should go to the palace and tell the Queen everything. About the Cops, Ben's Army and about us too. " Everyone was satisfied with Janet's plan. They went to the palace from the way made in the forest. They reached the palace. But the real challenge was to meet the Queen. " There is only one way and the way is very tough. We will go to the place where other soldiers are fighting, and from there we will go inside the palace. " Everyone agreed to the dangerous plan. They ran between the war. And somehow managed to go inside the palace. But the guards in the palace stopped them. " Who are you all? Why are you taking this dog with you? " Janet tried to explain them but they diagreed. But the Queen saw them. " Kids, It's not safe out there. Come and rest in the palace. " The queen politely said. The stress was clearly visible on her face. Everyone bowed infront of her. " Queen, we are here to tell something important. " Janet said. " Tell me fast, kid. " The queen said. " There is a man named Ben who is catching people and forcing people to work and make war supplies. And the Cops are working from enimie's side. " The queen asked them to come in her room. She thought that the kids were saying ture. She asked her soldier to go and threaten the Cops and Ben's army to work for them of they will be punished to death. And that thing worked.

There, Peter got concious. But he couldn't find his friends anywhere. He could only see Scamper tied there. He somehow walked towards Scamper and hugged him. He looked outside that war was still going on. He tried to walk full couldn't. Janet was also concerned about Peter. She felt that Peter needed her. She asked the queen to let them go. " But how will you go? Wait my soldiers will take you. " The queen said. Janet nodded. Four soldiers accompanied them. They reached where Peter was there. Everyone was happy to see Peter concious. The soldiers left. " Janet guided us in your absence. " Barbara said. Janet smiled and Peter praised Janet.

Author's note-

Hey, sorry for the small chapter. Keep reading.