
Welcoming the Chaos

The Forbidden beings born of pure darkness, known only for chaos and destruction, coming from the Void Dimension. Eve Kinhana always held suspicion about Alexander Gear, CEO of W.W.P (World Wide Protection Services). Recently, her abilities, from her unique "Ornament" powers, have detected an surge of dark energy emerging from the W.W.P HQ. As the Void energy intensifies day by day, Eve decides to investigate the ominous surge emerging from the W.W.P HQ in the city of "Legis." She doesn't embark on this journey alone, and is accompanied by her ocelot beastkin step-sister, Eliza Kinhana, and her "Knight," Vulcan Georra. Together, they walk forth, prepared to confront the escalating darkness and unreveal the secrets hidden within the walls of the headquarters.

Nacho4U · Fantasy
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69 Chs

Chapter Two: Origins of a 'knight'

The Rose Mansion stood as a splendid testament to elegance, its grandeur radiating through the magnificent architecture and a breathtaking garden adorned with roses in full bloom. Fields blanketed with a particular species of lush grass, surrounded the mansion, enhancing its aesthetic charm. Once the cherished abode of Eve's mother, the mansion now belonged to Eve, alongside her stepsister Eliza, her "knight" Vulcan Georra, and the devoted caretaker, Vaos.

Vaos, the caretaker, has been a steadfast presence in Eve and Eliza's lives since their infancy, witnessing their transformation into the refined young ladies they are today. His loyalty knows no bounds, as he is prepared to risk his own life to shield them from the tragic fate that befell their mother.

In a discussion with Vaos, Eve expressed concern over the escalating levels of void energy, a force intensifying day by day. Asking for Vaos's permission, she sought to embark on a journey to Legis, as it became harder to ignore. The very thought of Legis reminded her of the void energy.

"Hmph, the rain came down heavily all of a sudden," Eve remarked as she gazed out of the window of the mansion.

"It's getting rather late, little Eve. Why don't you go to sleep? We can resume our conversation in the morning," Vaos suggested, gently opening the door to her bedroom.

"You're merely stalling now, Vaos. I'm not a little girl anymore you know," Eve asserted, her expression a delicate pout as she conveyed her frustration with Vaos, who persistently treated her as if she were still a vulnerable and defenseless girl.

"You've seen through me, little Eve. Indeed, I'm worried about you; after all, I am your caretaker."

"I appreciate the thought, but have you forgotten? I'm eighteen years old now. I think I'm more than capable of taking care of myself," Eve stated, using any excuse she could to persuade Vaos to grant her permission to journey to Legis.

"Nevertheless, I still bear the responsibility as your caretaker. It's a commitment I made to your mother and father," Vaos affirmed.

"Don't worry, Vaos. It's not like I'm going alone, Vulcan and Eliza will accompany me to Legis."

"Hmph, can you even trust in Vulcan's strength? Eliza, I have no issue with, given her magic is healing magic," Vaos remarked, crossing his arms.

"Well, you're right about Vulcan... Fine then, do you remember the many times I defeated you in our sparring matches, Vaos? Isn't that alone convincing enough?" Anyway, it's not as if I need your permission; I'm going to Legis, with or without your permission," Eve declared as she rose from her seat.

"Goodnight, Vaos," she said, offering a respectful bow before going into her bedroom.

"Heh, just like her mother—stubborn!" Vaos smiled.

"There are many reasons why I don't want you to go, little Eve. However, if you're so determined to travel to Legis, then I'll no longer stand in your way," Vaos said to himself.

Vaos brushed his black suit and adjusted his white shirt, pulling up his black jeans and ensuring his white gloves were properly fitted. With a sweep, he pushed back his white quiff hair, muttering, "Well then, back to my duties."

Hours later, the rain finally ceased, unveiling a clear, bright sky with the sun beginning its ascent. Following the heavy rainfall from the previous night, a potent scent of petrichor lingered in the air. While everyone else slumbered, Vaos remained awake as he barely slept.

In the comfort of his bed, Vulcan, a frequent dreamer, found himself in another dream. This particular dream unfolded the initial encounter with Eve and how he became her "knight."

In the shroud of one of the darkest nights I had ever seen, I couldn't help but consider it a lucky night for thugs and thieves. Unlike them, I was no goon. I was an unfortunate soul who shouldn't have been out that fateful night.

I was returning home, as I just left from a friend's house. I was running, as I didn't want to be mugged, or worse... As I ran, I faintly heard some noises coming from a shady looking alleyway, and I decided to investigate.

Some bastards were trying to mug a small girl, or at least... That's how it seemed like from my perspective at that time.

"Hey, you assholes! Why don't you leave her alone!" I shouted recklessly, without a second thought for my own safety.

"Begone, human," they hissed. As I got closer, expecting to see them through this darkness, I was met with the sight of the girl, but the three men remained in their silhouetts, their forms cast in pure darkness. Their voices echoed hollowly, tempting me to run away, however I couldn't leave the girl like that; even if I was outnumbered.

Honestly, I'm not sure if it was stupidity or bravery that led to my decision, but either way, the outcome was always going to be the same...

Clenching my hand into a fist, I charged at them, hurling a punch with all my might. However, one of them effortlessly dodged, grabbing my head they slammed me onto the ground.

"Foolish human, you should have run away. Now suffer the consequences of your idiocy!" The shadowy figure's hand oozed with dark, malevolent energy, forming into razor-sharp twilight claws. Relentlessly, he proceeded to kick my ass, slashing me with his claws and kicking at my chest. He went further, grabbing my leg and ruthlessly snapping it.

"You humans, such fragile, weak creatures," he remarked coldly, walking towards me slowly which almost seemed deliberate.

Left battered and bloodied, deep scratch marks over my entire body, not to mention my broken leg. The shadowy figure lifted me, coldly declaring, "I'm going to kill you in the most painful way imaginable." I dangled helplessly, gripped by my broken leg as if I were a ragdoll.

I was angry with myself that I couldn't protect one girl. Maybe this shadow bastard was right, maybe I should've of kept on walking like a coward... There was nothing I could do, but stay limp and listen. Suddenly I was let go of, falling straight to the ground. I saw the three shadow figures surrounding the small girl.

"Take the halfbreed. Once we bring her back, the boss will promote us to the Federation," the larger shadow man said as he tied her up with bindings.

"Hmph, we should mess up her pretty little face first!" suggested one of the smaller shadow figures.

"No, we have to bring the girl unharmed."

"Don't act tough, you disgusting creatures. If you hadn't used that spell on me, you'd all be dead by now," the small girl defiantly retorted.

"No matter. Vaos, please put these pests in their place," As she spoke, another shadow-like figure materialized in front of me.

"Vaos? Who are you talking about girl?!" The large shadow man demanded to know.

As I looked on, it became evident the large shadow man was oblivious, The other shadow figure that suddenly appeared had already killed both of his men, and he stood tall behind the unaware idiot.

"Ask him yourself; he already took care of both of your men," she said, tilting her head forward, indicating the looming figure behind the large shadow man.

"What are you talking about- B'LARGH?!" The large shadow man fell to one knee, as the other shadow figure punched him in the stomach.

"Little Eve, are you okay?" he asked in a formal manner. As my vision began to clear, it became apparent that this person was different. Was he human?

"I'm perfectly fine, Vaos. I'm sorry to bother you with such a minor task like this," Eve said with a pouty expression, looking down.

"Nonsense, I'm your caretaker, Little Eve. It's my duty, after all," Vaos reassured, patting her head.

"Now then, Little Eve, what should I do with this trash?" Vaos turned around to face the shadow man, his eyes radiating nothing but murderous intent.

"kill him"

"and what about this human?"

"Take him to the rose mansion and tell Eliza to heal him. It's the least I can do since he tried to save me" the girl, "Eve", kneeled and looked directly into my eyes.

"Good grief, very well. Little Eve, it's not because of his pathetic attempt at rescuing you, is it? It's because of his outstanding 'will,' isn't it?" Vaos asked.

"It was that obvious, huh? Yes, I'm taking him back to the mansion. Not because of his attempt to save me, which was a sad, pathetic gamble. No, but I'm taking him because of his astronomically high will. Pity, he doesn't have an 'Ornament,' though. Nonetheless, take him back to the mansion," Eve replied.

"As you say, Little Eve," Vaos lifted me, and just before he left, he approached the shadow man.

"Die!" Vaos stomped on him, his leg enveloped in potent, dark energy. An audible crack resonated as he struck his head. Shortly after, the shadowy figure dissolved into the void energy that once emerged from him.

"Will you be coming with me, Little Eve?"

"No, I'll arrive later at the mansion"

"Very well, I'll see you later, Little Eve." Vaos gripped me tightly, and then we teleported. After that, I blacked out.

As the dream continued, Vulcan found himself on a king-sized bed, as expected, its comfort embracing him. His leg was encased in a cast, and his entire body felt weak, the cuts still in the process of healing. When Vulcan attempted to sit upright, someone intervened.

"Wait, don't get up yet!" A soft but cute voice cried out. Vulcan shifted his gaze towards the source of the voice, revealing a brunette girl with cat-like features.

"Where am I? Also, what's up with the cat ears and tail?" Vulcan asked, closely looking at her feline features.

"You're at the Rose Mansion, and if it wasn't obvious, I'm a beastkin, hence my cat ears and tail. To be exact, I'm not your average house cat; I'm an ocelot. That aside, your injuries have been healing quite nicely. I'm the one who has been caring for your wounds and your broken leg," she replied.

"Thanks, I mean it. I probably would've been dead by now if it wasn't for you. Although, can you tell me how I got here? I remember trying to protect a girl, and these shadow men made short work of me. Then—" The ocelot girl placed a finger up to Vulcan's mouth.

"You're a talkative one, aren't you? But I don't have your answers; Eve does," she said.

"Eve? Wait, I remember, that small girl?"

"Yup, that's my cute sister Eve. But, anyway, how about we introduce ourselves? My name is Eliza, and you are?" Eliza smiled, her feline ears perking up with a friendly curiosity.

"I'm Vulcan. Vulcan Georra. Wait! Does my family know I'm here? How long was I passed out for, Eliza?" Vulcan's voice disturbed the peaceful ambience as he raised his voice.

"Uhmm, you were unconscious about for two weeks" Eliza replied.

"Two weeks?! I need to tell them I'm okay!" Vulcan attempted to stand, but with his broken leg it proved to be a difficult challenge.

"Please wait! You're still injured and—"

As Eliza attempted to stop him, the door behind them creaked open. The small girl, who Vulcan knew only as Eve, entered. Eve wore a slightly oversized white sweater that draped delicately over her figure. Beneath the white sweater, she sported a plain black shirt, and a neatly tied red ribbon adorned her long blonde hair. Yet, what seized Vulcan's attention most were her captivating crimson eyes. The moment his gaze met hers, it pierced through him like an arrow.

"Hello, my name is Eve Kinhana. What's yours?" Eve asked, but Vulcan forgot to answer, caught off guard by her captivating beauty.

"Psst. Psst. Hey Vulcan!" Eliza nudged him, trying to regain his attention.

"Y-Yes! My name is Vulcan Georra. Pleased to meet you!" Vulcan replied, regaining his composure.

"Thank you, Eliza. Now, could you give us some privacy I need to have a word with him," Eve said.

"Oh, I wonder what you're going to talk about. More importantly, though, a quick big hug for my cute little sister!" Eliza tightly hugged Eve before leaving the room.

Vulcan's first impression of Eve was rather straightforward. He saw her as a cute, innocent, and seemingly defenseless girl. However, his opinion swiftly changed as soon as he got to know her.

"Vulcan, I must compliment your bravery. But I must ask, why did you try to save me?" Eve asked as she moved closer to him.

"Why? Isn't that obvious? I saw some— well... At first, I thought some men were trying to mug you, but when I charged in there, they were completely made of dark energy?"

"I can't explain much, unfortunately, but I suppose I can at least clarify what you saw back then. You know how there are beastkin, such as Eliza, for example. Well, those 'shadow people' are, let's say, some subdivision of beastkin."

"That's it? I mean, I know I shouldn't pry or anything, but can't you tell me more?" Vulcan asked.

"There's a lot more I can answer, but I simply don't want to, unless..." Eve wore a smug expression and spoke in a mysterious tone.

"Unless?" Vulcan gulped as he feared what she might say.

"Unless you become my new knight,"

"Unless I become your knight? What are you talking about?"

"You see, Vulcan, while you cannot sense it, you carry a strong 'will' or 'willpower.' It's even stronger than the 'White Crusader's' will," Eve complimented, shedding light on a unique attribute that set Vulcan apart.

"Will, huh... I remember reading about it. The inner power of oneself, which derives from the soul. Anyway, if my willpower is so crazy strong like you claim, how come I wasn't able to defeat those shadow men? They kicked my ass in seconds..." Vulcan gloomily looked down.

"While your will is astronomically high, Vulcan, you must also support that will with your physical strength or an 'Ornament.' But since you don't have an ornament, you'll have to settle with improving your physical condition," Eve explained, providing insight into the crucial balance between willpower, physical strength, and the mysterious concept of an "Ornament."

"Let's say I consider your offer, Eve. What about my family? I'm sure they'll wonder where I am,"

"Well, regarding your family, I've told them that you were staying here, as you were my 'boyfriend.' But that's only a temporary solution. We could leave a note that says you decided to run away," Eve suggested.

"Boyfriend, huh? And they believed you just like that? No questions asked or anything? Wait, more importantly, did you say I should leave a note that says I ran away from home? That's a little extreme, don't you think..?" Vulcan clearly disliking Eve's idea.

"Let's just say your mother is a very talkative one. Anyway, here's the second option. You'll tell your parents that you're staying here as you're vigorously studying. From the minor background check I did on you, you were trying to get into Legis University?"

"Oh right! I completely forgot!"

"Then it's decided. You'll tell them that. But don't get the wrong idea; you won't abandon any previous studies you were doing. While you stay, you'll be busy training as my 'knight' and continue your studies to get into Legis University," Eve said.

"Hey, I didn't even say yes— ah, what the hell, it's not like I can leave with my injuries. Who knows, maybe if I train long enough, I'll finally obtain an ornament,"

Without much thinking or second thought, Vulcan declared, "I'll be your knight!"

Upon uttering those four words, Vulcan's life completely changed. Vulcan was put through relentless training aimed at aligning his physical condition so that he could make better use of his will. He wasn't spared a second of free time, as strict studying sessions became an integral part of his daily routine. Each passing day unfolded as a demanding balance between rigorous training and intensive study sessions, shaping Vulcan's newfound journey as Eve's knight.

On what initially seemed like any other regular day, Vulcan found himself in his usual training regimen. The countless days of relentless workouts had visibly transformed Vulcan's fitness, marking a significant improvement since his arrival at the mansion. This progress was thanks to Vaos intense training and rigorous sparring sessions. However, the routine was interrupted when Eve interrupted Vulcan's regular training session, grasping a sword sheath.

"Vulcan, come over here," Eve called.

"Yes, your highness?" Vulcan smirked, he sarcastically said.

"Watch your mouth, Vulcan, before I regret this," Eve sighed. "Vulcan, after thinking about it and talking with Vaos about it , I've decided to give you this sword. It holds a unique history, you know, it once belonged to the Goddess Iren," she explained, with a deliberate pause, Eve extended the sword towards Vulcan, making the moment feel weightier and more profound.

"Eh?! Wait so you're telling me this sword once belong to the goddess of souls, the very goddess that made "Spirit" energy?! How did you even get this?" Vulcan exclaimed, his voice a mix of awe and disbelief.

"From the number of times I've shocked you, you'd think you'd learn to keep your voice down," Eve's smile held a chilling quality, her fingers generating tiny sparks of electricity.

She sighed, the sparks subsiding, "Don't worry about how I managed to get my hands on it. What you should be focusing on now is learning how to use this weapon. When you wield this sword, you'll be able to use all 'spirit' techniques with ease. However, keep in mind that if you let go of the sword or get disarmed, you won't be able to use any spirit techniques. To activate the techniques, all you have to do is say the names of the techniques— something that should be easy for you. There are different levels of spiritual power, from zero to five, with level zero being the strongest and five the weakest. Also, be mindful that spirit energy feeds off your will, so you can't simply attack mindlessly in a barrage. Think of it like this: do you know how elementalists use mana to cast spells? Your will is your mana; consider this sword an artificial ornament," Eve explained, providing detailed insights of the powerful sword.

"Wait, does this mean my will is going to be gone forever when I use this sword? Or does it slowly regenerate over time like mana?"

"Oh? And here I thought you'd start using the sword without question. Don't worry; you're correct. Your willpower does slowly regenerate, much like mana,"

"I see, well thank you, Eve. I really appreciate it. Who knows, maybe I'll finally be able to beat you now in our sparring sessions!" Vulcan said with a smirk on his face.

"In your dreams, Vulcan. You lack something that I have and you don't—elegance. Now, back to your training," Eve remarked before leaving.

As soon as those words escaped her lips, everything went black. The dream concluded, yet even in the void of emptiness, there persisted a subtle activity. The surroundings began to tremble, as if someone were shaking the very fabric of space. The intensity of the shaking escalated, then...

"This better be a good reason that you woke me up, Eve," Vulcan yawned as he sat up, rubbing his eyes.

"Vulcan, we're traveling to Legis, so pack everything you need," Eve informed Vulcan before leaving.

"Sure thing, whatever you say, Eve— wait, what? We're going to Legis?!"

Now, Vulcan begins his very first long and exhausting adventure, stepping into the unknown challenges that await on the journey to Legis.