
Welcoming the Chaos

The Forbidden beings born of pure darkness, known only for chaos and destruction, coming from the Void Dimension. Eve Kinhana always held suspicion about Alexander Gear, CEO of W.W.P (World Wide Protection Services). Recently, her abilities, from her unique "Ornament" powers, have detected an surge of dark energy emerging from the W.W.P HQ. As the Void energy intensifies day by day, Eve decides to investigate the ominous surge emerging from the W.W.P HQ in the city of "Legis." She doesn't embark on this journey alone, and is accompanied by her ocelot beastkin step-sister, Eliza Kinhana, and her "Knight," Vulcan Georra. Together, they walk forth, prepared to confront the escalating darkness and unreveal the secrets hidden within the walls of the headquarters.

Nacho4U · Fantasy
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73 Chs

Chapter Sixty Six: A Friendly Talk

Vulcan and Vaos stepped out of the hotel, as they aimlessly began to look for Copy. They walked through the streets of Legis, Vulcan hope of stumbling upon Copy as quickly as he had before, another part couldn't help but acknowledge the unpredictable nature of Copy. Nonetheless, he knew he had to deliver Professor Juno's instructions to Copy.

Vaos noticed the subtle shifts in the surrounding energy. The abrupt weakening of the void energy caught his attention, signaling a disruption in the flow. It hinted at a temporary stop in the source's influence. This unexpected occurrence prompted Vaos to remain on guard as they continued their search for Copy.

Both of them walked in silence, Vulcan always found it difficult to speak with Vaos, the weight of their relationship making conversation a challenge. The silence between them was familiar.

Suddenly, Vaos broke the silence. "Vulcan, do you have an interest in Eve?" he asked, his tone direct.

Vulcan stopped in his tracks, taken aback by the question. He hesitated before responding, "Why do you ask?" he replied cautiously, buying himself a moment to think.

"Answer my question first, Vulcan," Vaos demanded, his eyes fixed on him.

Vulcan sighed, "I... I do care about her," he admitted. "But I'm not sure if it's the same way you think."

"If Eve returns the same feelings, then I have no right to stand in the way," Vaos said, though his tone made it clear he didn't approve of it. "However, understand this, Vulcan: Eve means a great deal to me." His eyes bore into Vulcan's, the seriousness of his words unmistakable.

"Haha, don't worry, Vaos. I know she's special to you. I won't get in between you or anything," Vulcan replied with a nervous laugh, trying to ease the tension. He scratched the back of his head, glancing away from Vaos's intense gaze. "I just want to make sure she's safe, same as you."

Vaos's eyes widened slightly in surprise. "Hmm, I see, Vulcan. It's impressive, really. Despite the short time since you left Alyssum, you've already matured quite a bit," he remarked. Without waiting for a response, Vaos turned and began to walk again.

Without saying anything, Vulcan smiled lightly and began to follow Vaos.

As they continued to walk, Vaos suddenly sensed a shift in the air, a subtle disturbance that hinted at the presence of potent void energy nearby.

Vaos hastened his pace, a sense of anticipation building within him, he scanned the surroundings, and as he thought, he saw Copy standing in the distance. Copy's smirk seemed to mock Vaos.

Vulcan hurried to catch up with Vaos, sensing the urgency in his brisk run as they approached Copy. It was clear why Vaos quickened his pace upon spotting their target.

"Look who it is, long time no see, 'Vaos'..!" Copy mockingly bowed as he removed his fedora, his smirk widening with each word.

"Don't tell me, are both of you going to kill me?" Copy's eyes narrowed slightly as he glanced between Vaos and Vulcan.

Vulcan stepped forward, "Of course not," he replied firmly. "I spoke with the Professor, and she agreed to help you." Vulcan handed Copy the piece of paper containing every detail he needed to know.

"I see I have to be there quite early, don't I?" Copy remarked, his eyes scanning over the details of the letter. "And just outside the city... My, the little rabbit professor is quite thorough."

Copy's smirk widened as he folded the letter and casually tucked it into his pocket. "Well, consider myself delighted," he remarked, sarcasm and amusement in his tone.

"Then, I believe you have to hold your end of the deal, Copy," Vulcan asserted.

"I don't think so," Copy retorted. "What if this is a trap? I'll tell you how to save your friend once I see the rabbit professor with my own eyes."

"And how do we know you won't go back on your word?" Vaos interjected.

"I'm not stupid, you know. Why would I go against my word? I'll tell you tomorrow, assuming this isn't a trap," Copy replied.

"Fair enough, but just know that it isn't a trap," Vulcan assured.

"I suppose we'll see about that tomorrow morning," Copy smirked as he began to walk away.

Vaos watched as Copy walked away, he knew he shouldn't let him go so easily, but he also understood the situation. With a heavy sigh, Vaos could only hope that Professor Juno had a plan, as he reluctantly let Copy leave.

"Let's go back to the hotel, Vulcan, and let's continue our little talk," Vaos said as they began to walk away.

Eve's gaze was fixed on the WWP building, she began to see illusions with each step she took towards it. Despite the disorienting visions, she pressed forward, her resolve steong, though a heavy sigh escaped her lips. She understood the situation; weakness was not an option, especially now.

However, if the opportunity presented itself, Eve wouldn't hesitate in killing Forbidden Illusion, regardless of the risks involved.

As the illusions intensified, twisting into increasingly disturbing and disorienting shapes, Eve began to feel nauseous once more. Eve struggled to make sense of the illusions, a figure approached her, gradually dissipating the illusions. With each step closer, the haze cleared, revealing a clearer view of the person walking towards her.

Eve recognized Alexander Gear as he drew nearer. He was a tall and lanky, with slanted, dark-green eyes that seemed to pierce through the remaining illusions. His attire gave a sense of sophistication, wearing a black suit paired with a white dress shirt, a black lounge jacket, and a matching white necktie. His outfit was completed by tailored black trousers, polished black shoes, and sleek black gloves.

A tense silence hung between them as they exchanged disdainful glances, each waiting for the other to make the first move.

Alexander smiled, though its malice was noticeable. "Well, well, this is our first encounter, isn't it? You've been quite the persistent nuisance," he remarked, disdain in his tone.

"What you're doing is stupid, creating a portal to the void dimension is beyond foolish," Eve exclaimed.

"I don't owe you an explanation, Eve. However, I will offer you a word of caution. Turn back now, while you still have the chance. Otherwise, you'll find yourself facing consequences you won't enjoy," Alexander retorted.

"Or," Eve's voice echoed with unwavering resolve, "I can put an end to your plan right here and right now."

Alexander chuckled, "what a feisty Forbidden. But go ahead, Eve, show me what you've got. Make the first move," he taunted.

Just as Eve poised herself for combat, Alexander vanished into thin air, leaving her momentarily confused. "How did Forbidden Nature lose to you? Perhaps the Forbidden aren't quite the force I thought," Eve heard his voice behind her.

Eve executed a low sweep, aiming to bring Alexander to his knees, but to her surprise, he reappeared in the exact position he was standing moments before, seemingly unfazed by her attack.

Alexander materialized right in front of Eve, delivering a powerful backhand across her face before vanishing into thin air once more, leaving Eve stunned from the unexpected blow.

As Eve regained her composure, she quickly came to the conclusion that Alexander's movements must have been enabled by his Ornament. His teleportation abilities far surpassed anything she had encountered before. While the Forbidden's spatial retreat was impressive, it paled in comparison to the instantaneous teleportation by Alexander.

"I have no intention of fighting you now," Alexander stated firmly. "I have more important matters to deal with."

"However, remember what I said, turn back while you still can." Alexander instantly vanished from sight.

Despite the encounter, Eve's heart began to race as she felt the presence of Forbidden Wrath, Power, Energy, and Illusion ahead. Another step forward felt like a step into an inevitable confrontation. With a sigh, she made a difficult decision and turned away, knowing that fighting them would only lead to a futile battle.

Eve had achieved her objective of scouting the exterior layout of the building, gathering information for future confrontations. She continued to walk away, knowing that her preparations would serve her well when the time came to strike.

Eve couldn't help but feel annoyed by the persistence of Forbidden Illusion. Like a relentless mosquito buzzing around her, he seemed determined to disrupt her plans at every turn. With a shake of her head, Eve reminded herself that she would swat away this nuisance just as she would any other obstacle in her path.

Despite her determination, Eve couldn't deny the unsettling effect that Forbidden Illusion had on her. Internally, she acknowledged that its manipulative tactics were indeed effective.

Eve muttered under her breath, "Just you wait, I promise you, I'll end you..."

After about half an hour later, Eve finally arrived back at the hotel.

Eve was ready to share her recent encounter with Alexander Gear with Vaos and Vulcan as soon as they arrived...