Angelia died at the age of 30 from the same jet that killed her father... Yes a jet cut her in half in the middle of the city streets, Scientists are still swearing about that [Scientist]: Finding immorality has more Percentage than being the only person to get cut in half by a jet in the middle of a busy street and it happened twice in the same family... Help me close Newton's coffin he is coming out and Albert Einstein and Aristotle are swearing in the bar [Albert Einstein]: Were is Newton we need him for this ..., somewhere else,... [Angelia]: So I am dead [???]: Yes [Angelia]: and I am reincarnating [???]: Yes [Angelia]: I heard that you send trucks not jets [???]: we are open to new ways and suggestions like coconuts and dogs biting the Nether region how you may rate us [Angelia]: like stars [???]: Yes, now how many do we take from ten to one [Angelia]: will can't say that it was bad but having every Scientist swearing at me is not nice []--World Nier--[]
here is a Santas on a Dragons