
Welcome To The supernatural World; What Power Would You Get?

Doron was unfortunate to meet a wendigo during a camping trip, and this encounter turned his life upside down. Now, he has to survive in a world that he thought only existed in novels and comics. The thing is, that wendigo for some reason changed into a loli?, that could grant him super powers for a day or when his life is in danger?. All this started because he went into the woods to get firewood?! I think, he would be traumatized from this... poor kid won't go into the woods ever again.

papylion · Urban
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45 Chs

Chapter 42: The Temple Guys Are Here

In the forest, about ten kilometres away from Azron town, Randolph was standing in an open area of the forest, enjoying the forest breeze and the chirping of the forest birds. Occasionally, some animals would pass by and look at Randolph with cautious and confused eyes.

If the animal could talk, they would be asking each other, "What is wrong with that man? He is just standing there; is he mad? Doesn't he know that a man his age is supposed to be in a home for the elderly?".

Of course, if Randolph heard what these animals were saying, he would welcome the people sent from the temple with some roasted meat.

After about another minute of standing like a fool—ahem, like a master—he heard some rustles in the forest and slowly opened his eyes.

""" Greetings to the elder!!"""

About a dozen men and women appeared behind Randolph and kneeled. Randolph just raised his hands, signaling them to rise, which they did.

"Who is the leader of this group?" He asked.

A woman who was wearing a white robe and had olive green hair stepped forward and kneeled.

"Inner disciple Belle, disciple of the dungeon studies branch," the woman said in a loud voice that made the birds in the trees scatter.

'Damn, that scared me, and who is she? I never heard of her before,' Randolph thought as he stroked his beard, trying to soothe his beating heart while also searching his memories at the same time for this Belle. "Oh, ahem, Belle, right? Hmm, I have heard of you."

The lady who was kneeling felt her heart race when she heard that an elder had heard about her. She was tempted to ask how he knew about her, but she held her tongue for fear of offending an elder.

"Yes elder!" The lady, Belle, replied with her booming and feminine voice, which sounded soothing but was just too loud to appreciate.

"Ahem, you have been briefed on your duties, am I correct?" Randolph asked as he felt his heartbeat rise again; luckily, he was not facing the group.

It was a rule that disciples from the outer layer and middle layer of the temple could not gaze directly at an elder or a core disciple of the temple, and they could not also talk to them directly but must do that through their disciples.

The lady called Belle could look at Randolph's face and directly talk to him since she was an inner disciple, but not the others behind her, as she was the only inner disciple in the group.

"Yes," Belle replied, but this time her voice lowered a little, making Randolph sigh.

"Okay, you may go; you are permitted to use my name when you encounter some trouble, and take this." Randolph then waved his hands as a badge appeared in front of Belle. "This would let you enter any dungeon below normal tier 4, and you can bring only six people with you."

Belle took the badge and bowed to Randolph; even though she knew he could not see it, it was still an exercise she had to follow.

"Thank you, elder!" Belle thanked him as she held the badge. 'I can feel the elder's warmth on it! Kyaa~'

The other disciples looked at Belle's back with envious gazes as they looked at the badge in her hands.

Randolph looked behind him and realised that the group was still behind him. 'What are they still doing there, I have to sit down; my legs are so tired'

"... Ahem" After about a few minutes of silence, Randolph had to let out a light cough as he realised that the group was still behind him, with no intention of moving.

"Are you alright, elder? Should I pat your back?" Belle asked with concern as she heard the elder cough.

'Pat my back on your head! Can't you see that I have said all I want to say!?' Randolph felt like crying, as he did not know how to tell these fanatics to go without it seeming like their presence was annoying him.

Little did he know that the group behind him was scared to move as they thought that the elder was thinking of what to tell them, and none of them could ask their leader to ask their elder if they should disperse.

Belle, on the other hand, did not want to leave the elder's side, as her thoughts were more on a different track.

'I can't believe that the elder had to stand here all alone in this forest; maybe he is a bit lonely since he has not given any order yet, so I don't mind staying here a bit with him.'

If Randolph could have heard what Belle was thinking, he would have kicked her, not giving a shit about gender inequality and stuff like that.

Outside the dungeon, Doron, Iris, Patra, and Diakonos, who were trying to explain to Khuubat why she ran away, were now looking at Ada, who looked like a female pirate, as soon as they left the dungeon.

"I won't ask why you are dressed like that, but you could not have chosen a better place to spawn us," Doron asked, as they were currently in a swampy area.

"You get what you get." Ada just shrugged her shoulders.

Doron just rolled his eyes at her as they made their way through the swamp. Iris was the one doing much of the work, as she used her roots to transport them through the swamp.

Doron did ask Ada to help them out, but she replied, "I can only steal things; don't make me change my profession.".

They wanted to at least get to Azron town and book another room in the inn for Ada and slowly have a talk on why she helped them and what would happen to the dungeon now that the cores that powered the dungeon were no longer there.

The group still did not know much about the dungeons, so they had to just stay in the dark until they got to the town.

Doron took this time to look at his newly acquired techniques.

Also, Khuubat had gone into her resting form, which was an earring that was on the left ear. With the face mask and his eyes, followed by his hair, Doron looked like a super hot model, as he looked like a handsome bad boy.

[Mind technique: Dreamwalker]

[Dream walker: "Sometimes, our dreams are more real than we thought; when you dream again, try not to scream."]

[The Dream Walker has seven styles, but due to the host's low rank, only the style Dream watch can be used.]

[Dream watch: Be able to gaze into the dreams of those that have a lower rank than you, can also gaze at the dreams of those that are one rank higher than you, but it has a 10% chance of working]

[The one-shot technique cannot be used due to the host's low level.]

Doron felt his mouth twitch.

Everything is all about him having a high level; his level is too low to use the triple cut move; his level is too low to open memory fragments; his level is too low to use mind techniques in two to seven styles; and his level is too low to use the stupid one-shot technique.

What more does this thing want? Very soon, it will tell him that the host's level is too low to even breathe!

His facial expression kept changing from angry to furious to mad and then back to calm; it was like he was being possessed by twenty-four people.

As they were heading towards Azron town, someone was also heading towards Azron town with a harem of beauties beside him.

"Darling, are you aware that the slime core you left in that insanity dungeon hundreds of years ago would still be there?" One of the women asked. She leaned towards her husband and inhaled his scent greedily.

The others saw this and did not comment on it, as they would still have their own time with their husband.

"Yes, am very sure" The man replied as he looked ahead.

The group was walking towards the town, wearing normal adventurous clothes, but if anyone saw this man, they would all gasp in shock and fear as he was the only son of the emperor of Lassy, the only kingdom that had a monarch ranker as a king.

The other girls looked at their husbands and also got serious.

He was the most talented man in the empire of Lassy, as he had reached the rank of king in just 300 years, and he did all that from just a lowly prince who was looked down on as an imbecile prince who was blessed with everything but not strength.

Yet he had somehow gotten powerful over the years, and during those years, he had acquired not only riches and powers but also a harem of six beauties who could topple nations just for them to smile, talk more, or hear them talk.

"Darling look!!" one of the women suddenly exclaimed as she pointed at what looked like a metal carriage that,, instead of wooden wheels, had wheels that looked to be made of rubber.

The sleek and shiny exterior gleamed under the setting sun and gave one the impression that the carriage was made of silver, due to its colour.

They also noticed that the doors to the carriage all had glass windows; this showed that the owner was too rich and weak to build such a thing.

"Who does this belong to?" One of the women asked as she touched the car that, due to it being under the sun for so long, the body of the carriage was really hot to the touch and slightly caused a burn to her hand.

"Ouch! darling~!" She ran towards her husband with a grieved expression as she waved her delicate arm in front of him. "I burned my hand."

The man just smiled, held her arm, and slowly blew on it. "You are a duke, yet you got your hand hurt, How clumsy can you be?" The man berated her, but his loving tone was not missed.

Due to his focus being on his wife, he did not notice that one of his women had a glint flash in her eyes as she looked at the 'carriage'.


A/N: Okay, so now my release times will be either.

15:00pm GMT +1


20:00pm GMT +1

And also, your comments about some of my mistakes in the book would be really appreciated.

Papylion out.