
Welcome to the Multiverse (Dropped)

I died protecting the people I cared about, friends in one life, my family in my second, but surprisingly I get a third shot at life once more with both my past lives merged into my present one. I was John McDouglas I was Mandricardo Now I get to live my life however I wish from now on, and with my own personal System and access to any world I want, I’ll enjoy it to my fullest, be a good guy (probably) or a bad guy (maybe) the World(s) is my Oyster. I have no editor so if there are spelling mistakes they happen alright, also I don’t need people pointing out to me to use the different types of there’s or yours, it doesn’t matter so long as you get what I’m talking about. It’ll start off in KonoSuba and I’ll take feedback from the fans of this story as to where I should go next with it. MC will neither be always good or always bad, he will do whatever he wants so long as he finds it intresting, so don’t get mad when he’s a good guy in one world and a villain in the next, he has free rein to do whatever he wants. I don’t own any of the characters from their respective stories they belong to their respective authors. Cover was not made by me but made by Misuke (Gyouran) on Pixiv Main World- KonoSuba Previous Worlds- Dragon Ball, One Piece Current World- OverLord Other Possible Worlds (Not in Order)- MHA, Bleach, Campione, Black Clover, Marvel, DC, Naruto, Promised Neverland, Skyrim, BOTW, Loop Hero, Highschool of the Dead, Danmachi, Agame ga Kill, Kill la Kill, Panty & Stocking, Records of Ragnarock, etc.

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The Floor Guardians of Nazarick

I'm so pissed, remember that rant that I just gave? Yeah the second I only used a free SQ roll I was able to get her, Moon Cancer Kiara….

All that money wasted for nothing…. The only thing I got out of it is that I max Np'd both summer brynhild and summer illya….

Just felt like saying that since I'm both happy and mad that I was able to get her only a few hours after that rant I wrote earlier….


After having that heart to heart with Momonga and letting him have a taste of his mothers cooking for the first time in years, our friendship truly solidified as a result.

I could have made it so if he wanted to he could have infinite sandwiches that are exactly the same as his mothers, but if I do that it would lose its special place in his heart and even if it always tasted like his mothers cooking after awhile it wouldn't be special anymore.

He might ask for it again at some point but for now he was clearly satisfied as we both reappeared on the sixth floor of Nazarick in the coliseum/amphitheater section of the great tomb.

By the time we had arrived, everyone was already there waiting for us, this includes, Albedo, Shalltear, Sebas, Demiurge, Moriarty, Walter, Aura, Mare, and Cocytus, both Victim and Gargantua were still left where they were as it's most vital they stay in there positions unless it's absolutely necessary to move them from their floors.

Though as soon as we got there, Sebas, Demiurge, Moriarty, Walter, Cocytus and Mare were all watching as Albedo, Shalltear and Aura were currently in the middle of an argument/fight.

"….." x2

"Walter…. Explain…." I say while looking at my butler.

"Of course Master, well it all started when…."


(Earlier on)

While me and Momonga were having a chat outside Nazarick, all the major floor guardians gathered here in the Amphitheater.

Aura and Mare were already here when we made the call as this is there floor that they guard.

Shalltear was the next to show up, with both Walter and Moriarty not far behind, but that's when an argument decided to breakout.

"Awww…. And I thought I would be able to see Blood-sama for the first time in quite awhile, instead I come here and see the half pint and Mare, though it is a pleasure to see you both of you Walter, Moriarty." She said with a slight smile and a nod while mocking Aura as per usual.

"What was that Ms. Fake tits?!" (Aura)

*Gasp!* "How dare you call me that!!" (Shalltear)

"Ha! I was right! You even took a portal to come in a hurry just so that your pads wouldn't fall off while you got here!"

"Well at least I have something! Unlike you whose flat as a board!"

"Maybe so, but I'm only in my 80's and I still have time to grow up and get a voluptuous body of my own, your undead so those bug bites are never gonna grow from what they are now till the end of time!"

"Why you little shit!" Shalltear screamed and they proceeded to begin fighting each other as a result.

Mare and Cocytus, on arrival, wanted to interfere, but Walter, Moriarty and Sebas, who also showed up earlier in the argument, agreed it was a bad idea and decided to let them tire themselves out and only jump in if they were really trying to kill one another, which they weren't, since it was on the level of a play fight as they rolled around and pulled on each other's hair.

But when Albedo showed up she decided to kick the proverbial demon ant nest and butt into the argument.

"You both are acting like spoiled brats, I don't even need to ask to know what this stupid fight is all about, but your both wrong as Blood-sama has his eyes set only on me!" She said as she presented her 'assets' in front of them both to mock them.

And things just went down hill from there.


"…. And here we are now" Walter comes to the end of his explanation.

I suddenly feel a boney hand on my shoulder, "Would you excuse us for one moment? I need to have a conversation with Blood here." The others nod as me and Momonga go off to the side away from the rest.

"Ryuu…. Mind telling me what you did?"

"What? I didn't do anything…."


"Haaa…. Okay fine, I might have edit a bit of there backgrounds….. and made Shalltear and Albedo fall in love with me….."

"…. When you already knew this whole event was gonna happen?" He looks at me questioningly, well as much as a skeleton can give a look, though dark miasma was leaking off of him.

"Well you can't judge me, if I never joined this game, by the start of all this you would have changed Albedos background yourself to make her fall in love with you, and to have her constantly trying to get in your pants even though as you are your…. Well you know…." I say looking down at his nonexistent crotch.

He just grabs his head hearing that because he could see himself doing that before everything ends as a result of all of this, "Anything else I should know?"

"That none of the NPC's have a complete disgust/hatred of humans, but that is it, and I also gave the rest of the female NPC's free reign to choose who they fall in love with, whether it's us, which is likely, or with the other male NPC's."

"Haaa…. Fine whatever, so long as everyone is still loyal to Nazarick and will stay loyal, everything should be fine…." He says holding his head.

I just pat his shoulder, "Don't worry fearless leader, so long as you got your 'Wildcard' & 'The Hated One' on your side, this world will bend to our will, but I think we should go and end that fight of there's, should you do the honors or shall I?"

"Hmmm, you know with everything I know now, I don't really know your full strength do I?"

"Hehe, the only real way you could kill me Momonga is if you used that ultimate supertier skill of yours to even hope of killing me, but only if I don't use my pen that is or one of my few hidden skills that I haven't shown you yet to make that a possibility." I say with confidence, even more so since I'm considered Yggdrasil's true strongest player, I just never showed it as I was the guilds wildcard for that reason.

"I'm looking forward to what a level 320 can really do in the future, but for now, we should deal with them before they break anything…."


"…. We really should get on that" we say as we look at each other as we go to put an end to this farce and get down to business.