
Welcome to the Multiverse (Dropped)

I died protecting the people I cared about, friends in one life, my family in my second, but surprisingly I get a third shot at life once more with both my past lives merged into my present one. I was John McDouglas I was Mandricardo Now I get to live my life however I wish from now on, and with my own personal System and access to any world I want, I’ll enjoy it to my fullest, be a good guy (probably) or a bad guy (maybe) the World(s) is my Oyster. I have no editor so if there are spelling mistakes they happen alright, also I don’t need people pointing out to me to use the different types of there’s or yours, it doesn’t matter so long as you get what I’m talking about. It’ll start off in KonoSuba and I’ll take feedback from the fans of this story as to where I should go next with it. MC will neither be always good or always bad, he will do whatever he wants so long as he finds it intresting, so don’t get mad when he’s a good guy in one world and a villain in the next, he has free rein to do whatever he wants. I don’t own any of the characters from their respective stories they belong to their respective authors. Cover was not made by me but made by Misuke (Gyouran) on Pixiv Main World- KonoSuba Previous Worlds- Dragon Ball, One Piece Current World- OverLord Other Possible Worlds (Not in Order)- MHA, Bleach, Campione, Black Clover, Marvel, DC, Naruto, Promised Neverland, Skyrim, BOTW, Loop Hero, Highschool of the Dead, Danmachi, Agame ga Kill, Kill la Kill, Panty & Stocking, Records of Ragnarock, etc.

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83 Chs

Howdy Cowgirl

As we took off into the sky on our air ship we began our journey to find Master Roshi a lady friend, though the big question is where to go anyway.

"I think we should head to Brown County, it's the closest area to Master Roshi's place that could have people in it." Krillin points out on a map that he has of the general area to me.

"Really? Why don't we just go check out the big city's? That would be much easier to find Roshi a Lady friend…." Like I have said before, I may have perfect memory thanks to one of my abilities, but that has everything prior getting said ability, so some of my past memories from my past life are a bit of a blur to me, like Roshi needing a lady friend to teach Goku and Krillin.

"Yeah well, it would be easier but then again who would be interested in wanting to go with us to Master Roshi's if they have to leave the big cities? So we have to try the more rural places where they would be more interested in being around Master Roshi."

"Hmmm, I guess that makes sense, let's start there then." I say driving the plane in that direction.

"Hey Ryuu, Krillin."

"Yeah Goku?"

"What's the difference between a guy and a lady?"

"Wait! Seriously Goku?! You don't know the difference between a guy and a Lady?!" Krillin says shocked to hear something like that.

"Well to answer your question Goku, the easy way to tell between a lady or a man is there chest, most ladies when there older have breasts that stick out, and another thing is that they don't have what us guys have down by our crotch, if there's a bulge it's a guy, if not it's a girl, but Goku it's impolite to both stare and touch down there without permission from either a guy or girl alright?" I say as I describe the difference between guys and gals.

"Oh okay! So Bulma was a girl like she said, and you and Krillin are guys right?"

"Yep were guys Goku." Krillin looks out the window surprised we're having this conversation at all as he is looking around down below.

Though they didn't know that in the direction they will find who there looking for.

Down in Brown County, in a small town, there was a saloon where all manner of folk hanged out at to get there drinks, play poker and maybe get a girl to spend the night with them.

But it was also a place where bounty's can be found for bounty hunters to take the jobs for and hunt down and either capture or kill there targets.

There were plenty of bounty's on the wall, but one looked out of place compared to the rest, it was the only female bounty for anyone to claim.

It was the picture of a blonde woman with fair skin and green eyes with her hair tied in a red bow while wearing a green tank top with a mean look in her eyes.

Wanted Dead or Alive



"You said she would come to town right?" A bounty hunter says as he talks to the barkeep, asking if the info he has is true or not.

"Last I heard is that she is heading this way, she'll either be her by today, or the latest tomorrow, but you should know….." he says looking across the entire saloon and seeing every patron here was armed to the teeth.

"…. Your not the only one after that bounty, and people ain't privy to sharing in this line of work."

He was about to respond but soon after a woman entered the room, which made everyone turn and point there guns at her.

She didn't react and just smiled as she walked up to the bar and sat down.

Though after getting a good look at her they all put there guns away, it's not her, since this lady had blue hair and eyes and looked nothing like the girl they're hunting after.

But then-


And with that all hell broke loose…



A few hours later.

"Man we haven't found any ladies at all, and any we found in towns were either too old, married or just not interested in our offer…" Krillin says rather depressingly as he kick some stones, we had to stop on this ridge as the gas was getting low so I was filling it up with one of my spare gas can I have just in case.

"Maybe will have to try again tomorrow." I say as the sun is starting to start to pass noon and beginning its slow descent towards the horizon.

"Ahh, but I want to start training now though!" Goku says as he sprawls out on the ground, staring up at the sky bored.

I was about to say something, but then I hear something, sirens not to far from us and…. Gun shots.

We all hear it to and look over the ridge and see two hover cop cars chasing after someone on a hover bike, trying to shoot at the person there chasing.

"Well to bad for them." Krillin says clearly uninterested in it.

"Wait…. I think there chasing a woman…." I say before pulling out a small telescope I keep on hand just in case.

I then look down and get a better look, *Whistle* "I think we found who were looking for…" I say as I let both Goku and Krillin look at her as well.

"We got to help her! A girl like that couldn't have done anything wrong to get chased like that!" Goku says rather innocently believing women can't do bad things that would warrant her getting chased.

Oh Goku of course that can happen to women just the same as men when they do bad things, but I don't want to waste time looking around for another woman so it's the best option to save her, plus even though my alignment says True Neutral, I don't mind playing as either the good guy or the bad guy in any given situation.

Hell maybe the next world I go to I'll decide to be one of the bad guys, actually that's not a terrible idea, though I do usually lean into the hood guy part of the spectrum, but hey I can do what I want, I don't always have to be the good guy after all.

And lucky for us, though not her they shot out her hover bike causing her to crash, so I picked up Krillin.


"Flying Nimbus!"

We shout as we get on our rides and head down the cliff to help the girl out.

"Alright! Put your hands up! We have caught you red handed! Now it's off to-" but before the cop could finish-

"Neigh!!!" Brigliadoro neighed which was a part of my abilities instant attracted the cops attention as I hopped down with my spiked wooden sword drawn along with my shield as Brigliadoro along with Krillin on his back went behind the lady as Goku hopped off his Nimbus and landed by me with his power pole at the ready.

They had there guns aimed at us, "Now who are you guys! Some of her friends?!" One of the cops shout at us.

I look back at her as Krillin is to scared, after all he isn't at the point in strength to ignore getting shot by guns yet.

Though the girl looked at me with stars in her eyes as she smiled sweetly at me.

(Target Acquired)

(Earned 500,000 Zeni & Instant Weapon Creation (Guns only))

(Harem Target Acquired)

(Romance Target Acquired)

((G)Launch/(B)Launch 75pts/0pts My how Dashing!/…..)

*Okay that's weird, but whatever I'll think about it later.* I think before shaking it off and looking back at the cops.

"Let's do this Goku!"

"Yeah! Let's go Ryuu!"

And as soon as the fight started the fight ended with us being the winners.

With that dealt with now it was time for us to deal with the girl behind us and end this task for them both.

Writing up this chapter I had the sudden urge to play RDR2 online once again after not having played it since around Christmas, I wonder if any new major updates have happened….. probably not from what I remember…..

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