
Welcome to the Multiverse (Dropped)

I died protecting the people I cared about, friends in one life, my family in my second, but surprisingly I get a third shot at life once more with both my past lives merged into my present one. I was John McDouglas I was Mandricardo Now I get to live my life however I wish from now on, and with my own personal System and access to any world I want, I’ll enjoy it to my fullest, be a good guy (probably) or a bad guy (maybe) the World(s) is my Oyster. I have no editor so if there are spelling mistakes they happen alright, also I don’t need people pointing out to me to use the different types of there’s or yours, it doesn’t matter so long as you get what I’m talking about. It’ll start off in KonoSuba and I’ll take feedback from the fans of this story as to where I should go next with it. MC will neither be always good or always bad, he will do whatever he wants so long as he finds it intresting, so don’t get mad when he’s a good guy in one world and a villain in the next, he has free rein to do whatever he wants. I don’t own any of the characters from their respective stories they belong to their respective authors. Cover was not made by me but made by Misuke (Gyouran) on Pixiv Main World- KonoSuba Previous Worlds- Dragon Ball, One Piece Current World- OverLord Other Possible Worlds (Not in Order)- MHA, Bleach, Campione, Black Clover, Marvel, DC, Naruto, Promised Neverland, Skyrim, BOTW, Loop Hero, Highschool of the Dead, Danmachi, Agame ga Kill, Kill la Kill, Panty & Stocking, Records of Ragnarock, etc.

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An End & A New Beginning

Like all good stories they always come to an end, our fun in Yggdrasil was almost up now as today was the final day of the game being online after 12 years of being in service.

Though I didn't age a day in this world since this is only my spiritual body in a video game so I'm still 16 even though I would be around 28 now.

"Well it was nice seeing you two once again, Momonga, Blood, but I must go, you can take my things like all the rest since we won't see each other again, though if fate allows it let's play again." HeroHero says as he sends all of his remaining items over to Momonga before logging off for the last time.

Seeing us losing our last member of Ainz Ooal Gown made Momonga extremely depressed, even if him being a undead making it so his emotions when become rather intense in anyway to be supressed as a result.

"It's alright man, besides in a week the devs here will be releasing there next game which is supposedly even better than Yggdrasil as a whole."

Hearing that he just sighs as he gets up and begins to walk out of our guilds meeting room with me following in tow.

"I dunno Blood, I've been at this game for over 12 years, and you being there for me since the very beginning of this journey of ours." He says before placing HeroHero's items on a statue of himself made in his honor, along with everyone else that had left the guild for good.

"This place, our guild, our everything we all made together…. I don't know if I can go and start all over in a different game, even if made by the same developers, besides those bastards wouldn't give us anything for being so loyal to there last game either." He said as he grabbed the staff of Ainz Ooal Gown and began to make his towards the throne room.

"Well I understand Momonga, it's not really worth it to do it all again if we're just gonna lose it all again as everyone ends up leaving…. Maybe if I wasn't in my situation I might have left years ago, but thinking you would be all alone here, I didn't have the heart to do that to you." I say as I motion for the remaining NPC's along with Moriarty and Walter to follow our lead as this is the 'end' after all.

"Momonga, I can change my looks in this game to match what I really looked like in the real world, I'll even tell you my real name since this is the end and to hell with the rules not to say who you really are in the guild, there's only us now." I say as I change my looks back to my original appearance before his eyes.

He looked over at me for a bit and nodded, "I was gonna assume you would look like those male models that sponsor ads with there inordinately good looks, but you look…. Normal, though I guess a bit above average with your looks, me I would look like your average everyday 30 year old salary man if I had to describe myself…." He said as we finally reached the throne room with him taking a seat on the throne as I leaned up against a pillar nearby.


"…. Satoru…. That's my real name, I don't have any traits as a shapeshifter or else I'd show you my real face as well…."

"It's alright, we've got about 10 minutes left, anything you want to do Momonga?"

"Not really…. I'm just gonna let things count down to there end…." He said as he slumped back in his chair defeated at the thought that this part of his life came to an end.

Hearing he wasn't gonna do anything I decided to do some edits on the NPC's here in Nazarick

*Lets see, let's change some things so they aren't too problematic later on…* I think as I change the information on at least the floor guardians and the others who will also go outside later on from having a pure hatred and disgust towards humans to knowing the 43 great ones were all once human themselves before sacrificing it for gaining immense strength, dulling there hatred as a result but will kill humans nonetheless if they're considered enemies of Nazarick.

I also made it so most of the NPC's look at Momonga like a father figure while I look more like an older brother towards them.

And as for the whole love situation well I only made it so Albedo and Shalltear + her entourage are in love with me while the rest of the female NPC's here in Nazarick have free reign to choose who they wish to fall for whether it be Momonga or myself, I'm a demon, which has seeped a bit into my personality, but I'm not completely heartless.

"Well looks like time is almost up…" I say looking at the time as it counted down to the last minute as I took my seat against the column as we both waited for the inevitable.

'Servers will be shutting down in….'














"Huh?" Momonga says as he reopens his eyes and notices he's still in the game, he looks at his menus but now the logout function has disappeared as he looks around before seeing me just sitting there with my hat over my face.

"Blood…. What's going on?" He asks me clearly confused at the situation, but instead of me answering, Albedo chimed in.

"Is there something wrong Momonga-sama?" She said with a look of worry on her face.

I pull off my hat and look at Momonga who looks at me as well, Albedo can talk like a normal person.

Since Momonga is confused I decide to cut in, "Albedo, can you gather all the humanoid floor guardians and bring them to the sixth floor coliseum? Me and Momonga need to discuss some things okay?"

"Yes Blood-sama!" She says rather eagerly and happily while she, Sebas, Walter and Moriarty go to the sixth floor, while the rest of the servants disperse to do there things.

"Blood…. What the hell is going on? I thought the servers are closed now, we should have been booted out of the game and sent out of the DDVR gear and woke up in the real world, but we're still here and besides that our once emotionless NPC's are now talking and acting like real people…." He says as he massages his head.

"Well, I think we might have an answer if we go outside Nazarick and see what's going on." But for some gut wrenching reason I feel that something is deeply off with how things are suppose to play out…

"Hmmmm…. That's a reasonable suggestion I suppose, let's see if we can tell what's going on with the world if we give a cursory look around.

And with a nod we both used the ring of Ainz Ooal Gown to go outside and see what has changed….

"…. This wasn't supposed to happen…." I say quietly to myself as I look upon the world before us.

This is completely different to how the original story was supposed to go.

While shocked at the sight the system chimed in.

(A message from the Author)

[Hey kid, it's been 12 years Huh? Well I decided to drastically change that world as a whole, you can't use what you remember from the anime on this one as much as you wanted to, can't always be rehashing the same stuff over and over again right? So I hope you enjoy my edit I have caused on this world you now reside in.

Oh and before I leave, here's my 2nd hint from you, I should re-clarify that although the Blue Butterfly is iconic to her, butterfly's in general can represent her, but the real hint is where she was born, she was reborn in America like she was in her past life, you will only get one more hint from me, if you can't figure it out by then, then your on your own.

So see ya kid, oh and you should explain to Ainz/Momonga who you are sooner rather than later, I know you actually view him as a friend so he deserves to know the truth, but I leave that to your discretion, catch ya later!]

One thing after another, I'm a step closer to figuring out who Elizabeth's new reincarnation is, butterfly's, mostly the blue ones, and america, there are still plenty of people that fit that if I include video games, anime, manga, light novels, hell maybe even other fanfics as well, but I doubt the last one.

But one step at a time, deal with the current situation then find out who Elizabeth has become and reunite with her once more.


I get the feeling a lot of you will find it stupid if he tells Ainz about his ability to travel to alternate worlds, but I would rather have Ainz still be considered Ryuu's friend rather than his enemy as even with all his skills and much higher stats than Ainz, he can still end up killing Ryuu if he goes all out in a fight against him.

Do you want them to go into a life or death battle against each other because Ainz can't trust him? I don't so he will learn about it, Will Ainz understand all of it, probably not but he'll keep on acting he knows what your talking about all the same, that's just how the Momonga do.