
Welcome to the Game

Just another gamer story, nothing new here. Well, except that the gamer gets to choose how the game works. So if you wanna know how that goes I invite you to continue reading. First world: Danmachi

Peter_Paul_Anka · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

Ch 2

First things first, Relationship system, I, of course, like the 23 years old virgin I am would like to collect waifus like pokemon, however I would very much like to actually have a meaningful relationship with some of them. Don't get me wrong it's not like I am going to just use someone I actually consider a waifus but, for example, Ishtar from Danmachi could be an amazing fuck, of course if you make sure you won't get anything from her. That being said I think I will go with the classic --100/100 relationship points system where -100 is complete hatred and 100 full devotion, of course with the forms of [Affection] for females and [Reputation] for males, plus the [Obedience] stat. Now, because I want a meaningful relationship I won't put things like Affe/Rep crystals nor the classic 50 Affe/Rep rewards that increase the gains of this, because, well, they are a bit fucked up if you think about, they basically mind fuck a person to like you more than they should or would naturally and if I want to mind fuck somebody it would probably be Emma Frost.

However the 100 Affe/Rep rewards stays because it would be nice to have something unique or special about someone you actually got to like you that much without any mind fuckery. The system said it would take care of the rewards and honestly I believe it, as far as I see it the system is better at game design than me so let's see what it comes up with.

[Relationship system settings complete. Would you like to continue with Quests system settings?]

This is getting pretty boring... Hey system is it possible for you to finish some settings to my liking and only leave the settings of things you think I would have to choose from more than one option?

[It is possible... done, this are systems that would require your personal attention:

Quests system settings

EXP grinding system settings

World jump system settings

System Native skills settings

Party system settings]

Alright let's finish this. For Quests system settings what do I need to decide?

[Who gives the quests and what rewards should it give?]

Mmm... is it possible for both of us to generate quests I would mainly leave it to you but if I think I want a quest for something could it be generated? and for the rewards I'll let you decide better game designer and all.

[Understood, Quest system settings complete. Would you like to see the EXP grinding system settings left for you to decide?]

Alright, hit me!

[There are some worlds where leveling up would be harder, for such world Native system skill like ID create could be granted.]

Mmm... having ID create could be nice but it would also depend on my own strength relative to the world an honestly grinding without purpose other than strength sounds boring... grinding in a place like Danmachi's dungeon sounds fun but not every world has something like it... Ok system let's leave the granting or not of ID create in a case by case standing on every new world we will decide upon it.

[Understood. EXP grinding system settings complete. To finish World jump system settings please state condition to travel to the next world and conditions to go back to previous worlds]

Ok this one is easy, I don like unfinished business so once I enter a new world I would like to live it only que the plot is finished, however there are worlds where the plot never truly ends so again leave it on a case by case basis. For returning to a previous world... how about we make it so I can return whenever I'm not in combat that way I won't have a cheat ability to escape anything.

[Recommendation: that leaves the possibility of leaving current world to get stronger and return later, a possibility to block EXP gain when there is an unfinished world]

I like it, let's go with that.

[Understood. EXP grinding system settings complete. System native skills settings unfinished, please state which System Native skills you would like:

Gamer's mind (choose variant)

Gamer's body (choose variant)

Observe (choose variant)

Inventory (choose variant)

Minimap (choose variant)





And back again with the never ending choices but honestly this one is easier. From what I could read the variant stuff is to choose a particular form of the skill. Mmm it's going to take a while... again.




Alright, I've decided the two skills I want with me all the time and the others would be left o a case by case basis because, well in some worlds they are complete cheats, Inventory for example would be God in Danmachi, Minimap would be as well. maybe I can level cap it or introduce nerf variants unless of course I developed storage magic. Whatever the two Native skills I'll always have are the classics:

[Gamer's mind: Gives the ability to calmly thinking on stressful situations. Protects the soul from all external influences. Protects the mind against the theft of free will. Protects all non native memories and actions.

Gamer's body: allows to live life like a Game character. Permits the usage of blood heritage skills and items]

The first is meant to protect my own self from getting destroy and stop being myself. The system informed that while if I died I would start over even if my soul got destroyed or my mind completely fucked, that would only happened if my HP got to 0 so if someone leaves me a vegetable I would have to wait until I died and no thank you. Also so no one came change who I am. Plus the memory stuff is so no one can know of other worlds or more importantly that they themselves came from som guy's imagination, that could lead to some weird existential crisis. Anyways if I want some crossovers I'll do it in the world jump.

Also for Gamer's body, nothing special only the necessary stuff to properly work.

[Finally, Party system settings, how much would you like them to be affected, only grant access to same level up system or make the gamers themselves?]

I'm no sure, it would probably be on a case by case basis but for now can we leave that setting unfinished?

[Understood, when the Gamer invites his first party member Party system settings will continue]

Nice. Finally now we can begin the game.

[Correct, Game customization and settings complete. Welcome Gamer to your first character creation menu]

Wow, this is nice. In front of me is a really nice 3D hologram of myself exactly how I use to look right after I died. There is every possible customization option from height to my dick size... yeah I'm about to go wild.



Aaaaand done. Nice job me, I'm one handsome motherfucker if I do say so myself. Honestly it was pretty easy since I already know how I wanted to look, more precisely I look like a younger Satoru Gojō from JJK. Why? because he is the most handsome anime character I know and since I decided not to cheat in my way to a waifus panties I might as well give me some headstart with my looks, plus no charisma stat so gotta star strong from the begging. The being younger part is because I kinda want to keep being my age, so a 23 year old Satoru Gojō is how I will look from now on. I'm 6'1 in height (185.5 cm for the rest o the world) and just as handsome as Gojō just a clear younger air in my face. I might also gave me some boost in the downstairs apartment. I was average before but now I'd like to think I'm well endowed, nothing exaggerated so no 30 inches dick to thoroughly break anyone. 10 inches is more than enough and well, ... I could always go back to character creation.

Anyways that's it with character creation, well except for [Race] but I decided to start human and leave new races as rewards.

[Character creation complete. Time for the first world, please choose your first world:

- Custom World

- Danmachi

- DxD


- That time I got reincarnated as a slime

- Star wars

- DC comics

- Marvel comics





There is every world I could think of and even ones I didn't know of, probably from other works I never read/watch. Doesn't matter because I have already decided on my first world, Danmachi. My reasons are simple, it's the perfect combination for a starter world it has a good power scaling if you ignore the gods the only thing ridiculously powerful is one big as black dragon with one eye and I doubt I twill caused me trouble. Plus I get a dungeon that reasonably gives you stronger and stronger monster while you can explore it to your heart's content. And it also has some pretty waifus. Over all a good choice for my first world. I had thought in something like HotD but regular zombies would get boring pretty quickly and that world would be better as a crossover world, something like various types of zombies plus kaijus or something but right now I want to star playing already.

[Danmachi world selected. A- class danger. 2000 CP (Customization points) available. Please choose time of entry:

- Age of heroes (Argonaut): 2000 years before canon.

- Age of heroes (Mercenary King): 1000 years before canon.

- Heyday of the Zeus and Hera Familias: 20 years before canon.

- Fall of the Zeus and Hera Familias: 14 years before canon.

- Heyday of Evilus: 10 years before canon

- Death of Alfi's and Zald: 7 years before canon

- Fall of the Astrea Familia: 5 years before canon.

- Bell Cranel arrives at Orario: Canon begins


Mmm... Now what to do. I would like to save some waifus that died before they could be lewd properly... plus starting before canon gives me access to waifus Bell would definitely get if I started at the same time, like Hestia, some waifus would be pretty young and impossible to lewd but... I was always into the more mature ones, like the goddesses and girls from the bar... Ok decided I'm going to save the Astrea Familia that would save some nice girls and get me an in with their goddess, fuck Freya, Astrea is clearly superior. That leaves Bell's hot auntie... maybe I can use the CP to save her, something like deciding to stay with Bell and shit.

Alright system, how much time do I have to play with if I go at the Fall of the Astrea Familia?

[You can arrive at the most one year before the incident]

That's perfect my aim will be level 5 (for Danmachi) in that time.That plus being a gamer should be enough to deal with the juggernaut. Alright game I have chosen my starting point.

[Understood. Danmachi world selected, time of entry: 1 year before the fall of the Astrea Familia. Do you wish to make any change to the world?]

Yeah, how much for saving Alfia?

[1800 CP]

Shit, that's a lot. Or is it not really that much?

[It is a lot, in contrast making you a god is only 500 CP. It is that expensive because you are messing with the protagonist of the world. Saving Alfia in the most efficient way possible would be to make her go to Bell instead of joining Erebus, however even that is difficult because of her aversion to being call old Wich Bell would do by calling her Aunt. Most noticeably she would drastically changed Bell's personality and journey as she would never let Bell travel to Orario alone. Plus necessary changes would need to be made so her actions in her time with Evilus wouldn't change canon at least until your arrival, most important being ensuring a good challenge for the Astrea Familia that would make them level up and question their ideal of 'Justice']

Yeah, I guess that's a lot of changes, but honestly I don't know what other thing I could change that would be to my liking or wouldn't spoiled me about what's going on behind curtains, like what's the dungeon? is it a evil super god or whatever?, or why a human in a spirit contract is stronger than a level 9 and a powerful army of other op people?. Anyway, I don't want to be spoiled, I want to find out on my own.

So yeah, system go ahead and save Alfia.

[-1800 CP, 200 CP remaining, would you like to make another change?]

Anything you recommended?

[Yes, a way to not put yourself in Freya's radar]

Wait, shouldn't Gamer's mind protect me from her?

[It protects from her Divine Charm but it doesn't hide your soul from her eyes. As a Gamer your soul is naturally different from anything in the multiverse, Freya would be extremely interested without any safeguards]

Alright if there's nothing else please get me the best way to hide my soul with the remaining CP. Also any reason you warned me about this? I would have thought you would have let me play through my mistake to be inevitably capture by Freya.

[The moment you would have arrived you would have gotten chased to the ends of the earth by Freya and her Familia but that's something you could have dealt with, if anything else having Freya as your personal yandere would have been something you may have enjoyed. The problem would come in your instant death as something that you would consider a spoiler killing you upon arrival and in the processing spoiling you before you could even begin playing]

Ah, I see then, it's not that it would lead to my death and therefore starting over but rather it would spoiled me and ruined my playthrough.

[Correct. Now then as a counter measurement to this problem -200 CP for Divine item: [Perfectly Normal Ring].

Perfectly Normal Ring: a nice silver ring, it's perfectly normal and it just so happens that while wearing it, so are you. No matter where you are you are perceived as a local to the universe. Hides your soul and all aspects of yourself that makes you not belong in a particular world.


Ha, guess I should have picked something like this from the beginning as a Native skill, with Gamer's mind and body, although in my defense, I thought Gamer's mind did this already. My fault. This could teach me to be more careful. Anyways let's fucking go... Nothing is happening system.

[Of course, we still need to decide the case by case scenario for EXP grinding, World jump and Native skills]

... Yep I'm definitely getting careless in my excitement. Alright, I think ID create is a no no in this world, I got a perfectly good dungeon-chan that wants to be thoroughly explored. As for the World jump condition, let's go with killing the OEBD and if the dungeon has an end then reaching it, if not then knowing what the dungeon is would be enough. What do you think system? I think that would be a good end goal for this playthrough.

[Both work fine as an end goal. Finally Native skills my recommendation are these:

- Inventory (level capped): Grants you one inventory slot for every 10 levels. Each slot can only be filled with an item that can be hold with one hand and volume is less than 1m³. Slots can be stacked but only until the 1m³ maximum.

- Minimap: Grants you the ability to see a Minimap of areas you have already explored. When in a Quest, areas of interest will be shown. In Danmachi, when a floor of the Dungeon is fully cleared and +80% has been explored, shows unexplored areas and secrets within it as well as granting the Fast-travel option to instantly travel to any explored point of the floor.


Yeah I think I'm going with them. Not having inventory is kinda annoying since I don't really plan to party up for a while and don't want to carry stuff. Plus I'll get lost instantly without Minimap, and the fast travel will help explored and grind faster.

[Understood. Finally Background creation is not available since no CP is remaining. Please choose place of start:

- Outside of Gates of Orario.

- Close by village to Orario.

- Capital of Rakia.

- Royal elven forest.





Yeah got lucky that in this not very technological advanced world, nobody would bother to do a background check. Anyways before I decide can I ask what level Dungeon Goblins are?

[Level 30]

Alright, I'll need a bit of training before I can enter the dungeon, nothing much, magic should be enough to kill a couple and level up. Ok I got a plan. Send me to the close by village, I'll level up on the way with some exercise and grinding some proficiencies I know we'll enough.

[Understood, starting Game in 3... 2... 1... ]

A bright light shine through the void and then... my adventure begins, now let's see how it goes, I have already decided not to change any settings until I die, after all, changing the difficulty in the middle of a playthrough is just bad gaming manners.


And so it goes the second chapter hope you liked it. Just in case anyone is wondering why is he making things harder for himself the answer is easy he can already have anything he could possibly want, but that's just boring he didn't want to be a Gamer so he could be OP he wonted the Game for the adventure, the fun and also the waifus. So yeah When you have at your reach everything you could possibly want you start valuing how you get it.

That's it next chapter should be the beginning of the journey and the arrival at Orario. Take care.